On the field of decision making, the master's program "Professional Public Decision-Making" (MAKE), the continuing education master's program "Decision Management" (EMMA) and the Center for Decision Research are based at the University of Bremen.
Decision Making
at the University of Bremen
Decision Making at the University of Bremen
Modern societies can be described as "decision-making societies". They are characterized by a multitude of possibilities for making decisions. At the same time, they confront individuals and collective actors with the need to make more and more decisions.
The complexity and scope of decisions also seem to be increasing in many areas of life. Global crises (climate change, corona pandemic) and technological innovations (human-machine interaction, digitalization) not only confront modern societies with new questions when it comes to current and future decisions, but also science, which researches decision-making.
The master's degree programs

Professional Public Decision-Making M.A. (MAKE)
The master's program "Professional Public Decision-Making" is a two-year, interdisciplinary course of study designed to provide students with comprehensive skills in dealing with complex public decision-making situations and problems. The study concept provides for a close interlocking of scientific-theoretical and practice-oriented study elements as well as learning content. Philosophical, economic, political science and law perspectives on the topics of public decision-making are all equally applied, and an interdisciplinary approach is practiced.

Decision Management M.A. (EMMA)
The continuing education master's degree program "Decision Management" is the only one of its kind in Germany to offer systematic and scientifically based training in public decision-making especially for professionals. The innovative profile aims to meet the increasing demand for competent managers by bundling expertise in dealing with complex decision-making problems in the public sphere, both interdisciplinary and across professional fields.

Flexible further education
We have expanded our successful continuing education master's programme 'Decision Management' (EMMA) from the Academy for Continuing Education and developed a new programme that offers you as a participant even more flexibility to learn at your own pace.
EMMA Flex is a flexible and individually adaptable certificate programme. It allows you to individually select and customise courses and modules according to your interests, time constraints and professional goals. Regardless of whether you only like one module, are interested in several different modules or are ultimately interested in completing a Master's degree, EMMA Flex offers a range of different further education options.
Center for Decision Research

Decision making as a research subject
The Center for Decision Research, founded in 2018, aims to meet the current and future challenges of modern decision-making societies by creating a place where decision research is conducted in an interdisciplinary network.
In addition to the participation of subjects in which individual and collective decision-making has long been a research topic, in particular also psychology and economics, researchers from the humanities, natural sciences and engineering work together in interdisciplinary, thematic working groups on fundamental questions of decision-making and the development of corresponding research projects.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Master's program "Professional Public Decision-Making" (MAKE)
Sandra Kohl
+49 (0)421 218 67823
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Master's program "Decision Management" (EMMA)
Maren B?ttcher
+49 (0)421 218 61621
maren.boettcherprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Center for Decision Research
PD Dr. Tanja Pritzlaff-Scheele
+49 (0) 421 218 67824
tanja.pritzlaffprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de