Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics

Leader and topics

Prof. Dr. Martin Missong

Martin Missong

Bayesian Networks

Statistics in Court

Quantitative Risk Management


Profile of RIcarda Kochems

Welcome, Ricarda Kochems

We would like to welcome our new colleague Ricarda Kochems! Ricarda Kochems will be teaching this semester and play a key role in shaping the course "Data Analysis."

Logo of Türk Alman ?niversitesi

Lectureship in Instanbul

This winter semester, Prof. Missong will again take up a teaching assignment at the Türk-Alman University in Istanbul.

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Have a good start into the winter semester 2024/25!

Korri and the rest of the team "Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics" wish you all a good start into the winter semester 2024/25!

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Lying and Misleading with Data

As part of the lecture series "Lying and Misleading with Data", Prof. Dr. Missong will give a lecture at the University of Münster on January 18th 2024.

Prof. Dr. Missong congratulates Dr. Horn for his dissertation

Award for Dr. Maximilian Horn

Congratulations to Dr. Maximilian Horn, who was awarded a special prize of the Deutsche Bundesbank for his dissertation in our field of work "Technology Acceptance, Path Dependence, and the Demand for Robo-Advisory Services"!

Logo of Türk Alman ?niversitesi

Lectureship in Instanbul

This winter semester, Prof. Missong will again take up a teaching assignment at the Türk-Alman University in Istanbul.

Profile picture of Professor Martin Missong

Office Hours Prof. Dr. Missong

Prof. Dr. Martin Missong's office hours this semester take place every Monday during lecture time between 2 pm and 3 pm.

A welcome video by Prof. Missong regarding the new module "Data Analysis"

Further information is available on  Stud.IP!

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Visiting time Prof. Dr. Missong

Prof. Dr. Martin Missong's visiting hours this semester take place every Monday during lecture time between 15:00 and 16:00 o'clock.

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Have a good start into the summer semester 2023!

Korri and the rest of the team "Professorship in Empirical Economics and Applied Statistics" wish you all a good start into the summer semester 2023!

An image of the WiWi 1 building: the department of economics.

Office Hours of the Secretariat in the Winter Semester 2024/25

The Secretariat of "Empirical Economic Research," located in Building WIWI 1 (Aldi Building), 2nd floor, Room A2370, will be closed during the lecture-free period.

For any inquiries, please contact the following email address:

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The brothers Bj?rn and S?ren Christensen are publishing the column "Achtung: Statistik" (engl.: "Attention: Statistic" periodically. Based on scientific argumentation it is shown, in an entertaining way, at which points in our daily life we are confrontated with statistics and which false conclusions, without awareness of statistics, we probably make.

You can find the link to the column here

The initiative "Unstatistik des Monats" (engl.: "Un-statistic of the month") was founded in 2012 by psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer from Berlin and the economists Thomas Bauer from Bochum and Walter Kr?mer from Dortmund. In this column, statistic news based on not appropiate data or misinterpretation of data, are exposed. The spectrum of false conclusions are from comical to frightening.

You can find the link to the column here





For more information about Prof. Dr. Martin Missong and his staff, click here.


Audience in a crowded lecture hall.

Our teaching is an application-oriented system of methodological lectures, which is structured in modules. Typical data analyses software is used in courses, as well as in exams.


Books in a shelf.

Main research topics of the professorship are especially quantitative risk management and statistics in court. You can find more information about key topics, publications and conferences here.


Multicolored pencils.

The professorship maintan cooperation with other scientists and universities as well as companies. You can find more information about different cooperation right here.