CV Juliana Wiechert
Born 1984 in Berlin, she finished school in June 2004 and started studying psychology at the University of Bremen in October 2004.
From the beginning of her studies she was very keen on psychology in legal contexts and neuropsychology. That is why she took part in an internship in Cape Town, South Africa, with delinquent kids and young adults in 2007.
Furthermore she did her half-year work experience in October 2008 at the Department of Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurobiology at the University of Bremen.
Since July 2007 she works as a student assistant at the Department of Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurobiology.
Currently she writes her diploma thesis about an fMRI study conducted by PD Dr. T. Fehr with the topic "Die zerebrale Verarbeitung individueller Handlungskontrolle im Kontext physisch aggressiver Szenarien bei Menschen mit unterschiedlicher gewaltbezogener Lerngeschichte".