
  • LDIC 2024

    9th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics - February 14 - 16, 2024 in Bremen, Germany

LDIC 2024 Conference Program

The program allows you to search e.g. for authors name or paper title. To see an overview of the particular day please click on the “Date” headings. You will find information about the sessions including authors and paper titles. To get detailed information about the sessions including papers' abstracts, please click on the session title. Once you are logged into your ConfTool account, you are able to add a session to your personal conference agenda by clicking the plus icon next to it. This might help to keep track of the program during the conference.

Information for Presenting Authors

To present your paper, you will have a total of 30 minutes. Please be aware, that 20 minutes are for the actual presentation as 10 minutes are reserved for discussion. The session chairs will keep track of the time. Please bring your presentation as PowerPoint or PDF on a USB memory stick and be at the session venue 10 minutes prior to the session starting time to upload your presentation to the presentation laptop. A laptop with Windows operating system and a projector will be provided by the organizers. It will not be possible to connect your own laptop.

Keynote Talks L.A. (Lóri) Tavasszy
Professor in Freight Transport & Logistics, Head of Freight & Logistics Lab, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Dynamics of Decarbonization in Logistics

Prof. Dr. Gy?ngyi Kovács
Erkko Professor in Humanitarian Logistics, Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Research Institute, Supply Chain Management & Social Responsibility, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland
Humanitarian Logistics

Prof. Dr. Dirk Briskorn
Chair of Production and Logistics, Schumpeter School of Business and Economics, University of Wuppertal, Germany
Gantry Crane Scheduling in Seaport Container Terminals: A bottom-up Approach

Paul Bruns
Business Development Manager, ENGINIUS GmbH
Trucks for a Carbon-Neutral Transport

Special/Invited Sessions

Sustainable Warehousing

Organized by Sara Perotti (Politecnico di Milano), Eric H. Grosse (Saarland University), Matthias Klumpp (Politecnico di Milano), Christoph H. Glock (Technical University of Darmstadt)

In-plant Logistics

Organized by Emilio Moretti (Politecnico di Milano), Maurizio Faccio (University of Padua), Michael Freitag (University of Bremen)

Advanced Optimization Methods for Logistics

Organized by Nicole Megow (University of Bremen) and Frank Meisel (Kiel University)

Lab Tours

Guided Tour through the Artificial Intelligence Lab.

Guided Tour through the LogDynamics Lab

Social Events

February 14, 2024

17:30 Get-together with Technology Demonstration

The get-together gives you a great opportunity to network with experts and exchange knowledge while having a snack and a beer or soft drink surrounded by exciting prototypes in the BIBA shop floor lab at the conference venue. During the evening, we will be devoting special attention to our energy self-sufficient learning factory, in which you will have the opportunity to interact and produce your own (gourmet) product.


February 15, 2024

17:30 Port Museum - Guided Tour

The ports have always been Bremen's lifeline and have shaped the city's identity for centuries. In the listed Speicher XI warehouse, a museum forms the interface between the past and the future: it is part of the changing ?berseestadt and conveys the development of urban planning as well as the activities of Bremen's port industry and the constant change and progress in all maritime areas.

19:00 Conference Dinner

Without any doubt, the conference dinner can be named one of the highlights of every LDIC. This year’s dinner will take place in the PORT Speicher XI. The restaurant is located in the longest building in the city, a historic cotton warehouse. Starting with a refreshing aperitif, you can enjoy international cuisine in a modern ambience with a historic flair.

There will be a bus shuttle from the conference venue to the Speicher XI departing at 17:00h. After the visit of the museum, you arrive the restaurant by a short walking distance.

For the return trip, you will have the choice to take our shuttle to the central station and to the university campus around 22:30h.