Priority Programme 2289 Hetero-Aggregates

  • Farbige Partikelansammlung in grün, rot und blau vor schwarzem Hintergrund. Die Partikelansammlung sehen ein wenig so aus, als schw?mmen drei Fische hintereinander

    Mit unserer Forschung erarbeiten wir heute die notwendigen Grundlagen für die Technologien von Morgen

Creation of synergies in tailor-made mixtures of heterogeneous powders

Hetero aggregations of particulate systems and their properties

Essential key technologies, for example in the context of digitalization for Industry 4.0 (sensor technology), energy conversion (catalysis) and energy storage as well as e-mobility (battery technology) or also life science, depend on functional disperse particle systems with very specific functional properties.

Particles are rarely present individually and isolated, but mostly as powder or heap. Interactions occur between the various particles at their points of contact. If particles of different materials (for example A and B) are present, contacts between different (hetero: A-B) particles can occur. These hetero contacts (A-B) are of fundamental importance for the functional properties. In this process, new synergistic properties arise from the respective properties of A and B. These are essential for many applications. But how can such hetero contacts be created specifically by mixing A and B and how can these contacts be made visible or measurable?

The priority program Creation of synergies in tailor-made mixtures of heterogeneous powders aims at the development of application-oriented particle systems by the controlled, process-safe and controllable setting of particulate hetero-contacts.

For this purpose, the Priority Programm necessarily brings together the expertise of different transdisciplinary research directions in currently 18 subprojects.

The expected outcome of a six-year transdisciplinary research collaboration is the presentation and development of application-specific, completely novel functional material systems and their efficient, controllable generation and formulation processes.

Youtube video about the work of the SPP2289.


Professor Dr.-Ing.habil.Lutz M?dler
Professor Dr.-Ing.habil.Udo Fritsching

Claudia Sobich

Universit?t Bremen / Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik
Leibniz-Institut für WerkstofforientierteTechnologien IWT

+49 421 218-51232
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