The Application

The competition “One University – One Book”

For the second time, the Stifterverband jointly launched the competition “One University – one Book” together with the ZEIT Foundation and the Klaus Tschira Foundation. The ten best ideas were awarded with a prize of 5,000 Euros.

The idea behind this call is to bring as many members of a university as possible into an exchange about one specific book. The book is to be read and discussed in various different formats and across the individual disciplines and professional groups within the university.

The concept for “Global Cotton” was jointly developed by students and lecturers from several institutes under the direction of the Department for Anthropology and Cultural Research. Several proposals were discussed during an internal decision-making process (Conference of Deans of Study Affairs of the University of Bremen in November 2017). The final decision in approval of Sven Beckert’s “Empire of Cotton” was made by the Commission for Studies of the Academic Senate in December 2017.

In addition to the written project description, the submission of a 2-minute application video was required. Application and video were submitted by the Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research (responsible for the application: Prof. Michi Knecht, Dr. Ulrike Flader, Dr. Silke Betscher, Helge Stephan, Hanna Schnieders) together with the INPUTS (Institute for Postcolonial and Transcultural Studies), the WoC Initiative for the Promotion of Humanities at the University of Bremen (Worlds of Contradiction) and designed and implemented by students and lecturers of the interdisciplinary “Global Cotton” preparation team.

All departments, faculties and institutions of the University are warmly invited to collaborate in planning further public readings and other events.

If you are interested in collaborating in this project, please, get in touch with us with your ideas (Hanna Schnieders (hschniedprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de) and Dr. Ulrike Flader (ufladerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de), both at the Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research.

The application video

Information about the competition

Die Website des Stifterverbandes zum Wettbewerb finden Sie hier.

Antrag "Eine Uni - ein Buch" der Universit?t Bremen als PDF.

Our Partners

within the University

  • Artec – Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit
  • BNCL – Bremen NatureCultures Lab
  • IFEK – Institut für Ethnologie und Kulturwissenschaft
  • INIIS – Institut für Internationale und Interkulturelle Studien
  • INPUTS – Institut für Postkoloniale und Transkulturelle Studien
  • Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft
  • Institut für Performance Studies
  • Institut für Religionswissenschaft und -p?dagogik
  • International Office der Universit?t Bremen
  • HERE – Higher Education Refugee Entrance
  • IN-Touch: Programme für geflüchtete Akademikerinnen und Akademiker
  • Staats- und Universit?tsbibliothek Bremen
  • Theater der Versammlung zwischen Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kunst
  • WoC – Worlds of Contradiction Netzwerk zur St?rkung der Geisteswissenschaften
  • sowie Fachinstitute aus sieben Fachbereichen

in the city

  • Bremer Baumwollb?rse
  • Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum
  • Hafen-Museum Bremen
  • Kampagne für saubere Kleidung (CCC), Regionalgruppe Bremen
  • Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Bremen
  • Staatsarchiv Bremen
  • ?berseemuseum Bremen
  • Zeitschrift der Stra?e