Felix Wilmsen M.A.
Scientific Manager at artec Sustainability Research Center
- Far-Right extremism with a focus on the ?New Right? in Germany and eco-fascism
- Post-growth, degrowth und growth criticism
- Sustainable urban and regional development
- Qualitative and quantitative methods of discourse studies
Wilmsen, F. (2020). La borrosa línea del poscrecimiento en Alemania. Ecología Política (59). https://www.ecologiapolitica.info/?p=14036
Wilmsen, F. (2019). Ignorant und verharmlosend. Dem Postwachstumsspektrum fehlt ein antifaschistischer Konsens – die politische Rechte wei? das zu nutzen [Ignorant and downplaying. The post-growth spectrum in Germany lacks an anti-fascist consensus, and the political Right knows how to use it]. Analyse & Kritik (655), p. 28. https://www.akweb.de/ak_s/ak655/25.htm
Liegey, V., Madeleine, S., Ondet, C., & Veillot, A. [German translation by Felix Wilmsen] (2019). Eine neue Internationale nimmt Gestalt an. Weder Protektionismus noch Neoliberalismus, sondern ?offene Relokalisation?: Vorschlag für ein emanzipatorisches und ?kologisch nachhaltiges Wirtschafts- und Sozialprojekt [A new International is taking shape. Neither protectionism nor neoliberalism, but ?open relocalisation?: Proposal for an emancipatory and ecologically sustainable economic and social project]. OXI (8/19), pp. 20–21.
Wilmsen, F. (2018). Postwachstum bedeutet Postkapitalismus [Post-growth means post-capitalism]. GEOGRAPHIEaktuell (35 I/2018), p. 9.
Wilmsen, F. (2018). Degrowth! …und/oder nachhaltiger Konsum? [Degrowth! ...and/or sustainable consumption?] In: I. Weller & S. Kannengie?er (eds.), Konsumkritische Projekte und Praktiken. Ziele, Muster und Folgen gemeinschaftlichen Konsums. Munich: Oekom, pp. 21–37.
Schiemann, C. & Wilmsen, F. (2017). Umsetzungsm?glichkeiten postwachstums?konomischer Suffizienz- und Subsistenzans?tze in der urbanen Praxis [Possibilities of implementing post-growth economic sufficiency and subsistence approaches in urban practice] (Beitr?ge zur Wirtschaftsgeographie und Regionalentwicklung No. 1-2017). University of Bremen. http://www.regionalentwicklung.uni-bremen.de/docs/2017-1_Schiemann-Wilmsen_Umsetzung-Postwachstumsansaetze.pdf
Wilmsen, F. & Gesing, F. (2016). The Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (GPC) – A New Passage Point on an Old Road? (Bremen ZenTra Working Paper in Transnational Studies No. 68). Center for Transnational Studies (ZenTra). https://ssrn.com/abstract=2874704
Wilmsen, F. (2015). Je 澳门皇冠_皇冠足球比分-劲爆体育, desto weniger? Das Verh?ltnis von Wachstumskritik und alternativen Wirtschaftskonzepten des Postwachstums zum kapitalistischen System [The more, the less? The relation of growth criticism and alternative economic concepts of post-growth to the capitalist system]. (artec-Paper No. 206). University of Bremen.
Wilmsen, F. (2013). Die Ver?nderung der natürlichen Umwelt als Einflussfaktor von Migrationsdynamiken? Eine soziologische Analyse und Evaluation von Fallstudien in Bangladesch [Environment change as an influencing factor of migration dynamics? A sociological analysis and evaluation of case studies in Bangladesh] (artec-Paper No. 195). University of Bremen.
Wilmsen, F. (2020, 17 July). Wachstumskritik von rechts? ?ber rechte Vereinnahmungen im Postwachstumsspektrum [Growth criticism by the Far Right? On Far-Right appropriation in the post-growth spectrum]. Students for Future. Online Climate School, Bremen.
Wilmsen, F. (2019, June 28). Abschottung vs. Open localism: Die Verhandlung ?des Lokalen“ in der Wachstumskritik & ihre Bedeutung für die Praxis [Closure vs. Open localism: The negotiation of the local scale in growth criticism and what it means in practice]. Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL). ARL Congress, Kassel, Germany. https://www.arl-net.de/system/files/Wilmsen_ARL_Abschottung_vs_Open_localism.pdf
Wilmsen, F. (2018, August 22). Narratives of Degrowth & ‘The New Right’: How different are they really? Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies. 6th International Degrowth Conference, Malmo, Sweden.
Wilmsen, F. (2017, December 5). Je 澳门皇冠_皇冠足球比分-劲爆体育, desto weniger? Das Verh?ltnis von Wachstumskritik und alternativen Wirtschaftskonzepten des Postwachstums zum kapitalistischen System [The more, the less? The relation of growth criticism and alternative economic concepts of post-growth to the capitalist system]. Austrian Geographic Society (?GG). Year-end event of the ?GG, Vienna, Austria.
Wilmsen, F. (2017, June 16). Was ist denn bitte Degrowth?! Einführung & Diskussion [What the heck is Degrowth?! An introduction & discussion]. Working Group for Critical Geography. Research Workshop for Critical Geography 2017, Bremen, Germany.
Wilmsen, F. (2017, June 7). What about population? The missing link in degrowth theory. artec Sustainability Research Center, University of Bremen. artec Colloquium, Bremen, Germany.
Wilmsen, F. (2017, May 26). Degrowth. ASA & Engagement Global. ASA OPEN 2017, Weimar, Germany.
Wilmsen, F. (2017, March 2). What about population? The missing link in degrowth theory. University of Kiel. 7th North German Economic Geography Doctoral Colloquium, Kiel, Germany.
Wilmsen, F. (2016, August 31). More degrowth, less capitalism: What can critical geography tell us about their relationship? Research & Degrowth. 5th International Degrowth Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
since 01/2022
Scientific Manager at artec Sustainability Research Center
01/2016 – 04/2023
Research assistant at artec Sustainability Research Center
10/2015 – 12/2015
Researcher in the project ZenTraClim – Transnational Networks in Climate Policy
2013 – 2015
M.A. Urban & Regional Development at University of Bremen
Thesis: Je 澳门皇冠_皇冠足球比分-劲爆体育, desto weniger? Das Verh?ltnis von Wachstumskritik und alternativen Wirtschaftskonzepten des Postwachstums zum kapitalistischen System
Awarded the Leopold-Scheidl-Prize for Economic Geography 2016 of the Austrian Geographical Society (?GG)
Nominated for the Bremen Study Prize 2016
2012 – 2015
Research Assistant at artec Sustainability Research Center
2010 – 2013
B.A. Sociology at University of Bremen
Thesis: Die Ver?nderung der natürlichen Umwelt als Einflussfaktor von Migrationsdynamiken? Eine soziologische Analyse und Evaluation von Fallstudien in Bangladesch
University of Bremen
Sustainability Research Center
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 7
28359 Bremen
mail address:
P.O. Box 33 04 40
28334 Bremen
Phone +49 (0) 421 / 218-61848
Fax +49 (0) 421 / 218-9861848
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