Priv.-Doz. Dr. Annette Kolb

Nach vielen Jahren aktiver Forschung und Lehre an der Universit?t Bremen bin ich seit Oktober 2017 als Forschungsreferentin an der Hochschule Bremen t?tig. Als Privatdozentin bin ich der Universit?t Bremen weiterhin verbunden.

An der Universit?t Bremen habe ich bis 2017 vor allem folgende Forschungsthemen bearbeitet:

  • Auswirkungen globaler und lokaler Umweltver?nderungen auf die ?kologie und Evolution von Pflanzen
  • Tier-Pflanzen-Interaktionen (Best?ubung, Herbivorie, Samenpr?dation)
  • Biodiversit?t und ?kosystemfunktionen von Wald?kosystemen

In der Lehre war ich als eigenverantwortliche Dozentin an vielen 澳门皇冠_皇冠足球比分-劲爆体育 im Bachelor-Studiengang Biologie (z.B. Formenkenntnis Pflanzen, Grundkurs ?kologie, Berufsfelder in den Biowissenschaften) und im Master-Studiengang Ecology (z.B. Population Ecology, Concepts of Ecology) beteiligt.

PD Dr. Annette Kolb

e-mail: akolb(at)

Wissenschaftliche Anstellungen

Seit Oktober 2017

Forschungsreferentin an der Hochschule Bremen

2015 - 2017

Koordination des Projekts "Forschendes Lernen als Profil des Bachelor-Studiengangs Biologie"
Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie, Universit?t Bremen

2012 - 2017Wissenschaftliche Angestellte im Projekt "ForstA bzw. ForstAintegriert - Forschend Studieren von Anfang an – Heterogenit?t als Potenzial"
Fachbereich Biologie/Chemie, Universit?t Bremen
2006 - 2014Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
AG Vegetations?kologie und Naturschutzbiologie, Universit?t Bremen
2005 - 2006Postdoc
Botanisches Institut, Universit?t Stockholm, Schweden
2001 - 2005Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Doktorandin)
AG Vegetations?kologie und Naturschutzbiologie, Universit?t Bremen

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

2012Habilitation (venia legendi in ?kologie)
Universit?t Bremen

Dissertation (Dr. rer. nat.), Biologie; summa cum laude
Universit?t Bremen

2000Wissenschaftliche Prüfung, Lehramt Gymnasium, Biologie und Geographie
Universit?t Freiburg
1999Master of Science (M.Sc.), Plant Biology
University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA

Abitur, John-F.-Kennedy Schule Berlin


Eigenverantwortliche  Lehre am Fachbereich Biologie / Chemie der Universit?t Bremen

  • Berufsfelder in den Biowissenschaften (2014-2017)
  • Population Ecology (2009-2017)
  • Berufsfelder für Biologen (2013)
  • Erstellung wissenschaftlicher Protokolle (2012)
  • eTools im Studium (2012)
  • Concepts of Ecology (2006-2012)
  • Formenkenntnis Pflanzen (2009-2014)
  • Grundkurs ?kologie (2009-2014)
  • Interaktionen zwischen Tieren und Pflanzen (2007, 2008)
  • Populations?kologisches Praktikum mit Exkursion (Bremen, 2008)
  • Pflanzen?kologisches Gel?ndepraktikum (Schiermonnikoog, 2007)
  • Pflanzen?kologische und Geographische Alpenexkursion mit Gel?ndepraktikum (Austrian Alps, 2004)
  • Seminar zur Alpenexkursion (2004)

Betreuung von Diplom-, Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorarbeiten

Erwerb des Gesamtzertifikats ?Hochschuldidaktische Qualifizierung“ durch Teilnahme an neun hochschuldidaktischen Weiterbildungen (2006-2011, Universit?ten Bremen, Oldenburg und Osnabrück)

Internationale, begutachtete Artikel

Web of Science 06.11.2022: 3131 Zitierungen (im Durchschnitt 48.92), h-index 27 (64 Artikel)

Google Scholar Profile


Valdés, A., Lenoir, J., De Frenne, P., Andrieu, E., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Deconchat, M., DeSmedt, P., Diekmann, M., Ehrmann, S., Gallet-Moron, E., G?rtner, S., Giffard, B., Hansen, K., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Le Roux, V., Liira, J., Lindgren, J., Martin, L., Naaf, T., Paal, T., Proesmans, W., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Wulf, M., Verheyen, K. & Decocq, G. 2020. High ecosystem service delivery potential of small woodlands in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology 57: 4-16.

Ma, S., De Frenne, P., Boon, N., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Kolb, A., Lemke, I., Liira, J., Naaf, T., Orczewska, A., Plue, J., Wulf, M. & Verheyen, K. 2019. Plant species identity and soil characteristics determine rhizosphere soil bacteria community composition in European temperate forests. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 95: fiz063.

Ma, S., De Frenne, P., Vanhellemont, M., Wasof, S., Boeckx, P., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Kolb, A., Lemke, I., Liira, J., Naaf, T., Orczewska, A., Plue, J., Wulf, M. & Verheyen, K. 2019. Local soil characteristics determine the microbial communities under forest understorey plants along a latitudinal gradient. Basic and Applied Ecology 36: 34-44.

Ma, S., De Frenne, P., Vanhellemont, M., Wasof, S., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Kolb, A., Lemke, I., Liira, J., Naaf, T., Orczewska, A., Plue, J., Wulf, M. & Verheyen, K. 2019. Plant-soil feedbacks of forest understorey plants transplanted in nonlocal soils along a latitudinal gradient. Plant Biology 21: 677-687.

Proesmans, W., Bonte, D., Smagghe, G., Meeus, I., Decocq, G., Spicher, F., Kolb, A., Lemke, I., Diekmann, M., Bruun, H.H., Wulf, M., Van Den Berge, S. & Verheyen, K. 2019. Small forest patches as pollinator habitat: oases in an agricultural desert? Landscape Ecology 34: 487-501.

Vanneste, T., Valdés, A., Verheyen, K., Perring, M.P., Bernhardt-R?mermann, M., Andrieu, E., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Deconchat, M., De Smedt, P., Diekmann, M., Ehrmann, S., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Lenoir, J., Liira, J., Naaf, T., Paal, T., Wulf, M., Decocq, G. & De Frenne, P. 2019. Functional trait variation of forest understorey plant communities across Europe. Basic and Applied Ecology 34: 1-14.

Helsen, K., Hagenblad, J., Acharya, K.P., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., De Frenne, P., Kimberley, A., Kolb, A., Michaelis, J., Plue, J., Verheyen, K., Speed, J.D.M. & Graae, B.J. 2019. No genetic erosion after five generations for Impatiens glandulifera populations across the invaded range in Europe. BMC Genetics 20: 20.

De Frenne, P., Blondeel, H., Brunet, J., Caron, M.M., Chabrerie, O., Cougnon, M., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Graae, B.J., Hanley, M.E., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Lenoir, J., Liira, J., Orczewska, A., Shevtsova, A., Vanneste, T. & Verheyen, K. 2018. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition on petals enhances seed quality of the forest herb Anemone nemorosa. Plant Biology 20: 619-626.

Helsen, K., Smith, S.W., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., De Frenne, P., Kimberly, A., Kolb, A., Lenoir, J., Ma, S., Michaelis, J., Plue, J., Verheyen, K., Speed, J.D.M. & Graae, B.J. 2018. Impact of an invasive alien plant on litter decomposition along a latitudinal gradient. Ecosphere 9(1): e02097.

Ehrmann, S., Ruyts, S.C., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Bauhus, J., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Deconchat, M., Decocq, G., De Frenne, P., De Smedt, P., Diekmann, M., Gallet-Moron, E., G?rtner, S., Hansen, K., Kolb, A., Lenoir, J., Lindgren, J., Naaf, T., Paal, T., Panning, M., Prinz, M., Valdés, A., Verheyen, K., Wulf, M. & Liira, J. 2018. Habitat properties are key drivers of Borrelia burgdorferi (s.l.) prevalence in Ixodes ricinus populations of deciduous forest fragments. Parasites & Vectors 11: 23.

Helsen, K., Acharya, K.P., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Lemke, I.H., Lenoir, J., Plue, J., Verheyen, K., De Frenne, P. & Graae, B. 2017. Biotic and abiotic drivers of intraspecific trait variation within plant populations of three herbaceous plant species along a latitudinal gradient. BMC Ecology 17: 38.

Ehrmann, S., Liira, J., G?rtner, S., Hansen, K., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., Deconchat, M., Decocq, G., De Frenne, P., De Smedt, P., Diekmann, M., Gallet-Moron, E., Kolb, A., Lenoir, J., Lindgren, J., Naaf, T., Paal, T., Valdés, A., Verheyen, K., Wulf, M., & Scherer-Lorenzen, M. 2017. Environmental drivers of Ixodes ricinusabundance in forest fragments of rural European landscapes. BMC Ecology 17: 31.

Acharya, K.P., De Frenne, P., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Diekmann, M., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Lemke, I., Plue, J., Verheyen, K. & Graae, B.J. 2017. Latitudinal variation of life-history traits of an exotic and a native impatiens species in Europe. Acta Oecologica 81: 40-47.

De Frenne, P., Brunet, J., Cougnon, M., Decocq, G., Graae, B., Hagenblad, J., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Lemke, I.H., Ma, S., Orczewska, A., Plue, J., Vranckx, G., Wulf, M. & Verheyen, K. 2017. Biological Flora of the British Isles: Milium effusumJournal of Ecology 105: 839-858.

Hudson, L.N., Newbold, T., Contu, S., Hill, S.L.L., Lysenko, I., De Palma, A., [many other authors and data contributors including Kolb, A.], Collen, B., Ewers, R.M., Mace, G.M., Purves, D.W., Scharlemann, J.P.W. & Purvis, A. 2017. The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology and Evolution 7: 145-188.

Plue, J., De Frenne, P., Acharya, K., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Graae, B., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Lemke, I., Liira, J., Naaf, T., Verheyen, K., Wulf, M. & Cousins, S. 2017. Where does the community start, and where does it end? Including the seed bank to reassess forest herb layer responses to the environment. Journal of Vegetation Science 28: 424-435.

Decocq, G., Andrieu, E., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., De Frenne, P., De Smedt, P., Deconchat, M., Diekmann, M., Ehrmann, S., Giffard, B., Górriz Mifsud, E., Hansen, K., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Lenoir, J., Liira, J., Moldan, F., Prokofieva, I., Rosenqvist, L., Varela, E., Valdés, A., Verheyen, K. & Wulf, M. 2016. Ecosystem services from small forest patches in agricultural landscapes. Current Forestry Reports 2: 30-44.

Lemke, I.H., Kolb, A., Graae, B.J., De Frenne, P., Acharya, K.P., Blandino, C., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Liira, J., Schmucki, R., Shevtsova, A., Verheyen, K. & Diekmann, M. 2015. Patterns of phenotypic trait variation in two temperate forest herbs along a broad climatic gradient. Plant Ecology 216: 1523–1536.

Hagenblad, J., Hülsk?tter, J., Acharya, K.P., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Dar, P.A., Diekmann, M., De Frenne, P., Hermy, M., Jamoneau, A., Kolb, A., Lemke, I., Plue, J., Reshi, Z.A. & Graae, B.J. 2015. Low genetic diversity despite multiple introductions of the invasive plant species Impatiens glandulifera in Europe. BMC Genetics 16: 103.

Valdés, A., Lenoir, J., Gallet-Moron, E., Andrieu, E., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Closset-Kopp, D., Cousins, S.A.O., Deconchat, M., De Frenne, P., De Smedt, P., Diekmann, M., Hansen, K., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Liira, J., Lindgren, J., Naaf, T., Paal, T., Prokofieva, I., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Wulf, M., Verheyen, K. & Decocq, G. 2015. The contribution of patch-scale conditions is greater than that of macroclimate in explaining local plant diversity in fragmented forests across Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 1094–1105.

Carón, M. M., De Frenne, P., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., De Backer, L., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Heinken, T., Kolb, A., Naaf, T., Plue, J., Selvi, F., Strimbeck, G.R. , Wulf, M. & Verheyen K. 2015. Impacts of warming and changes in precipitation frequency on the regeneration of two Acer species. Flora 214: 24-33.

Carón, M.M., De Frenne, P., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Graae, B.J., Heinken, T., Kolb, A., Lenoir, J., Naaf, T., Plue, J., Selvi, F., Wulf, M. & Verheyen, K. 2015. Divergent regeneration responses of two closely related tree species to direct abiotic and indirect biotic effects of climate change. Forest Ecology and Management 342: 21-29.

Carón, M.M., De Frenne, P., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., De Backer, L., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Heinken, T., Kolb, A., Naaf, T., Plue, J., Selvi, F., Strimbeck, G.R., Wulf, M. & Verheyen, K. 2015. Interacting effects of warming and drought on regeneration and early growth of Acerpseudoplatanus and A. platanoidesPlant Biology 17: 52–62.

Hudson, L.N., Newbold, T., Contu, S., Hill, S.L.L., Lysenko, I., De Palma, A., Phillips, H.R.P., Senior, R.A., Bennett, D.J., Booth, H., Choimes, A., Correia, D.L.P., Day, J., Echeverría-Londo?o, S., Garon, M., Harrison, M.L.K., Ingram, D.J., Jung, M., Kemp, V., Kirkpatrick, L., Martin, C.D., Pan, Y., Robinson, A., White, H.J., [many data contributors including Kolb, A.], Collen, B., Ewers, R.M., Mace, G.M., Purves, D.W., Scharlemann, J.P.W. & Purvis, A. 2014. The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts. Ecology and Evolution 4: 4701–4735.

Weber, A. & Kolb, A. 2014. Differences in heritable trait variation among populations of varying size in the perennial herb Phyteuma spicatumConservation Genetics 15: 1329-1337.

Carón, M.M., De Frenne, P., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., De Backer, L., Diekmann, M., Graae B.J., Heinken, T., Kolb, A., Naaf, T., Plue, J., Selvi, F., Strimbeck, G.R., Wulf, M. & Verheyen, K. 2014. Latitudinal variation in seeds characteristics of Acer platanoides and A. pseudoplatanusPlant Ecology 215: 911-925.

Maes, S.L., De Frenne, P., Brunet, J., de La Pe?a, E., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Gruwez, R., Hermy, M., Kolb, A. & Verheyen, K. 2014. Effects of enhanced nitrogen inputs and climate warming on a forest understorey plant assessed by transplant experiments along a latitudinal gradient. Plant Ecology 215: 899-910.

Pfeifer, M., Lefebvre, V., Gardner, T.A., Arroyo-Rodriguez, V., Baeten, L., Banks-Leite, C., Barlow, J., Betts, M.G., Brunet, J., Cerezo, A., Cisneros, L.M., Collard, S., D’Cruze, N., da Silva Motta, C., Duguay, S., Eggermont, H., Eigenbrod, F., Hadley, A.S., Hanson, T.R., Hawes, J.E., Heartsill Scalley, T., Klingbeil, B.T., Kolb, A., Kormann, U., Kumar, S., Lachat, T., Lakeman Fraser, P., Lantschner, V., Laurance, W.F., Leal, I.R., Lens, L., Marsh, C.J., Medina-Rangel, G.F., Melles, S., Mezger, D., Oldekop, J.A., Overal, W.L., Owen, C., Peres, C.A., Phalan, B., Pidgeon, A.M., Pilia, O., Possingham, H.P., Possingham, M.L., Raheem, D.C., Ribeiro, D.B., Ribeiro Neto, J.D., Robinson, W.D., Robinson, R., Rytwinski, T., Scherber, C., Slade, E.M., Somarriba, E., Stouffer, P.C., Struebig, M.J., Tylianakis, J.M., Tscharntke, T., Tyre, A.J., Urbina Cardona, J.N., Vasconcelos, H.L., Wearn, O., Wells, K., Willig, M.R., Wood, E., Young, R.P., Bradley, A.V. &, Ewers, R.M. 2014. BIOFRAG – A new database for analysing BIOdiversity responses to forest FRAGmentation. Ecology and Evolution 4: 1524-1537.

De Frenne, P., Coomes, D.A., De Schrijver, A., Staelens, J., Alexander, J.M., Bernhardt-R?mermann, M., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Chiarucci, A., den Ouden, J., Eckstein, R.L., Graae, B.J., Gruwez, R., Hédl, R., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., M?rell, A., Mullender, S.M., Olsen, S.L., Orczewska, A., Peterken, G., Pet?ík, P., Plue, J., Simonson, W.D., Tomescu, C.V., Vangansbeke, P., Verstraeten, G., Vesterdal, L., Wulf, M. & Verheyen, K. 2014. Plant movements and climate warming: intraspecific variation in growth responses to nonlocal soils. New Phytologist 202: 431-441.

Wasof, S., Lenoir, J., Gallet-Moron, E., Jamoneau, A., Brunet, J., Cousins, S.A.O., De Frenne, P., Diekmann, M., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Liira, J., Verheyen, K., Wulf, M. & Decocq, G. 2013. Ecological niche shifts of understory plants along a latitudinal gradient of temperate forests in north-western Europe. GlobalEcology and Biogeography 22:1130-1140.

Plue, J., De Frenne, P., Acharya, K., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Graae, B.J., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Kolb, A., Lemke, I., Liira, J., Naaf, T., Shevtsova, A., Verheyen, K., Wulf, M. & Cousins, S.A.O. 2013. Climatic control of forest herb seed banks along a latitudinal gradient. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 1106–1117.

De Frenne, P., Graae, B., Rodríguez-Sánchez, F., Kolb, A., Chabrerie, O., Decocq, G., De Kort, H., De Schrijver, A., Diekmann, M., Eriksson, O., Gruwez, R., Hermy, M., Lenoir, J., Plue, J., Coomes, D. & Verheyen, K. 2013. Latitudinal gradients as natural laboratories to infer species' responses to temperature. Journal of Ecology 101: 784–795.

Weber, A. & Kolb, A. 2013. Local plant density, pollination and trait-fitness relationships in a perennial herb. Plant Biology 15: 335-343.

Kolb, A. & Durka, W. 2013. Reduced genetic variation mainly affects early rather than late life-cycle stages. Biological Conservation 159: 367-374.

Weber, A. & Kolb, A. 2013. Population size, pollination and phenotypic trait selection in Phyteuma spicatumActa Oecologica 47: 46-51.

Ehrlén, J., Borg-Karlson, A.-K. & Kolb, A. 2012. Selection on plant optical traits and floral scent: effects via seed development and antagonistic interactions. Basic and Applied Ecology 13: 509–515.

De Frenne, P., Graae, B.J., Brunet, J., Shevtsova, A., De Schrijver, A., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Hermy, M., Heinken, T., Kolb, A., Nilsson, C., Stanton, S. & Verheyen, K. 2012. The response of forest plant regeneration to temperature variation along a latitudinal gradient. Annals of Botany 109: 1037-1046.

Kolb, A. 2012. Differential effects of herbivory and pathogen infestation on plant population dynamics. Plant Ecology 213: 315-326.

Graae, B.J., De Frenne, P., Kolb, A., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Verheyen, K., Pepin, N., Heinken, T., Zobel, M., Shevtsova, A., Nijs, I. & Milbau, A. 2012. On the use of weather data in ecological studies along altitudinal and latitudinal gradients. Oikos 121: 3-19.

Lemke, I., Kolb, A. & Diekmann, M. 2012. Region and site conditions affect phenotypic trait variation in five forest herbs. Acta Oecologica 39: 18-24.

De Frenne, P., Brunet, J., Shevtsova, A., Kolb, A., Graae, B.J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., De Schrijver, A., Diekmann, M., Gruwez, R., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., Nilsson, C., Stanton, S., Tack, W., Willaert, J. & Verheyen, K. 2011. Temperature effects on forest herbs assessed by warming and transplant experiments along a latitudinal gradient. Global Change Biology 17: 3240–3253.

De Frenne, P., Graae, B.J., Kolb, A., Shevtsova, A., Baeten, L., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Dhondt, R., Diekmann, M., Gruwez, R., Heinken, T, Hermy, M., ?ster, M., Saguez, R., Stanton, S., Tack, W., Vanhellemont, M. & Verheyen, K. 2011. An intraspecific application of the leaf-height-seed ecology strategy scheme to forest herbs along a latitudinal gradient. Ecography 34: 132-140.

Weber, A. & Kolb, A. 2011. Evolutionary consequences of habitat fragmentation: population size and density affect selection on inflorescence size in a perennial herb. Evolutionary Ecology 25: 417-428.

De Frenne, P., Kolb, A., Graae, B.J., Decocq, G., Baltora, S., De Schrijver, A., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Dhondt, R., Diekmann, M., Gruwez, R., Heinken, T. , Hermy, M., Liira, J., Saguez, R., Shevtsova, A., Baskin, C.C. & Verheyen, K. 2011. A latitudinal gradient in seed nutrients of the forest herb Anemone nemorosaPlant Biology 13: 493-501.

De Frenne, P., Baeten, L., Graae, B. J., Brunet, J., Wulf, M., Orczewska, A., Kolb, A., Jansen, I., Jamoneau, A., Jacquemyn, H., Hermy, M., Diekmann, M., De Schrijver, A., De Sanctis, M., Decocq, G., Cousins, S.A.O. and Verheyen, K. 2011. Interregional variation in the floristic recovery of post-agricultural forests. Journal of Ecology 99: 600-609.

Kolb, A., Dahlgren, J.P. & Ehrlén, J. 2010. Population size affects vital rates but not population growth rate of a perennial plant. Ecology 91: 3210-3217.

Kolb, A. & Barsch, K. 2010. Environmental factors and seed abundance influence seedling emergence of a perennial forest herb. Acta Oecologica 36: 507-513.

Kolb, A. & Ehrlén, J. 2010. Environmental context drives seed predator-mediated selection on a floral display trait. Evolutionary Ecology 24: 433-445.

De Frenne, P., Graae, B.J., Kolb, A., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Cousins, S.A.O., Decocq, G., Dhondt, R., Diekmann, M., Eriksson, O., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., J?gar, ?., Saguez, R., Shevtsova, A., Stanton, S., Zindel, R., Zobel, M. & Verheyen, K. 2010. Significant effects of temperature on the reproductive output of the forest herb Anemone nemorosa L. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 809-817.

De Frenne, P., Kolb, A. , Verheyen, K., Brunet, J., Chabrerie, O., Decocq, G., Diekmann, M., Eriksson, O., Heinken, T., Hermy, M., J?gar, ?., Stanton, S., Quataert, P., Zindel, R., Zobel, M. & Graae, B.J. 2009. Unraveling the effects of temperature, latitude and local environment on the reproduction of forest herbs. Global Ecology and Biogeography 18: 641-651.

Graae, B.J., Verheyen, K., Kolb, A., Van der Veken, S., Heinken, T., Chabrerie, O., Diekmann, M., Valtinat, K., Zindel, R., Karlsson, E., Str?m, L., Decocq, G., Hermy, M. & Baskin, C. 2009. Germination requirements and seed mass of slow- and fast-colonizing temperate forest herbs along a latitudinal gradient. Ecoscience 16: 248-257.

Diekmann, M., Duprè, C., Kolb, A. & Metzing, D. 2008. Forest vascular plants as indicators of plant species richness: A data analysis of a flora atlas from northwestern Germany. Plant Biosystems 142: 584-593.

Kolb, A. 2008. Habitat fragmentation reduces plant fitness by disturbing pollination and modifying response to herbivory. Biological Conservation 141: 2540-2549.

Kolb, A., Ehrlén, J. & Eriksson, O. 2007. Ecological and evolutionary consequences of spatial and temporal variation in pre-dispersal seed predation. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 9: 79-100.

Vellend, M., Verheyen, K., Flinn, K.M., Jacquemyn, H., Kolb, A., van Calster, H., Peterken, G., Graae, B.J., Bellemare, J., Honnay, O., Brunet, J., Wulf, M., Gerhardt, F. & Hermy, M. 2007. Homogenization of forest plant communities and weakening of species-environment relationships via agricultural land use. Journal of Ecology 95: 565-573.

Kolb, A., Leimu, R. & Ehrlén, J. 2007. Environmental context influences the outcome of a plant-seed predator interaction. Oikos 116: 864-872.

Vellend, M., Verheyen, K., Jacquemyn, H., Kolb, A., van Calster, H., Peterken, G. & Hermy, M. 2006. Extinction debt of forest plants persists for more than a century following habitat fragmentation. Ecology 87: 542-548.

Kolb, A. & Lindhorst, S. 2006. Forest fragmentation and plant reproductive success: a case study in four perennial herbs. Plant Ecology 185: 209-220.

Kolb, A., Barsch, F. & Diekmann, M. 2006. Determinants of local abundance and range size in forest vascular plants. Global Ecology and Biogeography 15: 237-247.

Kolb, A. 2005. Reduced reproductive success and offspring survival in fragmented populations of the forest herb Phyteuma spicatum. Journal of Ecology 93: 1226-1237.

Kolb, A. & Diekmann, M. 2005. Effects of life-history traits on responses of plant species to forest fragmentation. Conservation Biology 19: 929-938.

Kolb, A. & Diekmann, M. 2004. Effects of environment, habitat configuration and forest continuity on the distribution of forest plant species. Journal of Vegetation Science 15: 199-208.

Kolb, A. & Alpert, P. 2003. Effects of nitrogen and salinity on growth and competition between a native grass and an invasive congener. Biological Invasions 5: 229-238.

Kolb, A., Alpert, P., Enters, D. & Holzapfel, C. 2002. Patterns of invasion within a grassland community.
Journal of Ecology 90: 871-881.

Weitere Artikel

Kolb, A., Koperski, M., Wittig, B. & Diekmann, M. 2006. Der Fahlenbruch (Wesermünder Geest, NW-Deutschland): Artenliste und Vorschl?ge zur forstlichen Nutzung unter Naturschutzgesichtspunkten. Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen 46: 81-86.

Kolb, A. 2004. Die Verbreitung krautiger Laubwaldarten in einer fragmentierten Landschaft. In: Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn (ed.) Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt IV, S. 77-83. Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster.

Kolb, A. & Spribille,T. 2001. Calicium corynellum (Ach.) Ach. in the United States, and Calicium montanum Tibell new for North America. Evansia 18(3): 90-92.

Spribille,T. & Kolb, A. 2000. Cetraria sepincola new to Idaho and Melanelia septentrionalis new to Montana, with notes on their distribution and ecology. Evansia 17(4):112-115.

Habilitations-, Promotions- und Masterarbeit

Kolb, A. 2012. Environmental context and the ecology and evolution of plant populations. Habilitationsschrift, Universit?t Bremen. Bremen, Deutschland. 44 S. (+ 13 Artikel im Anhang).

Kolb, A. 2005. The distribution of forest plant species in a fragmented landscape: patterns and processes. Doktorarbeit, Universit?t Bremen. Bremen, Deutschland. 177 S.

Kolb, A. 1999. Patterns of biological invasions in a California coastal grassland - The role of environmental stress. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Massachusetts. Amherst, USA. 96 S.