Dr. Johannes Herbeck

Senior Researcher with focus on Climate Change and Mobility
Herbeck, J. & Gudel, S. (2024). Klimamigration/Klimaflucht, in: Bartels, I., L?hr, I., Reinecke, C., Sch?fer, P., Stielike, L. & Stierl, M. (Hrsg.). Inventar der Migrationsbegriffe, 09.04.2024. Online: www.migrationsbegriffe.de/klimamigration, DOI: https://doi.org/10.48693/531.
Herbeck, J., Siriwardane-de Zoysa, R. (2022). Transformations of Urban Coastal Nature(s): Meanings and Paradoxes of Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation in Southeast Asia. In: Misiune, I., Depellegrin, D., Egarter Vigl, L. (eds) Human-Nature Interactions (pp. 61-70). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-01980-7_6
Schmidt-Hamburger, C., Zeile, P., & Herbeck, J. (2022). Stresstest Fu?verkehr: Eine experimentelle Studie zur Messung des Stressempfindens Zufu?gehender am Marienplatz in Stuttgart. In Mobility, Knowledge and Innovation Hubs in Urban and Regional Development. Proceedings of REAL CORP 2022, 27th International Conference on Urban Development, Regional Planning and Information Society (pp. 701-711). CORP–Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning.
Islam, M., Begum, P., Begum, A., & Herbeck, J. (2021). When hazards become disasters: coastal fishing communities in Bangladesh. Environmental Hazards, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/17477891.2021.1887799
Siriwardane-de Zoysa, R., Sch?ne, T., Herbeck, J., Illigner, J., Haghighi, M., Simarmata, H., Porio, E., & Hornidge, A. K. (2021). The ‘wickedness’ of governing land subsidence: Policy perspectives from urban Southeast Asia. Plos one, 16(6), e0250208. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0250208
Siriwardane-de Zoysa, R., & Herbeck, J. (2020). Futuring ‘Blue Urbanisms’: Pluralising the Littoral in Urban Southeast Asia. ISA eSymposium (online). https://esymposium.isaportal.org/resources/resource/futuring-blue-urbanisms/
Hornidge, A.-K., Herbeck, J., Siriwardane-de Zoysa, R., & Flitner, M. (2020). Epistemic Mobilities: Following Sea-Level Change Adaptation Practices in Southeast Asian Cities. American Behavioral Scientist 64(10), 1497-1511. DOI: 10.1177/0002764220947764
Ziegelmayer, U., Herbeck, J., & Hillmann, F. (2020). Environmental Studies and Migration. In Inglis, C., Li, W. & Khadria, B. (Hrsg.), The SAGE Handbook of International Migration. Los Angeles, London: SAGE Publications. 88-107.
Herbeck, J., & Flitner, M. (2019). Infrastructuring coastal futures: Key trajectories in Southeast Asian megacities. DIE ERDE–Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin, 150(3), 118-130.
Lawer, E. T., Herbeck, J., & Flitner, M. (2019). Selective adoption: How port authorities in Europe and West Africa Engage with the globalizing ‘Green Port’ idea. Sustainability, 11(18), 5119.
Klepp, S. & Herbeck, J. (2019). Decentering Climate Change: Perspektiven auf Umweltmigration in Europa und in Ozeanien. In Adam, J. et al. (Hrsg.), Europa dezentrieren.Globale Verflechtungen neu denken. Frankfurt: Campus. 275-314.
Siriwardane-de Zoysa, R., Fitrinitia, I. & Herbeck, J. (2018). Watery Incursions: The Securitisation of Everyday 'Flood Cultures' in Metro Manila and Coastal Jakarta. International Quarterly for Asian Studies 49(1-2), 105-126.
Garrelts, H., Herbeck, J. und Flitner, M. (2018). Leaving the comfort zone. Regional governance in a German climate adaptation project. In: Klepp, S. & Chavez-Rodriguez, L. (Hrsg.): A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation. Discourses, Policies and Practices. London: Routledge.
Flitner, M., Heins, V., & Herbeck, J. (2018). Critical Beaches. Coastal Erosion and Geosociality in South-Eastern Ghana. In E. Nadalutti & O. Kallscheuer (Hrsg.), Region-Making and Cross-Border Cooperation: New Evidence from Four Continents, pp. 47-63. London: Routledge.
Klepp S., & Herbeck, J. (2016): The politics of environmental migration and climate justice in the Pacific region. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 7(1), 54–73.
Herbeck, J., & Klepp, S. (2015). Decentering Climate Change: Aushandlungen um Klimawandel und Migration in Europa und Ozeanien. artec paper 203?[PDF].
Herbeck, J. (2015). Geographien des Klimawandels. Verwundbarkeit, Sicherheit, Translokalit?t. Dissertation, Universit?t Bremen. Link: http://elib.suub.uni-bremen.de/edocs/00104874-1.pdf
Herbeck, J. (2015). Climate Mobilities from a Human Geography Perspective: Considering the Spatial Dimensions of Climate Change. In: F. Hillmann, M. Pahl, B. Rafflenbeul & H. Sterly (Hrsg.), Environmental Change, Adaptation and Migration. Bringing in the Region. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 21-39.
Garrelts, H., Herbeck, J., & Flitner, M. (2015). ?Raus aus der Komfortzone?. Regional Governance im Kontext des Projekts nordwest2050. In J. Knieling & A. Ro?nagel (Eds.), Governance der Klimaanpassung. Akteure, Organisation und Instrumente für Stadt und Region (pp. 267-282). München: ?kom.
Gesing, F., Herbeck, J., & Klepp, S. (2014). Denaturalizing Climate Change: Migration, Mobilities and Space. artec paper 200?[PDF].
Herbeck, J. (2014). In the periphery of the climate movement: humanitarian organizations. In: Dietz, M. & Garrelts, H. (Hrsg.) Routledge Handbook of the climate change movement. London, New York: Routledge. S. 334-346.
Garrelts, H., Grecksch, K., Grothmann, T., Winges, M., Herbeck, J. und Siebenhüner, B. (2013): Sektorale Roadmap Regionale Governance. Handlungspfade und Handlungsempfehlungen auf dem Weg zu einer klimaangepassten regionalen Governance im Nordwesten. Bremen, Oldenburg: artec Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit und Carl von Ossietzky Universit?t Oldenburg. edoc.sub.uni-hamburg.de/klimawandel/files/694/nordwest2050_RoadmapGovernance_109.pdf
Islam, M., Herbeck, J. (2013). Migration and translocal livelihoods of coastal small-scale fishers in Bangladesh. Journal of Development Studies 49(6): 832-845.
Herbeck, J. (2013). Am Rande der Klimabewegung - Humanit?re Organisationen. In: Dietz, M. & Garrelts, H. (Hrsg.) Die Internationale Klimabewegung. Ein Handbuch. Wiesbaden, Springer VS. S. 449-465.
Herbeck, J. & Klepp, S. (2013). Negotiating Climate Change and Migration in the European Union and the Pacific. Vortrag auf dem COST Workshop ‘Race, affect and alterity: rethinking climate change-induced migration and displacement’, Durham, 18-19.06.2013.
Herbeck, J. & Klepp, S. (2012). Negotiating Climate Change and Migration in the European Union and the Pacific. Vortrag auf der ClimMig Conference on Human Rights, Environmental Change, Migration and Displacement, Wien, 20-21. September 2012.
Herbeck, J., & Flitner, M. (2010). "A new enemy out there"? Der Klimawandel als Sicherheitsproblem. Geographica Helvetica 65(3), 198-206. Verfügbar unter 'A new enemy out there?'?[PDF].
Herbeck, J., & Flitner, M. (2010). A climate of insecurity? A short review of the discussions on security implications of climate change in the United Nations, the European Union and Germany. artec paper 168. artec | Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit, Universit?t Bremen. Verfügbar unter artec-paper 168?[PDF].
Flitner, M., & Herbeck, J. (2009). Biodiversity, food security and climate change: taking systemic and second order effects into account (=CGRFA Background study paper 41). Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization. Verfügbar unter CGRFA Background study paper 41?[PDF].
Flitner, M., & Herbeck, J. 2008: Biodiversity and Climate Change: First and Second Order Effects in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. artec paper 157. artec | Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit, Universit?t Bremen. Verfügbar unter artec-paper 157?[PDF]
Hasenstab, S., Herbeck, J., & Lutzenberger, M. (2006) Bier – so rein wie die Landschaft. In Leibnitz-Institut für L?nderkunde (Hrsg.), Leben in Deutschland. Nationalatlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland Band 12. Leipzig, (S. 124-125).
Herbeck, J. (2009). Die Securitization des Klimawandels im Begriff des Klimaflüchtlings. Vortrag auf der Tagung "R?ume im Ausnahmezustand?!" Zur Neuverhandlung des Politischen und R?umlichen zwischen Repr?sentation und Alltagspraxis, 8. und 9. Mai, Münster.
Herbeck, J. (2008) .??No-Go-Areas’ in deutschen St?dten? Zur Exklusion von Menschen afrikanischer Herkunft aus dem ?ffentlichen Raum.“ Pr?sentiert auf dem Tag der Münchner Geographie 2008 am 4.07.2008, LMU München.
Since September 2019
Project leader and Senior Researcher in the project “Towards Blue Urbanism for Sea Level Change Adaptation: Global Trajectories and Speculative Futuring in Island Southeast Asia” (BlueUrban), funded by the DFG
Senior Researcher in the project “Epistemic Mobility and the Governance of Environmental Risks in Island Southeast Asia” (EMERSA), funded by the DFG
Scientific Coordinator in the project "New Regional Formations", funded by the Volkswagen Foundation
Since July 2008
Researcher at the artec Sustainability Research Center at the University of Bremen
Research Assistant at the Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) in Bremen
Internships at the Society for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), project "Food Security and Conflict Transformation" in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka
2000 – 2007
Studied geography, political science and sociology at the Technical University of Munich and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Universit?t Bremen
Forschungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit
Seminar- und Forschungsverfügungsgeb?ude (SFG)
Enrique-Schmidt-Stra?e 7
28359 Bremen
Phone +49 (0) 421 / 218-61833
Fax +49 (0) 421 / 218-9861833
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