Humans on Mars Initiative

  • Mars

    Humans on Mars

    Pathways to a long-term sustainable exploration

  • Portrait of Lucio Colombi Ciacchi.

    Lucio Colombi Ciacchi

    “Learning how to produce metals and other materials on Mars will promote a transition from fire-driven to electricity-driven and CO?-emission-free materials engineering for the first time ever.”

  • Kurosch Rezwan working in the laboratory.

    Kurosch Rezwan

    “Thinking the unthinkable is what drives me. Mars is the perfect place for that.”

  • Researcher Anastasyia T?njes at work.

    Anastasiya T?njes

    “Another planet means other materials. For me, as a materials scientist, it is a big challenge. With ‘Humans on Mars‘ I can explore the future today.”

  • Sven Kerzenmacher working on an experiment.

    Sven Kerzenmacher

    “Martian reality will force us to find radically new approaches in coping with scarcity and foster resource efficiency. This mindset will also help shaping sustainable life on Earth.”

  • Katharina Brinkert at work.

    Katharina Brinkert

    “The exploration of space and protection of Earth go hand-in hand: the complementary approach of the Martian Mindset shows us how much space and Earth science can learn and benefit from each other.”

  • Cyprien Verseux

    “The Humans on Mars Initiative is an exciting opportunity to combine my expertise in space biology with that of others in fields far apart – and ultimately, to help make Mars exploration sustainable.”

  • Lutz M?dler

    “The Humans on Mars Mindset requires an engineering vision into a world of unknowns and constrains - not far from what we have on earth, but more extreme and less complex at the same time.”

  • Frank Kirchner next to a robot on Moon like surface

    Frank Kirchner

    “Humans on Mars tackles an extremely important challenge with respect to robotics research, it has the potential to achieve mayor breakthrough towards robots that are fit for everyday life.”

  • Daniel Meyer

    Daniel Meyer

    “The unique boundary conditions on Mars require to re-think manufacturing in a multi-disciplinary approach which will lead to exciting developments also applicable to the challenges on Earth.”

  • Researcher Christiane Heinecke.

    Christiane Heinicke

    “We set out to find ground-breakingly new answers to sustaining humans on Mars. I love the interdisciplinary challenge and the inevitable implications for our life on Earth.”

  • Professor Kirsten Tracht at work.

    Kirsten Tracht

    “Mars habitat planning enables a radical new paradigm of producing with sustainability and full circularity from product design, material sourcing to maintenance and end-of-life.”

  • Marc Avila, speaker of the initiative Humans on Mars.

    Marc Avila

    ”Mars has extremely limited natural resources. Under the premise of scarcity, our cross-disciplinary team researches how to sustain humans on Mars and applies the lessons learnt to Earth.”

Humans on Mars

Wir untersuchen Wege zu einer nachhaltigen, menschlichen Erkundung des Mars in sieben vom Land Bremen gef?rderten Projekten. Die Projekte konzentrieren sich auf menschliche Aspekte, wie die Interaktion und Kommunikation zwischen Menschen und gemischten Mensch-Maschine-Teams, auf Habitate und Lebenserhaltungssysteme sowie auf die verantwortungsvolle Gewinnung lokaler Ressourcen für die In-situ-Produktion von Verbrauchsmaterialien und Ersatzteilen.



News and activities

MAPEX News| MAPEX Presse|

Bürgermeister Bovenschulte hat Universit?t Bremen besucht

Im Fokus des Besuches stand unter anderem das neu beantragte Exzellenzcluster ?Die Marsperspektive: Ressourcenknappheit als Grundlage eines Paradigmas der Nachhaltigkeit“ des Wissenschaftsschwerpunkts Materialwissenschaften und ihre Technologien.

Mars landscape with habitat in the background and astronauts working in the front

Millionenf?rderung für Raumfahrt- und Hafenforschung

Mit einem Beschluss des Bremer Senats erh?lt das Zentrum für angewandte Raumfahrttechnologie und Mikrogravitation eine EFRE-F?rderung der EU in H?he von 3,7 Millionen Euro, um ein Mars-Labor zu errichten. Für die Optimierung von Prozessen im Hafen werden 2,8 Millionen Euro bereitgestellt.

Jutta Günther, Kathrin Moosdorf, Kirsten Tracht, Andreas Bovenschulte, Marc Avila, Kristina Vogt und Sarah Ryglewski.

Space Tech Expo 2024

Vom 19. bis 21. November pr?sentierte die Initiative ?Humans on Mars“ nicht nur ihre eigenen Forschungsthemen, sondern befasste sich in diesem Jahr auch mit dem im Rahmen der Exzellenzstrategie des Bundes und der L?nder eingereichten Clusterantrag.

Publication highlights

Toward an empathy-based trust in human-otheroid relations

Abootaleb Safdari

AI & SOCIETY (2024)

The primary aim of this paper is twofold: firstly, to argue that we can enter into relation of trust with robots and AI systems (automata); and secondly, to provide a comprehensive description of the underlying…


Resource-efficiency of cyanobacterium production on Mars: Assessment and paths forward

Tiago P. Ramalho, Vincent Baumgartner, Nils Kunst, David Rodrigues, Emma Bohuon, Basile Leroy, Guillaume Pillot, Christiane Heinicke, Sven Kerzenmacher, Marc Avila, Cyprien Verseux

Algal Research 84 (2024): 103801

Space agencies and private companies…

Dependence of cyanobacterium growth and Mars-specific photobioreactor mass on total pressure, pN2 and pCO2 pic

Dependence of cyanobacterium growth and Mars-specific photobioreactor mass on total pressure, pN? and pCO?

Cyprien Verseux, Tiago P. Ramalho, Emma Bohuon, Nils Kunst, Viktoria Lang, Christiane Heinicke 

npj Microgravity 10 (2024): 101

In situ resource utilization systems based on cyanobacteria could support the sustainability of crewed missions to Mars.…