

Moritz Mühlenthaler, Grenoble, November 25 - November 30.

Annette Lutz, TU Darmstadt, November 18, Bicriterial  Approximation for the Incremental Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree Problem.

Sarah Morell, TU Berlin, November 6, The submodular Santa Claus problem.

Sven J?ger, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, April 8 - April 22.

Jose Verschae, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, January 22 - February 8.

Moritz Buchem, TU Munich, January 22-26, Improved approximation algorithms for (variants of) the minimum sum of radii problem.

Franziska Eberle, TU Berlin, January 22-26.


Leoni Winschermann, University of Twente, December 5, Relating Electric Vehicle Charging to Speed Scaling with Job-Specific Speed Limits.

Chien-Chung Huang, ?cole normale supérieure, Paris, November 13-15, Matroid-Constrained Maximum Vertex Cover.

Niklas Jost, Institut für Transportlogistik, Dortmund, October 4.

Gouchuan Zhang, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, June 22-26.

Leen Stougie, CWI Amsterdam, June 10-15.

Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, Sapienza Universita di Roma, June 10-15.

Sanjoy Baruah, Washington University, St. Louis, June 10-15.

Svenja M. Griesbach, TU Berlin, Aprin 27, Improved Approximation Algorithms for the Expanding Search Problem.

Konstantinos Dogeas, Durham University, April 19, Scheduling with predictions.

Chhaya Trehan, University of Bristol, April 19, (1+ε)-Approximate Shortest Paths in Dynamic Streams.

Sven Krumke, RPTU Kaiserslautern, February 20-22.

Franziska Eberle, London School of Economics, February 21.

Kevin Schewior, University of Southern Denmark, January 25, Knapsack Secretary Through Boosting.


Jens Schulz, Fair Isaac Germany GmbH – FICO, September 28-29.

Lars Rohwedder, Maastricht University, August 24-25, Minimizing Weighted Flow Time on a Single Machine.

Lin Chen, Texas Tech University Lubbock, July 11-15, Approximation Algorithms for Interdiction Problem with Packing Constraints.


Mohit Garg, IDSIA Lugano, October 26-27.


Andreas Wiese, Universidad de Chile Santiago, February 9-13, Fully Dynamic Approximate Maximum Independent Set in Interval and Geometric Intersection Graphs.

Giorgio Lucarelli, Université de Lorraine Nancy/Metz, January 28-31, A primal-dual approach for online scheduling with resource augmentation.


Veerle Tan-Timmermans, RWTH Aachen, December 11-12, Matroid Bases with Cardinality Constraints on the Intersections.

Marc Goerigk, Universit?t Siegen, December 4-5.

Miriam Schl?ter, ETH Zürich, September 9-11, Constructing lattice-free gradient polyhedra.

Fatih Akcay and Suat Akkas, Middle East Technical University Ankara, August 1-31.

Victor Verdugo, London School of Economics, May 5-11, Prophets and Optimal Auction.

Ulrich Pferschy, Universit?t Graz, April 10-12, On the Incremental Knapsack Problem.

?ukasz Je?, Uniwersytetu Wroc?awskiego Wroclaw/Poland, February 17 - March 2 , A ?-Competitive Algorithm ofr Scheduling Packets with Deadlines.


Leen Stougie, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica Amsterdam, September 11-12, A Decomposition Theory For Vertex Enumeration on Convex Polyhedra.

Klaus Heeger, Universit?t Bonn, September 10, A 10/7-Approximation for 2-Connected Spanning Subgraphs.

Sigrid Knust, Universit?t Osnabrück, July 10, Synchronous flow shop scheduling problems.

Bertrand Simon, Ecole Normale Superieure Lyon, May 14-15, Task graph scheduling on modern computing platforms.

Viktor Bindewald, TU Dortmund, April 24, Robust Bipartite - Headging Against Edge Failures.

Katrin Casel, Universit?t Trier, March 14-15.

Syamantak Das, IIT Delhi, February 26 - March 2.


Kevin Schewior, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saabrücken, September 22-29.

Peter Kling, University of Hamburg, August 28 - September 1, Multiprocessor Scheduling with a Sharable Resource.

Antonios Antoniadis, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saabrücken, August 28 - September 1, A Tight Lower Bound for Online Convex Optimization with Switching Costs.

Jan Hackfeld, TU Berlin, June 26-30, space-optimal collaborative graph exploration.

Max Klimm, Humboldt University Berlin, June 26-27.

Ruben Hoeksma, Universidad de Chile, June 19-23.

Kevin Schewior, Max-Planck-Institut für informatik, Saabrücken, June 18-23.

Wolfrgang Schr?der-Preikschat, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, April 23-24.

Timo H?nig, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, April 23-34.

Julie Mei?ner, TU Berlin, March 5-9.

Benedikt Plank, TU München, January 24-26.

Thomas Kesselheim, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saabrücken, January 24-25.

Andreas T?nnis, Aachen, January 24-26.

Kevin Schewior, Universidad de Chile, January 23-27.


Felix Fischer, University of Glasgow, December 19-21, Truthful Outcomes from Non-Truthful Position Auctions.

Jannik Matuschke, TU München, December 19-21.

Andreas T?nnies, University of Bonn, December 5-8, Online Algorithms with Random Order.