Profi plus in Bremen

Internationale Berufst?tige in einer Weiterbildung an der Uni

Labor Market Qualification for International Academics

"Profi plus in Bremen" is aimed at international academics with a background in computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, or process engineering, as well as comparable degrees.

Although professionals in these fields are in high demand, entering the job market remains a challenge for international academics even in these areas. With its offers and measures, Profi plus aims to support this process in a targeted and sustainable manner.

Akademie für Weiterbildung

Thea Rudkowski

E-Mail: profiplusprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

or use the contact form

Offers and measures from Profi plus

  • Individual qualification adjustment through a flexible, recognized university certificate from the University of Bremen with 18 ECTS credits or individual tailored module certificates
  • Facilitation of contacts with companies
  • Acquisition of future skills demanded in the job market
  • Language coaching
  • Consultation and workshop offerings, e.g., on profile analysis, the job market, and application procedures, as well as gender-specific aspects in the technical field
  • Creation of competence portfolios
  • Raising awareness among companies in the region
  • Network building

> Current Cours Offers of the Center of Excellence Women in Science and Technology

Project details

Funding Framework: "Profi plus – Academic Qualification Adjustment for the German Labor Market"

Funding Provider: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Project Sponsor: DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service

Duration: April 1, 2024 to December 31, 2028

Target Group: Academics with foreign university degrees

Project participants

Academy of Continuing Education

In the Academy of Continuing Education, continuing education and lifelong learning are centrally and structurally anchored at the university. Together with institutes, subjects and external partners, the academy implements further education courses and advises interested parties and students on part-time offers. The academy takes over the overall coordination of the project.

Career Center

The Career Center, a joint institution of the Bremen-Bremerhaven Employment Agency and the University of Bremen, has extensive experience in all matters related to employability, career entry, and labor market integration. It offers a wide range of advisory services and workshops on interdisciplinary topics.

Sprachenzentrum SZHB

The Language Center is responsible for language training at the public universities in the state of Bremen and offers both subject-specific and interdisciplinary language courses. This includes workshops on presenting and writing in German, as well as language coaching aimed at the targeted development of general and technical language skills.

Center of Excellence Women in Science and Technology

The Center of Excellence Women in Science and Technology is a joint institution of the five science and technology departments at the University of Bremen. It continuously offers courses in software development, data protection, and energy technology for female professionals, both online and in person. Intensive exchange with experts from across Germany highlights possible career paths.


Akademie für Weiterbildung

Thea Rudkowski

E-Mail: profiplusprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Career Center

Dr. Stephan Determann

E-Mail: sdetermannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



Eliska Dunowski

E-Mail: eliska.dunowskiprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik

Henrike Illig

E-Mail: illigprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

project funding

Funded by
the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
as part of the DAAD's (German Academic Exchange Service)
Campus Initiative for International Professionals