Workplace Health Management (WHM)

Logo Gesundheitsmanagement

The goal of Workplace Health Management (WHM) is a constitutional job design. On the one hand it is about analyzing working conditions concerning health liability and resources. On the other hand it is about empowering employees towards a healthy lifestyle. Healthy and motivated employees can be the driving force of a high-performance University. 

Interview on healthy working at the university and the role of WHM


Alexandra Baumk?tter
Workplace Health Management
Department 2 - Staff Department 

Telephone: (0421) 218-60456
Room: FVG W 1120


Multicolored pencils.

Organisation of WHM

The Basis for Workplace Health Management within the University of Bremen is the operating agreement on health management of bremens public service. On this Website you will learn how Workspace Health Management is realized at this University.

Bikes with multicolored saddle covers.


Here you will find the services of the Workplace Health Management (WHM) and further Institutions. It contains not only the services for a healthy lifestyle, such as exercise and stress management, but also work environment and work scheduling issues. 




Instruction Mobile Work by Occupational Safety and BGM
To register please click here.

The activity break is still digital on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
more Information on the website for the activity break.

"Strategies, Motivation and Health" - video series on healthy work organization.
more Information you can find here.