Brain Research Institute

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    The Brain Research Institute investigates the function and dynamics of neural networks, particularly in relation to adaptive behavior, cognitive processes, and molecular mechanisms. Various research groups at the institute explore how neurons interact, process information, and influence behavior and perception. The research spans from the molecular level of individual synapses to local neural circuits and complex networks.

    With a broad range of methods, including optogenetics, calcium imaging, and electrophysiological recordings of neural activity, we aim to decipher the fundamental principles of brain function. These insights are intended to deepen the understanding of processes such as cognition, perception, information processing, and neural plasticity, providing new perspectives on the complex mechanisms of the brain.


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Professor Dr. Michael Koch

The Department of Neuropharmacology runs an active research program in the fields of behavioral neuroscience and neuropharmacology in rodents.

The focus is on investigating the role of the prefrontal cortex, the limbic system (amygdala and hippocampus), and the basal ganglia in various cognitive functions such as learning, memory, attention, sensorimotor gating, behavioral flexibility, and response inhibition.

Additionally, we are interested in the effects of brain lesions, developmental disorders, and substances (e.g., cannabinoids, psychostimulants, and psychedelics) on the behavior and cognitive functions of adult rats. These brain systems and cognitive functions are relevant for understanding various neuropsychiatric disorders as well as brain injuries.

We employ a variety of methods to investigate these systems, including different behavioral paradigms to explore cognitive functions, as well as imaging techniques, electrophysiological, and neuroanatomical methods.



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Cognitive Neurophysiology

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kreiter

The Cognitive Neurophysiology Group investigates how cognitive brain functions – such as attention, working memory, and decision-making – are implemented in the brain. Our focus is on how these cognitive processes manifest at both the local and global levels in neural networks. We are particularly interested in how neural networks must adapt their dynamics and response patterns to enable these cognitive functions and ultimately control our interaction with the environment.

At the local level, neural activity in specific brain regions is modulated to process relevant information and generate goal-directed responses. At the global level, coordinated interaction between different brain areas is required to perform complex cognitive tasks, such as integrating relevant information and controlling behavior. These networks must not only be able to respond dynamically to short-term changes in the environment but also process a variety of different types of information simultaneously.

Investigating these mechanisms helps us understand the fundamental neural principles of how information is processed in the brain, as well as how successful cognitive control and adaptation to the changing demands of the environment are enabled.


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Synthetic Biology

Professor Olivia Masseck

We investigate the role of the neuromodulator serotonin, especially its influence on emotional behavior and psychiatric diseases, such as anxiety and depression. Our investigations range from single cells to the system level.

To this end, we use and analyze methods from molecular biology, optogenetics, electrophysiology, immunohistochemistry, and behavioral analysis.

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Systems Neurobiology

Prof. Dr. Sami Hassan

Our research aims to uncover how neural activity drives adaptive behaviors like learning, memory, and decision-making. Using mice as a model, we investigate how brain functions—from individual cells to complex circuits—enable these processes and how they are disrupted in conditions such as schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders.

A key focus is the CA2 region of the hippocampus, which is essential for social memory—the ability to recognise and remember others. Our work has shown how changes in this region can lead to social memory deficits in certain neuropsychiatric conditions. Additionally, we have demonstrated that CA2 processes social information, such as individual odors, in a highly organized and sophisticated way.
Building on these discoveries, we are exploring how CA2 integrates social information into a unified "social map" and how disruptions in this process may contribute to neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. More broadly, we aim to understand how the hippocampus transforms sensory inputs into internal models that guide behaviour, focusing on social contexts and investigating how these processes break down in neuropsychiatric (e.g., schizophrenia) and neurodevelopmental (e.g., autism) disorders.

To address these questions, we employ state-of-the-art techniques such as advanced imaging, brain activity recording, and targeted manipulations. These tools enable us to unravel how different brain circuits collaborate to support behavior, providing valuable insights into both healthy function and disease mechanisms.

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Cell Biology

Professor Dr. Katrin Deinhardt

Our research focuses on the beautiful yet complex morphology of individual neurons and the intricate intracellular logistics required to form, maintain, and remodel these cells throughout a lifetime.

Neurons extend across vast regions, enabling them to connect directly with cells far from the soma, with each neuron forming thousands of connections. Our research aims to understand how neurons integrate the various extracellular cues they receive at different parts of the cell, both temporally and spatially, to sustain and adapt their structure and connectivity. To this end, we study the interplay of transport and signaling processes over short and long distances and how these events ultimately converge to induce changes in neuronal morphology and physiology.

The formation and maintenance of neuronal connections require morphological changes and are closely coupled with activity-dependent events. In this context, the neurotrophin BDNF serves as an example of a tightly regulated growth factor that triggers intracellular processes to induce changes in cell shape. Additionally, its precursor, proBDNF, is also biologically active but exerts effects largely opposite to those of mature BDNF, allowing a tightly controlled, bidirectional modulation of neuronal morphology by a single growth factor. We investigate how BDNF shapes neurons in health and disease.



Study program

Master of Neurosciences

All research groups are part of and support the Master's program "Master in Neurosciences" at the University of Bremen.

The English Master's program in Neurosciences is aimed at graduates with a Bachelor's degree in life sciences, physics, computer science, mathematics, or psychology. The program offers interdisciplinary training in neuroscience, combining experimental and theoretical research with its application.

Students are given early opportunities to specialize either in Computational Neurosciences or Experimental Neurosciences, without having to commit to a specific focus. Through research-based learning, independent work increasingly becomes a central component of the program: initially in the Advanced Studies, then in the Lab Projects, and finally in the Master's thesis.

Graduates of the Master's program in Neurosciences can work in both academic and private-sector or governmental positions. The combination of experimental neuroscience with the second specialization in Computational Neurosciences particularly opens up career opportunities in the IT/Data Science field. Evaluations from recent years show that the majority of graduates pursue a PhD in the scientific field (68%).


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..... Co-organized by:

Dr. Udo Ernst (Department 1, Computational Neurophysics Lab)

Prof. Dr. Olivia Masseck (Department 2, Synthetic Biology)

Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz (Department 3, Cognitive Systems Lab)
