Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment

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    Here you will find information on research and teaching in the Personality Psychology and Psychological Diagnostics Group of the Institute of Psychology at the University of Bremen.

Teamfoto der Arbeitsgruppe


Get to know our research group and team mates.

Symbolic picture for personality research


Get to know our research focuses, projects, and collaborations.

Aufmerksame Zuh?rer im vollen H?rsaal.


Get to know our teaching and undergraduate courses.

Books lie in a shelf.

Test library*

Learn more about the variety of our test libary.
*Only available in german.

Bulletin board full of notes.


Find out about the latest news from our research group

Photo of the building in Grazer Stra?e 2c in Bremen


Find us on the right-hand side of the corridor on the first floor at Grazer Stra?e 2c in 28359 Bremen, Germany.