Alumni of the University of Bremen

  • Frühlingsblüher vor dem Verwaltungsgeb?ude der Uni Bremen

    . . . is the University of Bremen's interdepartmental alumni network.

  • Glaskasten im Herbst

    . . . is the University of Bremen's interdepartmental alumni network.

  • Kirschblüten auf dem Campus

    . . . is the University of Bremen's interdepartmental alumni network.

  • Uni-Flaggen vor dem Campus

    . . . is the University of Bremen's interdepartmental alumni network.

Welcome to Alumni of the University of Bremen!

Peter Senft

"Benefit from the experiences of others."

The University of Bremen is one of the best German univer- sities and is embedded in multifaceted national and international networks. Our alumni and their work have a lot to do with that. Strengthening the alumni network, making it useful for every single member and for the university – that's what the University of Bremen's alumni association is here for.

By the way: Current students can also become members!

Philipp Baumann

"Use the network actively."

Alumni meeting alumni. Our network lives on that idea. Whether in Bremen or elsewhere, whether in person or online, numerous events put you in contact with other alumni. At networking events in companies or organisations that feel a connection with us. Through general exchange or joint discussions of topics that move science and society. Our members are co-creators of our network – and at our events there's something for everyone...

Mary Namukose

"Staying in touch – Wherever I am."

After your studies or research in Bremen, are you now living or working in another city or country? Then why not meet up there with former fellow students or colleagues – like at networking events or regular get-togethers?

Click here for an overview of our networks and regional groups.

An enthusiastic commitment to the alumni association from Alumna Antje Grotheer, President of the Bremen Parliament

Uni Bremen alumni association – become a member now!

As a Uni Bremen alum, you are part of the university’s 50-year history – five decades in which students, teachers, and staff have helped to shape our university and make it what it is today. A reform university that dared to make a new start with flat hierarchies and with academics who are aware of their social responsibility. A university that has changed and refined its profile over five decades, with excellent research, as a sustainable university and as a “climate university” – at the highest level internationally. 

As an alumni association far more than 4,000 members (spring 2024), we are the organisation and voice of all alumnae and alumni. We aim to support and promote the University of Bremen in a variety of ways. You can help strengthen our association by becoming a member! A monthly contribution of just two euros will enable you to support our important work. With an annual contribution of at least 100 euros, you can become a supporting member.

Impressions of our events

Alumni Summerfête
Gruppe Menschen schaut sich Archivalien an
Alumni in the archive
Alumni in der St?ndigen Vertretung
Get-Together in the St?ndigen Vertretung
Alumni im Plenarsaal
Alumni visit the Bremen Parliament
Alumni at DFKI
2 Frauen im Café
Alumni Summerfête

Not a member yet?

Always stay in touch

Our Corporate Members and Cooperation Partners

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