
Referat 53
Events on Campus
Diversity is a top priority at the University of Bremen. The university strives to reflect social diversity in its orientation and organization, as well as in day-to-day university operations, and to provide good framework conditions for successful individual participation – taking into account gender, disabilities, social origin, sexual orientation, worldview, age, and family obligations.
This principle also applies to cultural life at the University of Bremen. A wide range of events on campus is welcomed and promoted in the spirit of diversity.
The University of Bremen supports the organization of events with various advisory and support services:
- Rooms are provided by the Room and Multimedia Scheduling Office. Please use this form
Information on registration and approval requirements, as well as information on requirements to be met before and during events, can be found in the University of Bremen’s Guidelines on the Use of University Rooms and Open Spaces and in our FAQ (see below). Please note: Only the German version of the guideline is binding; the English translation is for information purposes only.
The application form for events can be found here.
Please note that, under certain circumstances, fees may be charged for events held on campus.
Please also observe the University of Bremen’s fire safety regulations and General House Rules.
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the staff at the Room and Multimedia Scheduling Office:
GW2, Room B2730 Tel.: +49 421 218-60900 | Opening Hours during the lecture period: | Opening Hours during the lecture-free period: |
- The kompass team of the International Office at the University of Bremen is available to assist international communities with the organization of their events. You can get in touch by email: kompassprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.
Under certain conditions it is possible to apply for financial support (subsidy for material costs). In this case, please contact the kompass team in good time – they will be happy to advise you.
FAQ – Events on Campus
- Which types of events do I have to make an application for?
The Higher Education Act of the State of Bremen – BremHG (Bremisches Hochschulgesetz) assigns various tasks to the University of Bremen, in particular research, teaching, and transfer. Applications are not required for events that serve to fulfill the tasks as defined by the BremHG. Instead, a room request must be submitted to the Central Room and Multimedia Scheduling Office.
All other events must be applied for, in particular social events and events organized by student or alumni associations, student political associations, and external events.
- How do I make an application for an event?
Room requests and applications for the events are submitted to the Central Room and Multimedia Scheduling Office. Please use this form . (Contact for queries: GW2, Room B2730, tel.: +49 421 218-60900, email: vabprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de)
Room requests and applications for events must be submitted at least four weeks before the event takes place.
- What are the prerequisites for approval?
- The application can only be approved if sufficient space is available during the requested time period.
- All events are subject to the provisions of the university’s General House Rules and fire safety regulations.
- In addition, approval may be subject to certain conditions, in particular the existence of appropriate insurance cover and a safety concept.
- There is no legal claim to approval. Approval may be withdrawn if the information provided in the application is incorrect or incomplete.
- What are the reasons an application may be rejected?
Applications will not be approved if:
- the event will interfere teaching and research activities,
- the planned event or its content violates applicable law or there are indications that the content of the event violates the free democratic basic order as defined by the German constitution,
- the event is likely to damage the reputation of the university or individual members of the university in the eyes of the public,
- the event is organized by a political party, a constituency group, a citizens’ group, or a similar organization, or if the event is intended to promote the views and concerns of such organizations,
- there are other important reasons for not holding the event (e.g. the event is being held at an inappropriate time, the conditions for the previous provision of rooms have been violated, etc.).
- What are the obligations of the organizers?
- The applicant is the organizer in the legal sense and declares with their signature to exercise all rights and obligations associated with the event.
- The event may only take place with the corresponding approval and all conditions must be met.
- In addition, the event must comply with all applicable laws (including copyrights. It may be necessary to register and pay fees to GEMA).
- Other events may not be disrupted.
- After the end of the event, the rooms or open spaces provided must be returned to their original condition – otherwise the organizer will bear any costs incurred.
- The organizer is liable for any damage caused by event participants.
- Can I use the university logo to promote my event?
Yes, as long as the event is organized by an institution of the University of Bremen. In this case, the use of the corporate design is mandatory.
In the case of cooperative events in which the University of Bremen is involved but is not the organizer, the use of the logo must be checked on a case-by-case basis before the event is registered. Please contact Administrative Unit 03: University Communication and Marketing (email: marketingprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de) and inform the Room and Multimedia Scheduling Office when registering the event whether the use of the university logo has been approved.
- What costs do I have to cover?
- A rental free plus a flat fee for the provision of the rooms or open spaces. Additional special costs may be charged for events that involve increased expenses.
- The rental and cleaning fees may be waived in whole or in part in certain cases, in particular for student events, if no fees or admission are charged to participants. Please contact the Room and Multimedia Scheduling Office for further information.