Prof. Dr. Nicole Megow
Short Bio
Nicole Megow studied Mathematics at TU Berlin and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. She received her PhD in Mathematics from TU Berlin in 2006, supervised by Rolf M?hring. She was postdoc and senior researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, held a position as interim professor for discrete optimization at TU Darmstadt 2011/12, and headed an Emmy Noether Research Group at TU Berlin starting 2012. Subsequently, she was an assistant professor for Discrete Mathematics at TU Munich. Since 2016 she holds the chair for Combinatorial Optimization in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Bremen. Her research has won several awards, including the Dissertation Award by the German Operations Research Society (2007) and the Berlin Science Award for Young Researchers (2013). In 2013 she received the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize, the major award for young scientists in Germany, awarded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). She was an elected member of the Elisabeth-Schiemann-Kolleg of the Max Planck Society (2013-2016) and she was listed twice among "Germany's top 40 researchers below 40" (Capital, 2014, 2015). Nicole Megow's research focuses on mathematical optimization, the theory of algorithm design and analysis, and operations research. She is a member of the Bremen research clusters Minds, Media, Machines, Dynamics in Logistics and the Humans on Mars Initiative. → Link to CV.
Research Interests
- Combinatorial optimization, discrete optimization
- Efficient algorithms, approximation algorithms
- Scheduling, resource allocation, packing, network design, routing
- Uncertainty models: online, stochastic, robust, explorable
- Find here a fairly complete list of publications.
- Other listing can be found at DBLP and Google Scholar .
- See the group's teaching page.
- List of supervised theses (bachelor/master).
Current Phd Students and Postdocs
- Bart Zondervan, PhD student (since 2024)
- Zhenwei Liu, PhD student (jointly with Guochuan Zhang, since 2023)
- Jens Schl?ter, Phd student (2019-2023) and postdoc
- Alexander Lindermayr, PhD student (since 2020)
- Felix Hommelsheim, Postdoc (since 2021)
- Vijayaragunathan Ramamoorthi, Postdoc (since 2022, MMM Project with Daniel Schmand and Sebastian Siebertz)
- Previous postdocs and phd students: here
- Member of the DFG Review Board for Computer Science, since 2020
- Member of the Tenure Board of the University of Bremen, since 2022
- Member of the Doctoral Committee (Promotionsausschuss) for Math/CS at the University of Bremen, since 2022
- Member of the Faculty Council (Fachbereichsrat) for Math/CS at the University of Bremen, since 2018
- Program Committees
- IPCO 2025 (chair), SODA 2025, ISAAC 2024, ICALP 2024, APPROX 2023 (chair), ACDA 2023, STOC 2023, FSTTCS 2022, IPCO 2022, STACS 2022, SOSA 2022,FCT 2021, ACDA 2021, MFCS 2021, SODA 2021, APPROX 2020, ESA 2019,WAOA 2019 (PC co-chair), ISAAC 2019, ALENEX 2019, WAOA 2017, APPROX 2017, SEA 2017, MAPSP 2017, SODA 2017, WAOA 2016, APPROX 2016, Euro-Par 2016, STACS 2016, WAOA 2015, APPROX 2015, ITCS 2015, ESA 2013, SEA 2013, WAOA 2012, CATS 2012, MAPSP 2009.
- Editorial Work
- Operations Research (since 2024)
- Discrete Optimization (since 2015)
- Journal of Scheduling (since 2014)
- SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (2017-2023)
- Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (2015/16)
- Operations Research Letters (2013-2018)
- Organization of
Dagstuhl Seminar 25471: Online Algorithms beyond Competitive Analysis (with Sungjn Im, Debmalya Panigrahi, Sahil Singla), 2025
Dagstuhl Seminar 25121: Scheduling and Fairness (with Claire Mathieu, Benjamin Moseley, Frits Spieksma), 2025
Dagstuhl Seminar 23061: Scheduling beyond the Worst Case (with Benjamin Moseley, Ola Svensson, David Shmoys, Sergei Vassilvitskii), 2023.
Gau? in Bremen, DMV Gau? Lecture (with Anke Pohl), Speakers: Valentin Blomer (Bonn) and Antje Boetjus (Bremen), 2021.
Dagstuhl Seminar: Scheduling and Transportation (with Ola Svensson and David Shmoys), 2020.
Scheduling Meets Fixed-Parameter Tractability (with Matthias Mnich and Gerhard Woeginger), at Lorentz Center Leiden, 2019.
Dagstuhl Seminar: Scheduling and Networks (with Magnus M. Halldorsson and Cliff Stein), 2018.
MAPSP 2017, June 12-16, 2017 at Kloster Seeon, with Susanne Albers and Andreas S. Schulz.
Dagstuhl Seminar: Scheduling (with Nikhil Bansal and Cliff Stein), 2016.
- Optimization under Explorable Uncertainty, German Research Foundation (DFG), 2023-2026
- How robots learn how to uses structure (with Daniel Schmand and Sebastian Siebertz), seed grant of the research cluster Minds, Media, Machines (MMM), 2022-2024
- Scheduling Invasive Multicore Programs Under Uncertainty within TCRC 89: Invasive Computing (InvasIC), DFG, 2018-2022
- Query complexity meets optimization under uncertain input (with Christoph Dürr), Bayerisch-Franz?sisches Hochschulzentrum (BFHZ), 2016.
- Design and Operation of Infrastructure Networks under Uncertainty, ECMath Einstein Center for Mathematics (with Martin Skutella), 2014-2017
- Scheduling under Uncertainty: On Performance-Adaptivity Tradeoffs, German Research Foundation (DFG), Emmy Noether Programme, 2012-2017
- Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems on Uncertain Inputs, Group of Eight Australia - Germany co-operation scheme (with Julian Mestre), 2013-2014
- Scheduling on Unreliable Machines: On Performance-Adaptivity Tradeoffs, German Research Foundation (DFG), bilateral cooperation with The University of Sydney (with Julian Mestre), 2011-2012