Center for Decision Research

  • Leuchtende Glühbirnen, deren Glühdr?hte W?rter wie "advertising", "marketing", "digital" oder "business" bilden

    Welcome to Center for Decision Research!

    On these pages you will find information about our research and the people involved.

Ein Mann schaut auf die W?rter "Robot" und "Human" herab, die mit Kreide auf den Boden geschrieben wurden

Save the Date - 1. bis 5. Dez. 2025, "NextGen Decisions: Global Challenges, Local Action", University of Bremen

From December 1 to 5, 2025, the Center for Decision Research will host the first international and interdisciplinary 'Decision-Making Week' for students from various Master's programs in cooperation with partner universities within the YUFE context.

Eine Person steht vor einem Kreideschriftzug auf dem Boden: "Lockdown" mit einem Pfeil nach links, "Opening Economy" mit einem Pfeil nach rechts

New Series: Research Conversations

We are pleased to invite you to our first online event on December 8, 2020 at 6 p.m. on "Decision-making in crisis".

Contact Us


Prof. Dr. Dagmar Borchers


PD Dr. Tanja Pritzlaff-Scheele


Elke Mindermann
Phone: +49 (0)421 218 67800
E-Mail: philosekprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Postal Address

Universit?t Bremen
Institut für Philosophie

FB 9 Kulturwissenschaften
Postfach 330 440
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 7

Seminar- und Forschungs-
(SFG) 4. Ebene
28359 Bremen


Eine Person steht vor einem Kreideschriftzug auf dem Boden: "Lockdown" mit einem Pfeil nach links, "Opening Economy" mit einem Pfeil nach rechts

Modern societies are referred to as “decision societies”. On the one hand the number of opportunities to choose between options is growing. On the other hand, the cases and instances in which individuals or collective agents are forced to make decisions are increasing as well. Overall, the complexity and scope of decision-making processes seems to rise in many areas of modern societies.
Not only modern societies, but also decision-centered research is confronted with new questions due to global crises and technical innovations.

The Center for Decision Research, founded in 2018, wants to deal with these challenges by creating spaces for interdisciplinary exchange in decision-centered research.

In einer Enzyklop?die wird das Wort "Research" mit einem grünen Textmarker hervorgehoben.


The Center for Decision Research aims to bring together research on decision-making from various fields. It offers a forum for researchers to connect, to share and discuss new ideas and projects and to initiate new research collaborations.

Ein Getriebe, auf dessen Zahnr?der W?rter wie "Team", "idea", "strategy" und "partnership" zu sehen sind.


The Center for Decision Research brings together researchers from various academic disciplines, ranging from philosophy, theoretical physics, psychology, economics, law, political science, sociology, mathematics, computer science and neurobiology.

Leuchtende Glühbirnen, deren Glühdr?hte W?rter wie "advertising", "marketing", "digital" oder "business" bilden

Working Groups

The Center for Decision Research is based on interdisciplinary working groups. Our aim is to study decision-related topics from different perspectives, relating expertise from the humanities and social sciences with approaches from the natural sciences. The aim is to create a more integrated perspective and to create a network of researchers from a wide range of disciplines.