Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Lutz M?dler
Badgasteiner Stra?e 3 (FZB)
28359 Bremen
Raum FZB 1410
Telefon: +49 (0) 421 - 218 51200
e-Mail: lmaedlerprotect me ?!iwt.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
nach Vereinbarung
Jupyther notebooks for lectures
on Aerosol and Nanotechnology: visit Github Link
2008 Professor, Production Engineering, University of Bremen, Germany.
2003 Habilitation, Process Engineering, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
1999 Ph.D., Process Engineering, Univ. of Freiberg, Germany.
1999 Dipl.-Ing., Process Engineering, Univ. of Freiberg, Germany
1996 MS, Appl. Physics, Univ. of Appl. Sci. Zwickau, Germany.
1993 BS, Physics, Technical Univ. Zwickau, Germany.
Professional Experience
2022 Member of the Board of Trustees M?ller-Foundation for Science and Research, Hamburg
2021 Spokesperson Priority Programme (DFG) 2289 “HeteroAgregates”
2018 Director of the Leibniz Institute for Materials Engineering IWT, Bremen, Germany
2017 Member of acatech
2016-21 Spokesperson of CRC 1232 "Farbige Zust?nde" - High Throughput for Evolutionary Structural Materials
2008-15 Lecturer University of California, Los Angeles
2008-17 Director of Process & Chemical Engineering Division, Foundation Institute for Materials Science (IWT),
Faculty of the Department of Production Engineering, University of Bremen, Germany.
2005-07 Lecturer and Senior Research Associate, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles.
2003-05 Senior Lecturer (Privatdozent, PD), ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
1999-03 Senior Scientist (Oberassistent) and project leader at the ETH Zürich, Particle Technology Laboratory (Group Prof. Dr. Pratsinis).
1996-99 Research Assistant at Fraunhofer Institute of Toxicology and Aerosol Research, Hannover, Germany, (Aerosol Technology Group Prof. Dr. Koch).
1995 Research Assistant at Queen’s University of Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.
1994 Research Associate
Research Interest
Spray processing for particulate materials and functional surfaces, particle science and engineering, particulate systems, reactive and non-reactive spray systems, aerosol manufacturing of materials, nanoparticle technology, air pollution, environmental health (“nanotox”).
2018 ERC Advanced grant
2017 Member of the Academy of Science and Engineering, acatech
2017 Reimar Lüst Award of the Max Planck Society (MPI)
2017 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the DFG, German Research Foundation
2009 DECHEMA Award
2005 SMOLUCHOWSKI Award conferred by the Aerosol Society
2004 BASF Award in Process Eng. for a young scientist whose research brings the close relationship between natural and engineering sciences at a high level