
The department forms part of the Center of Advanced Imaging (CAI) project established by the German Ministry of Education and Science (BMBF) in 2003. The CAI was equipped with a 3 Tesla Siemens Allegra? headscanner, followed by a 3 Tesla Siemens Skyra? scanner in a joined initiative with Fraunhofer MEVIS. Our research projects focus on the neural correlates of executive control and (working) memory performance both in healthy subjects and patients with degenerative brain disorders.

Part of the imaging work deals with various aspects of higher cognitive functions as mental calculation processes and different concepts of conflict processing and interference resolution paradigms. Most investigations are performed using both fMRI and EEG devices.

The Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology Lab combines clinical investigations as part of an outpatient unit and an experimental laboratory designed to set up behavioral experiments.

Recent research in the field of clinical neuropsychology focuses on:

  • neuropsychiatric sequela of acute and chronic stroke (post-stroke depression)
  • neuropsychological disorders in focal and diffuse traumatic brain injury
  • psychosocial and emotional sequela of brain disorders as part of neuropsychological rehabilitation
  • cognitive disorders in advanced age

Experimental studies mainly involve the field of executive functions and memory performance. Recent research focuses on inhibitory mechanism during processing of competing information streams and interference resolution in episodic memory retrieval.

A major topic of research in the recent past focused on the analysis of release patterns of brain originated proteins in acute or chronic CNS disorders.

The results of a variety of recent studies show that early release patterns of glial and neuronal brain tissue derived proteins:

  • might give insight into the underlying pathophysiology of brain disorders (e.g. different subtype of stroke, focal contusional lesions or diffuse axonal injury in traumatic brain disorders)
  • are associated with lesion size as derived from neuroradiological data
  • show a strong correlation with the severity of brain disorders as measured by clinical scales
  • are associated with short-term neurobehavioral outcome, and
  • might serve as a surrogate marker of the beneficial or detrimental effects of neuroprotective (drug) treatment.



coming soon...

Gabbert, T., Scheunemann, J., Balzan, R. P., Doehring, N., Elmers, J., & Moritz, S. (2024). The contributions of risk-taking and impulsivity to jumping to conclusions in the psychosis spectrum. Schizophrenia Research, 269, 116-119.

Sommerfeld,A., Herrmann,M., Heldmann,M., Erhard,P., & Münte,T.F. (2024) Associations Between Intertemporal Food Choice and BMI in Adult Women: An fMRI Study Using a Quasi-realistic Design. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology; DOI: 10.1097/WNN.0000000000000377

Benke,I., Knierim,M., Adam,M., Beigl,M., Dorner,V., Ebner-Priemer,U., Herrmann,M., Klarmann,M., Maedche,A., Nafziger,J., Nieken,P., Pfeiffer,J., Puppe,C., Putze,F., Scheibehenne,B., Schultz,T., & Weinhardt,C. (2024) Hybrid Adaptive Systems. Bus Inf Syst Eng, DOI: 10.1007/s12599-024-00861-y

Ahrens,F., Pomarlan,M., Be?ler,D., Fehr,T., Beetz,M., & Herrmann,M. (2023). Towards a Neuronally Consistent Ontology for Robotic Agents. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 372: ECAI 2023, pp. 36 – 43.  DOI: 10.3233/FAIA230251

Fehr T and Achtziger A (2021) Contextual Modulation of Binary Decisions in Dyadic Social Interactions. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 15:715030. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2021.715030

Wiechert J, Janzen A, Achtziger A and Fehr T (2021) Neural Correlates of Decisions in Quasi-Realistic, Affective Social Interactions in Individuals With Violence-Related Socialization. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 15:713311. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2021.713311

Schultz,T., Putze,F., Fehr,T., Meier,M., Mason,C., Ahrens,F., Herrmann,M.(2021), Linking Labs: Interconnecting Experimental Environments. bioRxiv preprint. Posted February 09, 2021.

Mason,C., Gadzicki,K., Meier,M., Ahrens,F., Klus, T., Maldonado,J., Putze,F., Fehr,T., Zetzsche,C., Herrmann,M., Schill,K., and Schultz,T. (2020). From human to robot everyday activity.  Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).

Cespón,J., Hommel,B., Korsch,M., Galashan,D. (2020). The Neurocognitive Underpinning of the Simon Effect: An Integrative Review of Current Research. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, in press.

Gloy,K., Herrmann,M., & Fehr,T. (2020). Decision making under uncertainty in a quasi realistic binary decision task - an fMRI study. Brain and Cognition, 140, 105549, XDOI:

Galashan,D., Siemann,J. & Herrmann,M. (preprint first posted online Oct. 16, 2019). Top-down feature-based cueing modulates conflict-specific ERP components in a Stroop-like task with equiprobable conditions, bioRxiv, XDOI:

Strege,R.J., Kiefer,R., & Herrmann,M. (2019). Contributing factors to quality of life after vertebral artery dissection: a prospective comparative study. BMC Neurology, 19:312;

van Meer,F., van der Laan,L.N., Eiben,G., Lissner,L., Wolters,M., Rach,S.,Herrmann,M., Erhard,P., Molnar,D., Orsi,G., Viergever,M.A., Adan,R.A.,
Smeets,P.A. on behalf of the I.Family Consortium (2019). Development and body mass inversely affect children's brain activation in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during food choice, NeuroImage, 201, 116016 XDOI:

Fehr, T. & Milz, P. (2019). The individuality index - a measure to quantify the degree of inter-individual, spatial variability in intra-cerebral brain electric and metabolic activity. Cognitive Neurodynamics, in press.

Perlaki,G., Molnar,D., Smeets,P.A.M., Ahrens,W., Wolters,M., Eiben,G., Lissner,L., Erhard,P., van Meer,F., Herrmann,M., Janszky,J., Orsi,G., on behalf of the I.Family Consortium (2018). Volumetric gray matter measures of amygdala and accumbens in childhood overweight/obesity, PLoS One 13(10): e0205331. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205331.

Fehr, T., Staniloiu, A., Erhard, P., Markowitsch, H., & Herrmann, M. (2018). Neural correlates of free recall of “famous events” in a “hypermnestic” individual as compared to an age- and education-matched reference group. BMC Neuroscience, doi:10.1186/s12868-018-0435-y.

Siemann,J., Herrmann,M., & Galashan,D. (2018). The effect of feature-based attention on flanker interference processing: An fMRI-constrained source analysis, Scientific Reports 8 (1), 1580, 2018.

Galashan,D. & Siemann,J. (2017). Differences and similarities for spatial and feature-based selective attentional orienting. Front. Neurosci. 11:283. doi:10.3389/fnins.2017.00283

Peschke,C., K?ster,R., Korsch,M., Frühholz,S. Thiel,C.M., Herrmann,M., & Hilgetag,C.C. (2016). Selective perturbation of cognitive conflict in the human brain – A combined fMRI and rTMS study. Scientific Reports, 6, 38700. doi: 10.1038/srep38700.

Siemann,J., Herrmann,M., & Galashan,D. (2016). fMRI-constrained source analysis reveals early top-down modulations of interference processing using a flanker task, NeuroImage, 136, 45-56.

Korsch,M., Frühholz,S.,& Herrmann,M. (2016). Conflict-specific aging effects mainly manifest in early information processing stages - An ERP study with different conflict types. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 8, 53, 1-12. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2016.00053.

Mohammadi,B., Hammer,A., Miedl,S., Wiswede,D., Marco-Pallarés,J., Herrmann,M., & Münte,T.F. (2015, in press). Intertemporal choice behavior is constrained by brain structure in normal participants and pathological gamblers. Brain Structure and Function, doi: 10.1007/s00429-015-1093-9.

Fehr,T. & Herrmann,M. (2015). Can modular psychological concepts like affect and emotion be assigned to a distinct subset of regional neural circuits?: Comment on "The quartet theory of human emotions: An integrative and neurofunctional model" by S. Koelsch et al. Physics of Life Reviews, 04/2015. doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2015.04.02.

Galashan,D., Fehr,T., & Herrmann,M. (2015). Differences between target and non-target probe processing - Combined evidence from fMRI, EEG and fMRI-constrained source analysis, NeuroImage, 289-99. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.02.044.

Berron,D., Frühholz,S., & Herrmann,M. (2015). Neural control of enhanced filtering demands in a combined Flanker and Garner conflict task. PLoS One, 10(3). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120582.

Miedl,S., Wiswede,D., Marco-Pallarés,J., Ye,Z., Fehr T., Herrmann,M.,& Münte,T.F. (2015). The neural basis of impulsive discounting in pathological gamblers. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 9(4), 887-898. doi:10.1007/s11682-015-9352-1.

Fehr, T., Wiechert, J., & Erhard, P. (2014). Variability in color-choice Stroop performance within and across EEG and MRI laboratory contexts. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 76, 2495-2507, doi 10.3758/s13414-014-0745-9.

Miedl,S., Fehr,T., Herrmann,M., & Meyer,G. (2014). Risk assessment and reward processing in problem gambling investigated by event-related potentials and fMRI-constrained source analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 14, 229, doi 10.1186/s12888-014-0229-4.

Galashan,D., Fehr,T., Kreiter,A.K., & Herrmann,M. (2014). Human area MT+ shows load-dependent activation during working memory maintenance with continuously morphing stimulation. BMC Neuroscience, 15, 85, 1-10, doi 10.1186/1471-2202-15-85.

Fehr, T. & Achtziger, A., Roth, G. & Strüber, D. (2014, in press). Neural correlates of the empathic perceptual processing of realistic social interaction scenarios displayed from a first-order perspective. Brain Research, 1583, 141-158, doi 10.1016/j.brainres.2014.04.041.

Korsch,M., Frühholz,S., & Herrmann,M. (2014). Ageing differentially affects neural processing of different conflict types – an fMRI study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 6, 57, 1-10, doi 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00057.

Herrmann,M., Willmes-von Hinckeldey, K., Sturm,W., Wallesch,C.W., Karnath,H.O., J?ncke,L. Münte,T.F., & Fink,G. (2014). Klinische Neuropsychologie ist keine psychologische Psychotherapie. Aktuelle Neurologie, 41, 80-82, doi 10.1055/s-0034-1367058.

Herrmann,M., Willmes-von Hinckeldey, K., Sturm,W., Wallesch,C.W., Karnath,H.O., J?ncke,L. Münte,T.F., & Fink,G. (2014). Klinische Neuropsychologie ist keine psychologische Psychotherapie. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 25, 65-68, doi 10.1024/1016-264X/a000119.

Coventry, K.R., Christophel, T., Fehr, T., Valdéz-Conroy, C., & Herrmann, M. (2013). Multiple Routes to Mental Animation: Language and Functional Relations Drive Motion Processing for Static Images. Psych Science, 24, 1379-1388. doi:10.1177/0956797612469209.

Trautmann-Lengsfeld, S.A., Domínguez-Borràs, J., Escera, C., Herrmann, M., & Fehr, T. (2013). The perception of dynamic and static facial expressions of happiness and disgust investigated by ERPs and fMRI constrained source analysis. PLoS One, 8 (6), e 66997, doi10.1371/journal.pone.0066997.

Fehr, T. (2013). A hybrid model for the neural representation of complex mental processing in the human brain. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 7, 89-103.

Nielsen, J., Krüger, T.H.C., Hartmann, U., Passie, T., Fehr, T., Zedler, M. (2013). Synaesthesia and Sexuality: The influence of synaesthetic perceptions on sexual experience. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 751, doi10.3389/psyg.2013.00751.

Herrmann, M. & Ke'Ra, D. (2013) The Neuronal Foundation of Psychoosmology and Sudden Anosmia - Advances and Aberrations of a Cutting Edge Concept at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. In: M. H?rter & J. Bengel (Hrsg.) Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Dr. Uwe Koch-Gromus, Hamburg: Simon Druck, pp. 179-188.

Frühholz, S., Trautmann, S.A. & Herrmann, M. (2011). Contextual interference processing during evaluation of facial expressions, Cognition and Emotion, 25, 1045-1073.

Frühholz, S., Godde, B., Finke, M., & Herrmann, M. (2011). Spatio-temporal brain dynamics in a combined stimulus-stimulus and stimulus-response conflict task, NeuroImage, 54, 622-634.

Frühholz, S., Godde, B., Lewicki, P., Herzmann, C., & Herrmann, M. (2011). Face recognition under ambiguous visual stimulation: fMRI correlates of "encoding styles", Human Brain Mapping, 32, 1750-61.

Kuchinke, L., Hofmann, M., Jacobs, A.M., Frühholz, S., Tamm, S., & Herrmann, M. (2011). Human striatal activation during adjustment of the response criterion in visual word recognition. NeuroImage, 54, 2412-2417.

Fehr, T., Wallace, G.L., Erhard, P., & Herrmann, M. (2011). The neural architecture of expert calendar calculation: A matter of strategy? Neurocase, 17, 360-71.

Ehrenreich, H., K?stner, A., Weissenborn, K., Streeter, J., Sperling, S., Wang, K.K., Worthmann, H., Hayes, R.L., von Ahsen, N., Kastrup, A., Jeromin, A., & Herrmann, M. (2011). Circulating damage marker profiles support a neuroprotective effect of erythropoietin in ischemic stroke patients. Molecular Medicine, 17, 1306-1310.

Fehr, T. (2011). Savants - die neuronale Organisation komplexer mentaler Prozesse. In: Dresler, M. (Hrsg.) Kognitive Leistungen - Intelligenz und mentale F?higkeiten im Spiegel der Neurowissenschaften, pp, 107-124.

Frühholz, S., Jellinghaus, A., & Herrmann, M. (2011). Time course of implicit and explicit processing of emotional faces and emotional words. Biological Psychology, 87, 265-274.

Regenbogen, C., Herrmann, M. & Fehr, T. (2010). The neural processing of voluntary completed, real and virtual violent and non-violent computer game scenarios displaying pre-defined actions in gamers and non-gamers. Social Neuroscience, 5, 221-240.

Fehr, T., Weber, J., Willmes, K., & Herrmann, M. (2010). Neural correlates in exceptional mental arithmetic - About the neural architecture of prodigious skills, Neuropsychologia, 48, 1407-1416.

Miedl, S.F., Fehr, T., Meyer, G. & Herrmann, M. (2010). Neurobiological correlates of problem gambling in a quasi-realistic blackjack scenario as revealed by fMRI. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 181, 165-173.

Frühholz, S., Prinz, M. & Herrmann, M. (2010). Affect-related personality traits and contextual interference processing during perception of facial affect. Neurosci Letters, 469, 260-264.

Ehrenreich, H., Weissenborn, K., Prange, H., Schneider, D., Weimar, C., Wartenberg, K., Schellinger, P.D., Bohn, M., Becker, H., Wegrzyn, M., J?hnig, P., Herrmann, M., Knauth, M., B?hr, M., Heide, W., Wagner, A., Schwab, S., Reichmann, H., Rieckmann, P., Schwendemann, G., Dengler, R., Kastrup, A., Gefeller, O., Diener, H.C., & Bartels, C., for the EPO Stroke Trial Group (2009). Recombinant human erythropoietin in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. Stroke, 40, e647-e656.

Frühholz, S., Fehr, T. & Herrmann, M. (2009). Early and late temporo-spatial effects of contextual interference during perception of facial affect. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 74, 1-13. [doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2009.05.010]

Trautmann, S.A., Fehr, T. & Herrmann, M. (2009). Emotions in motion: Dynamic compared to static facial expressions of disgust and happiness reveal more widespread emotion-specific activations. Brain Research, 1284, 100-115. [doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2009.05.075]

Domínguez-Borràs, J., Trautmann, S.A., Erhard, P., Fehr, T., Herrmann, M. & Escera, C. (2009). Emotional context enhances auditory novelty processing in superior temporal gyrus. Cerebral Cortex, 19, 1521-1529. [doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhn188]

Frühholz, S., Fehr, T. & Herrmann, M. (2009). Interference control during recognition of facial affect enhances the processing of expression specific properties - an event-related fMRI study. Brain Research, 1269, 143-157. [doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2009.03.017]

Achtziger, A., Fehr, T., Oettingen, G., Gollwitzer, P. & Rockstroh, B.(2009). Strategies of intention formation are reflected in continuous MEG activity. Social Neuroscience, 4, 11-27.

Münte, T.F & Herrmann, M. (2009). Klinische Neurologie. In: Sturm, W., Herrmann, M. & Münte, T.F. (Eds.) Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie - Grundlagen, Methoden, Diagnostik, Therapie. (2. und überarbeitete Aufl.). Heidelberg: Spektrum-Verlag, pp. 131-154.

Fehr, T. (2009). Chancen und Grenzen von Methoden der kognitiven Neurowissenschaften - Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie und Biosignalanalyse im Kontext der Entwicklungsneurophysiologie. Zeitschrift für Gestaltp?dagogik, 20, 29-43.

Strüber, D. & Fehr, T. (2009). Geschlechtsunterschiede bei Aggression und ihre neurobiologischen Korrelate. In: J. Müller (Hrsg.), Neurobiologie forensisch-relevanter St?rungen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Sturm, W., Herrmann, M. & Münte, T.F. (2009). Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie - Grundlagen, Methoden, Diagnostik, Therapie. (2. und überarbeitete Aufl.). Heidelberg: Spektrum-Verlag.

Herrmann, M. & Lautenbacher,S. (2009). Klinische Neuropsychiatrie. In: Sturm, W., Herrmann, M. & Münte, T.F. (Eds.) Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie - Grundlagen, Methoden, Diagnostik, Therapie. (2. und überarbeitete Aufl.). Heidelberg: Spektrum-Verlag, pp. 155-172.

Wittfoth, M., Schardt, D.M., Fahle, M., & Herrmann, M. (2009). How the brain resolves high conflict situations: Double conflict involvement of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. NeuroImage, 44, 1201-1209.

Galashan, D., Wittfoth, M., Fehr, T., & Herrmann, M. (2008). Two Simon tasks with different sources of conflict: an ERP study of motion- and location-based compatibility effects. Biological Psychology, 78, 246-252.

Wittfoth, M., Küstermann, E., Fahle, M., & Herrmann, M. (2008). The influence of response conflict on error processing: Evidence from event-related fMRI, Brain Research, 1194, 118–129.

Fehr, T., Code, C., & Herrmann, M. (2008). Auditory task presentation reveals predominantly right hemispheric fMRI activation patterns during mental calculation. Neuroscience Letters, 431, 39-44.

Gauggel, S. & Herrmann, M. (2008). Handbuch der Neuro- und Biopsychologie. G?ttingen: Hogrefe-Verlag

Herrmann, M. (2008). Molekulare Marker einer Hirnsch?digung - Proteomik. In: Gauggel, S. & Herrmann, M. (Eds.) Handbuch der Neuro- und Biopsychologie. G?ttingen: Hogrefe-Verlag, pp. 113-120.

Herrmann, M. (2008). Sch?del-Hirn-Trauma (SHT). In: Gauggel, S. & Herrmann, M. (Eds.) Handbuch der Neuro- und Biopsychologie. G?ttingen: Hogrefe-Verlag, pp. 413-419.

Fehr, T. (2008). Signal- und bildgebende Verfahren: Magnetenzephalographie (MEG). In: Gauggel, S. & Herrmann, M. (Eds.) Handbuch der Neuro- und Biopsychologie. G?ttingen: Hogrefe-Verlag, pp. 185-189.

Fehr, T., Code, C., & Herrmann, M. (2007). Common brain regions underlying different arithmetic operations as revealed by conjunct fMRI-BOLD activation. Brain Research, 1172, 93-102.

Fehr, T., Wiedenmann, P., & Herrmann, M. (2007). Differences in ERP topographies during color matching of smoking-related and neutral pictures in smokers and non-smokers. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 65, 284-293.

Frühholz, S., Fehr, T., & Herrmann, M. (2007) Interference processing in emotional face perception is modulated by the emotional valence. In: Herrmann, M. & Thiel, Ch. (Eds.) Topics in Advanced Neuroimaging. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers. pp. 35-38.

Fehr, T., Strüber, D., Lück, M., Herrmann, M., & Roth, G. (2007). Neuronal correlates of perceiving aggressive behavior. In: Herrmann, M. & Thiel, Ch. (Eds.) Topics in Advanced Neuroimaging. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers. pp. 27-30.

Kuchinke, L., Jacobs, A.M., Grubich, C., Vo, M.L.-H., Conrad, M., & Herrmann, M. (2007). Incidental effects of emotional valence in single word processing. In: Herrmann, M. & Thiel, Ch. (Eds.) Topics in Advanced Neuroimaging. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers. pp. 31-34.

Trautmann, S.A., Fehr, T., & Herrmann, M. (2007). fMRI investigations of the perception of dynamic and static emotional expressions. In: Herrmann, M. & Thiel, Ch. (Eds.) Topics in Advanced Neuroimaging. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers. pp. 23-26.

Escera, C., Domínguez-Borrás, J., Schardt, D., Fehr, T., Erhard, P., & Herrmann, M. (2007). Spatiotemporal brain imaging during involuntary attention switching: A combined fMRI-ERP-study. In: Herrmann, M. & Thiel, Ch. (Eds.) Topics in Advanced Neuroimaging. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers. pp. 35-38. pp. 117-122.

Galashan, D., Zinke, W., Schmuck, K., Fehr, T., Küstermann, E., Kreiter, A., & Herrmann, M. (2007). Neuronal correlates of a shape-tracking working memory task - human data. In: Herrmann, M. & Thiel, Ch. (Eds.) Topics in Advanced Neuroimaging. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers. pp. 147-150.

Zinke, W., Galashan, D., Herrmann, M., & Kreiter, A. (2007). Neuronal correlates of a shape-tracking working memory task - macaque data. In: Herrmann, M. & Thiel, Ch. (Eds.) Topics in Advanced Neuroimaging. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers. pp. 151-154.

Wittfoth, M., Küstermann, E., Galashan, D., Fahle, M., & Herrmann, M. (2007). Cognitive control and error processing in the human brain: evidence from fMRI. In: Herrmann, M. & Thiel, Ch. (Eds.) Topics in Advanced Neuroimaging. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers. pp. 155-158.

Christophel, T., Fehr, T., Valdes-Conroy, B., Galashan, D., Coventry, K., & Herrmann, M. (2007). MT+ activation during spatial language processing. In: Herrmann, M. & Thiel, Ch. (Eds.) Topics in Advanced Neuroimaging. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers. pp. 159-164.

Küstermann, E., Ebke, M., Dolge, K., Schwendemann, G., Leibfritz, D., & Herrmann, M. (2007). Neuronal correlates of movement disorders in normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). In: Herrmann, M. & Thiel, Ch. (Eds.) Topics in Advanced Neuroimaging. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers. pp. 171-174.

Erhard, P., Tangeten, S., Koch, M., Leibfritz, D., & Herrmann, M. (2007). The effects of ZEN meditation on the cerebral processing of the startle response. In: Herrmann, M. & Thiel, Ch. (Eds.) Topics in Advanced Neuroimaging. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers. pp. 175-178.

Fehr, T., Code, C., & Herrmann, M. (2007). Neuronal correlates of mental calculation. In: Herrmann, M. & Thiel, Ch. (Eds.) Topics in Advanced Neuroimaging. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers. pp. 179-183.

Schmiedt, C., Schwendemann, G., Herrmann, M., Basar-Eroglu, C. (2007). Event-related oscillations related to stimulus-response incompatibility in patients with Parkinson's disease and healthy controls. NeuroReport, 18, 277-281.

Herrmann, M. & Fehr, T. (2007). Investigations in speech and language and related disorders: Crossing the boundaries between disciplines. In: Ball, M.J. & Damico, J.S. (Eds.) Clinical aphasiology - future directions. Oxford: Psychology Press, pp.17-27.

Fehr, T., Wiedenmann, P., & Herrmann, M. (2006). Nicotine-stroop and addiction memory - an ERP study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 62, 224-232.

Kuchinke, L., Jacobs, A.M., Grubich, C., Vo, M., & Herrmann, M. (2006). Modulation of PFC activation by emotional words in recognition memory. Neuroreport, 17, 1037-1041.

Wittfoth, M., Buck, D., Fahle, M., & Herrmann, M. (2006). Comparison of two Simon tasks: Neuronal correlates of conflict resolution based on coherent motion perception, NeuroImage, 32, 921-929.

Vissers, J.L.M., Mersch, M.E.C., Rosmalen, C.F., Geel, W.J.A., Lamers, K.J.B., Rosmalen, F.M.A., Swinkels, L.M.J.W., Thomsen, J., & Herrmann, M. (2006). Rapid immunoassay for the determination of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in serum. Clinica Chimica Acta, 366, 336-40.

Kuchinke, L., Jacobs, A.M., Grubich, C., Vo, M., & Herrmann, M. (2005). Incidental effects of emotional valence in single word processing: an fMRI study, NeuroImage, 28, 1022-1032.

Schmiedt, C., Meistrowitz, A., Schwendemann, G., Herrmann, M., & Basar-Eroglu, C. (2005). Theta and alpha oscillations reflect differences in memory strategy and visual discrimination performance in patients with Parkinson's disease. Neurosci Letters, 388, 138-143.

Daum, I., Schubotz, R.I., Münte, T.F., & Herrmann, M. (2005). Different windows on executive functions. Neurocase, 11, 154 – 155.

Ehrenreich, H., Aust, C., Krampe, H., Jahn, H., Jacob, S., Herrmann, M. & Sirén, A.L. (2004). Erythropoietin: Novel approaches to neuroprotection in human brain disease. Metabolic Brain Disease, 19, 195-206.

Grubich, C., Schiltz, K., Ebert, A.D., Heinze, H.J., Münte, T.F., & Herrmann, M. (2004). Neuronale Aktivierungsmuster von Retrieval Effort beim episodischen Ged?chtnisabruf. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 15, 15-22.

Fehr, T.;, Kissler, J., Wienbruch, C., Moratti, S., Elbert, T., Watzl, H. & Rockstroh, B. (2003). Source distribution of neuromagnetic slow wave activity in schizophrenic patients  -  Effects of activation. Schizophrenia Research, 63, 63-71.

Fast, K., Fujiwara, E., Grubich, C., Markowitsch, H.J. & Herrmann, M. (2003). Role of the amygdala in emotional memory: A case study. In P. Calabrese & A. Neugebauer (Eds.), Memory and emotion. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 430-435.

Herrmann, M. & Ehrenreich, H. (2003). Brain derived proteins as markers of acute stroke – Their relation to pathophysiology, outcome prediction and neuroprotective drug monitoring. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 21, 177-190.

Herrmann, M., Johnsson, P. & Romner, B. (2003). Molecular markers of brain damage – current state and future perspectives. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 21, 75-77.

Reinvang, I., Greenlee, M.W. & Herrmann, M. (2003). The Cognitive Neuroscience of Individual Differences. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers

Fehr, T., Achtziger, A. Hinrichs, H. & Herrmann, M. (2003). Interindividual differences in oscillatory brain activity in higher cognitive functions - Methodological approaches in analyzing continuous MEG data. In: Reinvang, I., Greenlee, M.W. & Herrmann, M. (Eds.) The Cognitive Neuroscience of Individual Differences. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers. pp. 101-120.

Reinvang, I., Greenlee, M.W. & Herrmann, M. (2003). The Cognitive Neuroscience of Individual Differences - New perspectives. Oldenburg: bis-Publishers; pp. 7-10.

Code, C. & Herrmann, M. (2003). The relevance of emotional and psychosocial factors in aphasia to rehabilitation. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 13, 109-132.

Herrmann, M. (2003). Qualit?tsmanagment in der neuropsychologischen Diagnostik und Behandlung. In: Linster,H.W., H?rter,M. & Stieglitz,R.D. (Eds.) Qualit?tsmanagment in Psychotherapie und Beratung. Grundlagen – Methoden – Anwendungen. G?ttingen: Hogrefe, pp. 375-388.

Wallesch, C.W., Bartels, C. & Herrmann, M. (2003). Wernicke's cases of conduction aphasia. In: Code, C., Wallesch, C.W., Joanette, Y. & Roch-Lecours, A.. (Eds.) Classic cases in neuropsychology II. Sussex: Taylor & Francis – Psychology Press, 9-16.

Fernandez, A., Maestu, F., Amo, C., Gil, P., Fehr, T., Wienbruch, C., Rockstroh, B., Elbert, T., Ortiz, T. (2002). Focal temporoparietal slow activity in Alzheimer's disease revealed by magnetoencephalography. Biological Psychiatry, 52, 764-770.

Herrmann, M. & Haynes, J.D. (2002). What's behind a scoopy title? Expectation and dopamine release: Mechanism of the placebo effect in Parkinson's disease. Research in Complementary and Classical Natural Medicine, 9, 237-239.

Herrmann, M. (2002). Neurobehavioral changes after cardiac operation: does genetic predisposition contribute to multifactorial pathogenesis?. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery.

Amidzic, O.; Riehle, H. J.; Fehr, T.; Elbert, T. (2001). Focal gamma band activity: the signature of chunks in the expert memory of chess players. Nature, 412, 603.

Fehr, T. Kissler, J., Elbert, T., Wienbruch, C., Moratti, S., Rockstroh, B. (2001). Source distribution of neuromagnetic focal slow waves and MEG-delta activity in schizophrenic patients. Biological Psychiatry, 50, 108-116.

Herrmann, M., Rotte, M., Grubich, C., Ebert, A.D., Schiltz, K., Münte, T.F. & Heinze, H.J. (2001). Control of semantic interference in episodic memory retrieval is associated with an anterior cingulate-prefrontal activation pattern – An event-related fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping, 13, 94-103.

Ebert, A.D., Walzer, T.A. Huth, C. & Herrmann, M. (2001). Early neurobehavioral disorders after cardiac surgery: A contrastive analysis of coronary artery bypass grafting and valve replacement. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 15, 15-20.

Herrmann, M., Curio, N., Jost, S., Grubich, C., Ebert, A.D., Fork, M.L. & Synowitz, H. (2001). Release of biochemical markers of damage to neuronal and glial brain tissue is associated with short- and long-term neuropsychological outcome after traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 70, 95-100.

Beblo, T. & Herrmann, M. (2001). Pathophysiologische und neuropsychologische Aspekte depressiver St?rungen. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 12, 264-275.

Kutz, S., Ebert, A.D., Beblo, T., Curio, N., Grubich, C., Eisfeld, I.S. & Herrmann, M. (2001). Neuropsychologische Befunde bei der Diagnostik hirnorganischer Erkrankungen mit Demenz - Eine retrospektive Analyse. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 12, 131-141.

Herrmann, M., Vos, P., Wunderlich, M.T., de Bruijn, C.H.M.M. & Lamers, K.J.B. (2000). Release of glial tissue specific proteins after stroke: A contrastive analysis of serum concentrations of protein S-100B and glial fibrillary acidic protein. Stroke, 31, 2670-2677.

Herrmann, M., Curio, N., Petz, T., Synowitz, H. Wagner, S., Bartels, C. & Wallesch, C.W. (2000). Coping with illness after brain diseases – A comparison between patients with traumatic brain injury, malignant brain tumors, stroke, and Parkinson's disease. Disability and Rehabilitation, 22, 539-546.

Vielhaber, St., Ebert, A.D., Feistner, H. & Herrmann, M. (2000). Frontal-executive dysfunction in early onset cerebellar ataxia of Holmes' type. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 102, 102-105.

Herrmann, M., Jost, S., Kutz, S., Ebert, A.D., Kratz, T., Wunderlich, M.T. & Synowitz, H. (2000). Release patterns of neurobiochemical markers of brain damage after traumatic brain injury is associated with intracranial pathology as demonstrated in cranial computed tomography. Journal of Neurotrauma, 17, 113-122.

Herrmann, M., Ebert, A.D., Galazki, I, Wunderlich, M.T., Kunz, W.S. & Huth, C. (2000). Neurobehavioral outcome prediction after cardiac surgery: The role of neurobiochemical markers of damage to neuronal and glial brain tissue. Stroke, 31, 645-650.

Beblo, Th. & Herrmann, M. (2000). Neuropsychologische Defizite bei depressiven St?rungen. Fortschritte der Neurologie - Psychiatrie, 68, 1-11.

Herrmann, M., Müller, D.J., Ebert, A.D. & Code, C. (2000). Erwartungshaltungen an psychosoziale Anpassungsleistungen nach Hirnsch?digungen. In: Fries,W. & Wendel, C. (Eds.) Ambulante Komplexbehandlung von hirnverletzten Patienten. München: Zuckschwerdt. 19-31.

Herrmann, M., Huth, C. & Ebert, A.D. (2000). Pathophysiological predictors of the short- and long-term neurobehavioral outcome of cardiac surgery with extra-corporeal circulation. In: Baykut, D. & Krian, A. (Eds.) Current perspectives of extracorporeal circulation. Darmstadt: Steinkopff-Verlag. 103-115.

Bengel, J. & Herrmann, M. (2000). Qualit?tsmanagement und Evaluation in der Klinischen Neuropsychologie. In: Sturm, W., Herrmann, M. & Wallesch, C.W. (Eds.) Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie – Grundlagen, Methoden, Diagnostik, Therapie. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. 250-261.

Herrmann,M. (2000). Klinische Neuropsychiatrie. In: Sturm,W., Herrmann,M. & Wallesch,C.W. (Eds.) Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie – Grundlagen, Methoden, Diagnostik, Therapie. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. 126-140.

Herrmann, M. & Wilhelm, H. (2000). Neuropsychologische Begutachtungen. In: Sturm, W., Herrmann, M. & Wallesch, C.W. (Eds.) Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie - Grundlagen, Methoden, Diagnostik, Therapie. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. 277-288.

Wallesch, C.W. & Herrmann, M. (2000). Klinische Neurologie. In: Sturm, W., Herrmann, M. & Wallesch, C.W. (Eds.) Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie - Grundlagen, Methoden, Diagnostik, Therapie. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. 96-125.

Sturm, W., Herrmann, M. & Wallesch, C.W. (2000). Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie - Grundlagen, Methoden, Diagnostik, Therapie. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.

Wunderlich, M.T., Ebert, A.D., Kratz, T., Goertler, M. Jost, St. & Herrmann, M. (1999). Early neurobehavioral outcome after stroke is related to release of neurobiochemical markers of brain damage, Stroke, 30, 1190-1195.

Ebert, A.D., Wendt, J. & Herrmann, M. (1999). Das "Gerstmann-Syndrom" und sein Stellenwert für die Neuropsychologie. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 10, 129-138.

Herrmann, M., Wendt, J. & Ebert, A.D. (1999). Das "Gerstmann-Syndrom" als Modell der Selbstreflexion neuropsychologischer Konzepte und Methoden? Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 10, 150-152.

Beblo, Th., Wallesch, C.W. & Herrmann, M. (1999). The crucial role of frontostriatal circuits for depressive disorders in the post-acute stage after stroke. Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology, 12, 234-246.

Ebert, A.D., Vinz, B., G?rtler, M., Wallesch, C.W. & Herrmann, M. (1999). Is there a syndrome of tuberothalamic artery infarction? A case report and critical review. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 21, 397-411.

Code, C., Müller, D.J. & Herrmann, M. (1999). Perceptions of psychosocial adjustment to aphasia. Seminars in Speech & Language, 20, 51-62.

Code, C., Müller, D.J., Hogan, A. & Herrmann, M. (1999). Perceptions of psychosocial adjustment to acquired communication disorder: Applications of the Code-Müller-Protocols. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 34, 193-207.

Herrmann, M., Curio, N., Jost, St., Wunderlich, M.T., Synowitz, H. & Wallesch, C.W. (1999). Protein S-100B and neurone specific enolase as early neurobiochemical markers of the severity of traumatic brain injury. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 14, 109-114.

Code, C., Hemsley, G. & Herrmann, M. (1999). The emotional impact of aphasia. Seminars in Speech & Language, 20, 19-31.

Beblo, Th., Baumann, B., Bogerts, B., Wallesch, C.W. & Herrmann, M. (1999). Neuropsychological correlates of major depression: A short term follow-up. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 4, 333-341.

Herrmann, M., Ebert, A.D., Tober, D., Hann, J. & Huth, C. (1999). A contrastive analysis of release patterns of biochemical markers of brain damage after coronary artery bypass grafting and valve replacement and their association with the neurobehavioral outcome after cardiac surgery. European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery, 16, 513-518.

Herrmann, M. & Wallesch, C.W. (1999). Caring for the carers of aphasic stroke patients – Is this really state of the art? Aphasiology, 13, 918-922.

Weiller, C. & Herrmann, M. (1999). Funktionelle Bildgebung in der Neurorehabilitation. In: Frommelt, P. & Gr?tzbach, H. (Eds.) Neurorehabilitation: Grundlagen, Praxis, Dokumentation. Berlin: Blackwell. 41-50.

Wallesch, C.W. & Herrmann, M. (1999). Klinik und ?tiologie akuter Verwirrtheitszust?nde. In: Hopf, H.C., Deuschl, G., Diener, H.C., Reichmann, G. (Eds.) Neurologie in Klinik und Praxis, Band 1. Stuttgart: Thieme. 101-105.

Herrmann, M., Wallesch, C.W. & Starkstein, S.E. (1999). Neuropsychiatrische Probleme in der Neurorehabilitation. In: Frommelt, P. & Gr?tzbach, H. (Eds.) Neurorehabilitation: Grundlagen, Praxis, Dokumentation. Berlin: Blackwell. 337-346.

K?hler, K., Bartels, C., Herrmann, M., Dittmann, J. & Wallesch, C.W. (1998). Conduction aphasia - 11 classical cases. Aphasiology, 12, 865-884.

Walzer, T.A., Wallesch, C.W., Starkstein, S.E. & Herrmann, M. (1998). Neuropsychologische Defizite in der frühen postoperativen Phase nach cardiochirurgischen Eingriffen - Ein Vergleich zwischen Patienten mit Klappenersatz- und Bypass-Operationen, Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 9, 123-132.

Wallesch, C.W., Herrmann, M. & Johannsen-Horbach, H. (1998). Fortschritte der Aphasietherapie. Aktuelle Neurologie, 25, 1-5.

Ansorge, I., Roth, N., Ansorge, S., Wallesch, C.W. & Herrmann, M. (1998). Aufmerksamkeitsfunktionen und Immunstatus bei Kindern mit ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 9, 139-147.

Mieck, Th., Herrmann, M., Bartels, C & Wallesch, C.W. (1998). Frührehabilitation in neurologischen Akutkliniken in Deutschland. Teil II: T?tigkeitsprofile der Fachtherapeuten und bestehende Versorgungsdefizite. Aktuelle Neurologie, 25, 19-23.

Walzer, T.A. & Herrmann, M. (1998). Neuropsychologische und psychopathologische Ver?nderungen nach kardiochirurgischen Eingriffen. Fortschritte der Neurologie - Psychiatrie, 66, 68-83.

Wallesch, C.W. & Herrmann, M. (1998). Berufsgruppen und interdisziplin?re Kooperation in der Neurologischen Rehabilitation. Aktuelle Neurologie, 25, 139-146.

Herrmann, M. & Wallesch, C.W. (1998). Aufgabenfelder der klinischen Neuropsychologie in der Neurologie. In Gaebel, W. & Falkai, P. (Eds.) Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Spezialisierung und Integration - Perspektiven der Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde. Wien / New York: Springer, 218-222.

Mieck, Th., Bartels, C, Herrmann, M. & Wallesch, C.W. (1997). Frührehabilitation in neurologischen Akutkliniken in Deutschland. Teil I: Strukturen und Versorgungsprofil neurologische Akutkliniken. Aktuelle Neurologie, 24, 253-258.

Herrmann, M., Hogan, A., Müller, D.J. & Code, C. (1997). Psychosoziale Anpassungsleistungen bei Sprach- und Kommunikationsst?rungen. Neurolinguistik, 11, 1-21.

Wallesch, C.W., Müller, U. & Herrmann, M. (1997). Treating aphasia – Pharmacotherapy. Medical Progress – Practical Therapeutics, 12, 8-10.

Herrmann, M., Laufer, M.E., Kohler, J. & Wallesch, C.W. (1997). Ambulante / teilstation?re neurologisch-neuropsychologische Rehabilitation - Teil I: Ergebnisse einer Bedarfsanalyse in Süddeutschland. Nervenarzt, 68, 647-652.

Wallesch, C.W., Johannsen-Horbach, H., Bartels, C. & Herrmann, M. (1997). Mechanisms of and misconceptions about subcortical aphasia. Brain and Language, 58, 403-409.

Herrmann, M., Laufer, M.E., Kohler, J. & Wallesch, C.W. (1997). Ambulante / teilstation?re neurologisch-neuropsychologische Rehabilitation - Teil II: Ergebnisse einer Analyse der Versorgungssituation in Süddeutschland. Nervenarzt, 68, 801-805.

Herrmann, M., Freyholdt, U., Fuchs, G. & Wallesch, C.W. (1997). Coping with chronic neurological impairment: A contrastive analysis of Parkinson's disease and stroke. Disability and Rehabilitation, 19, 6-12.

Wallesch, C.W., Bartels, C. & Herrmann, M. (1997). Wandel der Symptomatik im Verlauf fokaler Hirnsch?den. Nervenheilkunde, 16, 43-48.

Herrmann, M. (1997). Studying psychosocial problems in aphasia - Some conceptual and methodological considerations, Aphasiology, 11, 717-726.

Walzer, T., Herrmann, M. & Wallesch, C.W. (1997). Neuropsychological impairment following coronary bypass surgery. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 62, 644-648.

Herrmann, M., Hermstein, B. & Ausschu? 'OWCA' der GNP (1997). Ausbildungssituation und Fortbildungsbedarf in Klinischer Neuropsychologie. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 8, 32-43.

Herrmann, M. (1997). Indikation, Durchführung und Stellenwert neuropsychologischer Gutachten in der Neurologie. In: Diener, H.C., Felgenhauer, K., Reichmann, H., Wallesch, C.W. & Wiegand, F. (Eds.) Neurologie '97: Fortbildungsakademie der 70. Jahrestagung der DGN. Stuttgart: Thieme, I2-1–I2-10.

Wallesch, C.W., Müller, U. & Herrmann, M. (1997). Aphasia: Role of pharmacotherapy in treatment. CNS Drugs, 7, 203-213.

Wallesch, C.W., Lins, H. & Herrmann, M. (1997). Neurologie und klinische Neuropsychologie. In: Kischka, U., Wallesch, C.W. & Wolf, G. (Eds.) Methoden der Hirnforschung. Heidelberg: Spektrum-Neurowissenschaften. 251-280.

Herrmann, M., Johannsen-Horbach, H. & Wallesch, C.W. (1996). Empathy and aphasia rehabilitation? In: Code, C. & Müller, D. (Eds.) Forums in Clinical Aphasiology. London: Whurr Publishers, 355-359.

Wallesch, C.W., Bartels, C., Kischka, U. & Herrmann, M. (1996). Rehabilitation bei neuropsychologischen St?rungen, Nervenheilkunde, 15, 209-213.

Herrmann, M. & Code, C. (1996). Weightings of items on the Code-Müller-Protocols - The effects of clinical experience on aphasia therapy. Disability and Rehabilitation, 18, 509-514.

Wallesch, C.W., Bartels, C. & Herrmann, M. (1996). St?rungen h?herer Hirnleistungen. In: Strube, G., Becker, B., Freksa, C., Hahn, U., Opwis, K. & Palm, G. (Eds.) W?rterbuch der Kognitionswissenschaften. Klett-Cotta. 677-689.

Herrmann, M. (1996). Krankheitsverarbeitung bei zentral-neurologischen Erkrankungen: Bedingungen und M?glichkeiten. in: Fries,W. (Ed.) Ambulante und teilstation?re Rehabilitation bei Hirnverletzten. München: Zuckschwerdt. 75-82.

Herrmann, M. (1996). On the possible value of family therapy in aphasia rehabilitation. In: Code, C. & Müller, D. (Eds.) Forums in Clinical Aphasiology. London: Whurr Publishers, 344-346.

Herrmann,M., Bartels,C., Keller,A., Borchardt,D. & Wallesch,C.W. (1995). Die Cornell Depressionsskala - Ein Verfahren zur Fremdbeurteilung depressiver Ver?nderungen nach hirnorganischen L?sionen? - Psychometrische Gütekriterien. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie,6, 83-100.

Wallesch,C.W., Bartels,C. & Herrmann,M. (1995). Ausstattung, Bedarf und Anforderungsprofil von Logop?den an Neurologischen Kliniken der Akutversorgung in Deutschland. Sprache, Stimme, Geh?r, 19, 43-46.

Herrmann,M., L?nnecker,Th., Jost,S., Hennig,J., Wallesch,C.W. (1995). Individual patterns of cerebral activation during speech processing: Functional MR-Spectroscopy and functional MR-Imaging. Society of Magnetic Resonance and European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology. Vol. 2,

Laufer,M.E., Kohler,J., Wallesch,C.W. & Herrmann,M. (1995). Ambulante/ teilstation?re neurologisch-neuropsychologische Rehabilitation: Versorgungs?situation und Bedarf. Neurotransmitter, 23, 26-28.

Herrmann,M., Bartels,C. Britz,A. & Wallesch,C.W. (1995). Bedingungen und M?glichkeiten der Krankheitsverarbeitung im ersten Jahr nach Schlaganfall: Gibt es einen spezifischen Einflu? einer aphasischen St?rung? Neurolinguistik, 9, 23-40.

Wallesch,C.W., Frank,B., Bartels,C. & Herrmann,M. (1995). Erhebung zur Ausstattung, Bedarf und T?tigkeitsprofil von Neuropsychologen, Logop?den und Ergotherapeuten an Neurologischen Kliniken der Akutversorgung in Deutschland. Nervenarzt, 66, 455-461.

Herrmann,M., Bartels,C. Britz,A. & Wallesch,C.W. (1995). The impact of aphasia on the patient and family in the first year post-stroke. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 2, 5-19.

Herrmann,M., Jost,S., Ernst,T., Hennig,J. & Wallesch,C.W. (1995). Cerebral activation during speech processing as demonstrated by functional MR-Spectroscopy and functional MR-Imaging. In: Siegenthaler,W. & Haas,R. (Eds.) The decade of the brain. Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag. 132-134.

Jost,S., Herrmann,M., Ernst,Th., Hennig,J. & Wallesch,C.W. (1994). Funktionelle Magnetresonanz-Spektroskopie: Erste Ergebnisse bei einem Sprachstimulationsparadigma. Nervenheilkunde, 13, 9-11.

Wallesch,C.W., Bartels,C. & Herrmann,M. (1994). Ausstattung mit und Bedarf an Neuropsychologen, Logop?den und Ergotherapeuten an neurologischen Kliniken der Akutversorgung. Aktuelle Neurologie, 21 (Suppl.), XL-XLII.

Bartels,C., Herrmann,M. & Wallesch,C.W. (1994). Nerven?rztliche ?berlegungen zur Grundlage des Lexikons - Der Fall Voit. In: Ohlendorf,I.M., Pollow,T.A., Widdig,W. & D.B. Linke (Eds.) Sprache und Gehirn - Grundlagenforschung für die Aphasietherapie. Freiburg: Hochschulverlag, 211-220.

Herrmann,M., Ernst,Th., Jost,S., Hennig,J., Britz,A. & Wallesch,C.W. (1994) Funktionelle Magnetresonanz-Tomographie und -Spektroskopie: Erste Ergebnisse bei einem Sprachstimulationsparadigma. In: Kasten,E., Janke,W. & B.A. Sabel (Eds.) Medizinische und Biologische Psychologie. K?nigshausen & Neumann.

Herrmann,M. & Wallesch,C.W. (1993). Depressive changes in stroke patients. Disability and Rehabilitation, 15, 55-66.

Herrmann,M., Bartels,C. & Wallesch,C.W. (1993). Depression in acute and chronic aphasia - Symptoms, pathoanatomical-clinical correlations, and functional implications. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry,56, 672-678.

Walzer,T., Herrmann,M., Fasol,R., Hannes,W. & Wallesch,C.W. (1993). Auftretensbedingungen transienter organischer Psychosyndrome nach coronarer Bypassoperation. Zeitschrift für Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin, 7, 318-322.

Herrmann,M., Johannsen-Horbach,H. & Wallesch,C.W. (1993). Empathy and aphasia rehabilitation - Are there contradictory requirements of treatment and psychological support? Aphasiology, 7, 575-579.

Johannsen-Horbach,H., Wenz,C, Fünfgeld,M., Herrmann,M. & Wallesch,C.W. (1993) Psychosocial Aspects in the treatment of adult aphasics and their families - A group approach. In: Holland,A. & Forbes,M. (Eds.) Aphasia therapy today: World perspectives.  San Diego: Singular, 319 - 334.

Herrmann,M. (1992). Depressive Ver?nderungen nach cerebrovaskul?ren Insulten. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 3, 25-43.

Herrmann,M., Bartels,C. & Wallesch,C.W. (1992). Depression und Aphasie - Konzepte zur ?tiopathogenese und Implikationen für Forschung und Rehabilitation. Neurolinguistik, 6, 1-26.

Herrmann,M., Johannsen-Horbach,H. & Wallesch,C.W. (1992). Psychosocial aspects of aphasia. In: Lafond,D., Joanette,Y., Ponzio,J., Degiovani,R. & Taylor-Sarno,M. (Eds.) Living with aphasia: Psychosocial issues. San Diego: Singular, 187 - 206.

Herrmann,M. (1991) Nonverbale Kommunikation bei Aphasie. In: Blanken, G. (Ed.) Einführung in die linguistische Aphasiologie. Theorie und Praxis. Freiburg: Hochschul-Verlag, 349-380.

Herrmann,M. (1990). "Aphémie, eine Erkrankung vormals f?lschlicherweise mit dem Ausdruck Aphasie bezeichnet" - Zur Geschichte des Begriffes der Aphasie. Neurolinguistik, 4, 129-138.

Herrmann,M. & Wallesch,C.W. (1990). Expectations of psychosocial adjustment in aphasia: A MAUT-study with the Code-Müller scale of psychosocial adjustment. Aphasiology, 4, 527-538.

Wenz,C. & Herrmann,M. (1990). Emotionales Erleben und subjektive Krankheitswahrnehmung bei chronischer Aphasie - ein Vergleich zwischen Patienten und deren Familienangeh?rigen. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie, 40, 488-495.

Herrmann,M. (1989). On the possible value of family therapy in aphasia rehabilitation. Aphasiology, 3, 491-492.

Herrmann,M., Koch,U., Johannsen-Horbach,H. & Wallesch,C.W. (1989). Communicative skills in chronic and severe nonfluent aphasia. Brain and Language, 37, 339-352.

Herrmann,M. & Wallesch,C.W. (1989). Psychosocial changes and psychosocial adjustment with chronic and severe nonfluent aphasia. Aphasiology, 3, 513-526.

Herrmann,M., Reichle,T., Lucius-Hoene,G., Wallesch,C.W. & Johannsen-Horbach,H. (1988). Non-verbal communication as a compensative strategy for severely nonfluent aphasics - A quantitative approach. Brain and Language, 33, 41-54.

Bachmann,G., Herrmann,M., Koepsell,D. & Rieger,W. (1983). Zwischen SPD und KPD: Sozialisten, Kommunisten und Anarchisten in Opposition und Widerstand (1929 - 1936). In: ISF (Ed.) 30. Januar - Materialistisches Gedenken zum 50. Jahrestag der faschistischen Diktatur. ?a ira-Verlag: Freiburg i.Br. 20-41.