Dr. Franziska Eberle

Franziska Eberle

Universit?t Bremen
FB3: Mathematik/Informatik
Bibliothekstr. 5
28359 Bremen
Office: MZH 3260
Phone: +49 (421) 218-63583
Office hours: by appointment

About me

I am a postdoctoral researcher with the group of Prof. Nicole Megow at University of Bremen. My research interests include approximation algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. I am particularly interested in optimization under uncertainty, where we want to make good decisions even if we are dealing with incomplete information in some part of the input.

I received my PhD in December 2020 under the supervision of Nicole Megow. 


A complete list of my publications can be found here.



Winter 2020/2021

  • Tutorial management for Algorithmic Discrete Mathematics

Previous courses



I visited Prof. Clifford Stein at the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Department of Columbia University in New York for more than two months in 2018. Cliff Stein concentrates on combinatorial optimization, scheduling, and network algorithms.