Places and motives of acts of solidarity in transnational working relations
In this research project, we focus on places and motives of acts of solidarity in transnational working relations. In this context, we examine the regulation and implementation of work-related norms in order to identify forms of transnational solidarity, which we define as extensive, mutual will to solve problems between various European and national actors: Mainly we focus on topics such as equal pay, work life balance or digitization by voluntary company agreement (TCA) or by European works councils (EWC). Furthermore, we scrutinize interactions of associations in various industries with the aim to analyze existing coalitions, limitations or boundaries between national, regional and transnational actors. Moreover, we focus on the interactions between the respective camps of employers and unions. Here we put an emphasis on the regulation of a European minimum wage and on cooperation in connection with the implementation of the posted workers directive.
Overall research question: How and under which conditions do acts of solidarity in transnational working relations occur?
The project is divided into two subprojects with different research foci as well as a transfer stream where we have the aim to draw practical conclusions from the research results:
- Subproject 1: Transnational Social Dialogues as a basis for acts of solidarity in selected areas
- Subproject 2: Acts of solidarity by social partners with reference to ?mobile workers‘ support“ and ?minimum wage setting in the EU“
- Transfer: What are ?Lessons“ for social cohesion?
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The project is located at the University of Bremen and collaboratively implemented by the Centre for Labour Studies and Political Education (zap) as well as the Institute for Labour and the Economy (iaw).
The project is part of the funding stream “Cohesion in Europe” and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.