8th Workshop on “Microbial bioelectrotechnology: A platform initiative for Germany”.
Dear Colleagues and Enthusiasts in the field of Bioelectrochemical Systems,
after a long pause, we are happy to inform you that our workshop on Microbial Bioelectrotechnology is finally back!
The workshop will be taking place from 3rd till 4th May 2023 in Bremen, and it will be hosted by the Research Group Environmental Process Engineering (AG Kerzenmacher) at the Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technology (UFT) of the University of Bremen.
You will find here more information to the workshop's schedule.
The main focus of the Workshop is the strengthening of established and encouragement of new networks between research groups throughout the country. PhD students are invited to show their work in the form of an oral or poster presentation and discuss their results jointly with other doctoral, post-doctoral and principal researchers within the field of bioelectrochemical systems.
Due to the dimensions of our conference hall, the number of participants must be restricted to 50 people. We kindly ask you to designate an average of three participants per Research group.
Attendees can register for the Workshop until the 31st March 2023 using the registration botton below.
A fee of 65,- EUR is requested per participant. This will cover the welcome dinner - on 3rd May - as well as refreshments, beverages and lunch - on 4th May - during the workshop.

Diana Alvarez Esquivel
University of Bremen
Research Group
Environmental Process Engineering
Leobener Stra?e 6
28359 Bremen
Phone: ++ 49 421 218-63334