Cognitive Neurophysiology

  • Welcome

    We, the Cognitive Neurophysiology working group, are part of the Brain Research Institute. On these pages, we present and introduce our research, its background, and other key aspects of our work.


Our research, conducted within the Brain Research Institute, primarily focuses on understanding how cognitive brain functions, such as attention, regulate information processing and routing within the brain to facilitate successful behavior. We are particularly interested in the neural codes underlying the prioritization of relevant over irrelevant information and explore these mechanisms at both micro- and mesoscopic levels.


The institute is applying a variety of experimental techniques, among those extracellular single-cell  recordings, intracortical electrical stimulation, electrocorticography (ECoG), and psychophysiology.




We are involved in the study programs of Bachelor of Biology (German) and Master of Neurosciences. For more information please visit the respective module descriptions.


Internships and Final Thesis projects

We are glad to work and perform research together with interested students. We, therefore, provide internships and final thesis projects for Bachelor and Master students.

If you are interested in working in our group, feel welcome to contact us (see contact information). We also offer PhD-student positions for persons with a master degree and interest in cognitive Neurophysiology.



Prof. Dr. Kreiter

Consulting hours: by arrangement

Cognitive Neurophysiology

Brain Research Institute

28235 Bremen


Telefone: +49 (0)421 - 218 63011

The picture shows the front side of the cognium building
Front of the Cognium building


Within the media section, we present internal media, which deal with our scientific findings and explain them to a broader audience. The section also contains external media coverage dealing with our work. 



Due to recent developments

Animal testing in research and teaching

Our research team works with laboratory animals to investigate the highly complex interactions and activity patterns of the brain in processing information. This basic research aims to gain a better understanding of the fundamental processes in the brain. Only through this knowledge of the actual functioning of the brain in providing basic functions such as perception, attention, and memory, can treatments be developed in the future to recognize and treat deviations from these functions, which can lead to various diseases. The investigation of this complex organ in executing these essential cognitive functions is currently not feasible without animal experimentation. Please also refer to the University of Bremen's information overview on animal experiments in research and teaching at the university.