Film Studies / Media Aesthetics



Willy Haas-Award 2015 for Dr. Wenke Wegner

The publication of the dissertation by Dr. Wenke Wegner has received the Willy Haas-Award 2015 (category: book) at cinefest 2015. (in German)

filmstill: M?dchen schaut in Handy

Endzeit – Time for Fantasies

20:00: film:art 103 at CITY 46, Bremen

The Film Studies / Media Aesthetics is networking scientist, pedagogic and cultural practice on film (and media). Located at the Department 9 - Cultural Studies of the University of Bremen, it constitutes one accent of the Institute for Art - Film Studies - Art Education. The research of the Film Studies / Media Aesthetics is organised as Research-Lab of the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI): "Film, Media Art and Popular Culture". Besides research and education, cooperations with fields of film cultural and film mediational activity are focused.

Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit

Head of the ZeMKI Lab Film, Media Art and Popular Culture

Phone: +49 (0)421 218 67720
Mail: pauleitprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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Christine Rüffert

administrative councillor
with the Senate of Culture

Phone: +49 (0)421 218 67722
Mail: rueffertprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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Co-operation Partners

  • Go to page: ZeMKI
  • Go to page: city46
  • Go to page: Filmmuseum ?sterreich
  • Go to page: IKFK
  • Go to page: Weserburg
  • Go to page: Museen B?ttcherstra?e
  • Go to page: Landesfilmarchiv Bremen
  • Go to page: Filmbüro Bremen
  • Go to page: cinegraph