Information for Foreign Students

Offer for International Students in Faculty 11
Faculty 11 has created a learning module for students from abroad who are either still considering coming to Bremen or have just arrived. The module is designed to give them orientation on studying here and generally make it easier to settle in. A central element is an interactive map and the module also contains lots of useful links. The online module can be accessed at stud.ip in the portal – and on this page.
Among the services offered by the Praxisbüro is support in the transition from studying to professional life. The Praxisbüro/Career Service has developed a project especially for students from abroad called “Preparing a Career Start for International Graduates”.
The Faculty 11 project deals with the frame conditions international graduates must take into account (particularly legal issues) if they intend to take up employment in Germany. On the other hand, the project acts as a bridge over the transitional period between student life and integration into the German labor market. To this end, the project organizes workshops on job application strategies and the key competences required in professional life as well as the possibility to establish contact with potential employers. The project comprises three modules: Module 1 – Job Application Strategies and Profile Analysis, Module 2 – Labor Law and Right of Residence, Module 3 – Contacts to Potential Employers or Expert Interviews in the Frame of a World Café.
Initial information for potential international students under Internationalization.

Learning module "" for Students from abroad
The learning module ““ is designed for international students in Faculty 11 at the University of Bremen, i.e. students from abroad. The learning module is a guide to studying and living in Bremen, from the time you arrive here to the time you either return home or take up employment in Germany.
In a video, Yan from China relates her personal experiences of living in Bremen.
Start here: ""
The learning module deals with the following topics:
- Accommodation
- First points of contact and formalities
- Advice and emergency help
- Studying and learning languages
- Jobs and internships
- Food and drink, mobility, and leisure
- Studies over: Return home or look for a job?
A graphic guide?[PDF] (65 KB) with links to the section on the learning modules provides a module overview.
Find links connected to the learning module under, in the Infothek or in the module itself.