Dr. Joshua Henkel
Externer Doktorand
- Behavioral Economics
- Consumer Behavior
- Green Nudges
Zur Person
Joshua Henkel war in der Zeit von September 2016 bis M?rz 2021 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Doktorand) in der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Dr. Christian Cordes an der Universit?t Bremen. Er hat Biologie an der Universit?t Gie?en studiert (B.Sc. 2012 und M.Sc. 2014). Im Rahmen seiner Dissertation besch?ftigt er sich mit grünen Nudges, Konsumentenverhalten und ?konomischen Nachhaltigkeitskonzepten.
Curriculum Vitae
- 2008-2012 University of Gie?en: Bachelor of Science in Biology.
- 2012-2014 University of Gie?en: Master of Science in Biology.
- 2016-2021 University of Bremen: PhD candidate in Economics.
Projects in Progress
"Electricity Consumption and Green Nudging – a Behavioral Model on Long-Term Effectiveness", in preparation for submission, 2018, pp. 1-19 (together with Christian Cordes, and Georg Schwesinger)
“Establishing Sustainable Consumption - How Future Policies can Channel Consumer Preferences”, in preparation for submission, 2018, pp. 1-31 (together with Georg Schwesinger).
“Emergence and Collapse of Cooperation: The Asymmetry Between Generation and Breakdown of Institutional Arrangements in a Multidisciplinary Perspective”, in preparation for submission, 2018, pp. 1-36 (together with Christian Cordes, Wolfram Elsner, Claudius Gr?bner, Torsten Heinrich, Henning Schwardt, Georg Schwesinger, and Tong-Yaa Su).
Other Publications
Review of: Henrich, Joseph: " The Secret of our Success - How Culture is driving Human Evolution, domesticating our Species, and making us smarter.", in: Journal of Bioeconomics, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2018, pp. 331-334.