Dr. Julia Stern

Bild von Julia Stern


Address: Grazer Stra?e 2c, Room 1140, 28359 Bremen

PO box: 330440, 28334 Bremen

Email: jstern (at) uni-bremen.de

ORCID ID:0000-0001-8749-6392

Phone: +49 (0)421 218-68774


Julia Stern studied psychology at the University of G?ttingen and received her Bachelor of Science in 2013, and her Master of Science in 2015. Afterwards, she worked as a research assistant at the department of Biological Personality Psychology at the University of G?ttingen. She wrote her dissertation in the DFG Research Training Group 2070 ?Understanding Social Relationships“ and received the title Dr. rer. nat in 2018. Since July 2021, she is working as a Researcher for psychometrics and research on individual differences at the University of Bremen.


  • Hormonal correlates of personality, mate preferences, behavior, attitudes, emotions and other intra- and interindividual differences
  • Personality perceptions and their accuracy at zero acquaintance, validity of personality impressions
  • Relationship between personality and voice parameters
  • Personality and mate choice (as well as mate preferences)
  • Reliability and validity of hormone measurements
  • Personality development during puberty
  • Open Science

Publications: Publicationlist_Stern

Julia Stern teaches a lecture and seminars in psychological assessment in the psychological bachelor’s program at the University of Bremen. In the past, she taught a variety of seminars in differential psychology, psychological assessment, as well as a lecture and practical courses in statistics and psychological methods in the bachelor’s and the master’s program at the University of G?ttingen.