Dr. Christian Ohlendorf

Position: Senior Researcher

Research Domain: Geomorphology and Polar Reseach

Room: FVG M2051

Phone: 0421-218 67153

E-Mail: ohlenprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


since 2005

Senior Scientist at the Institute of Geography, University of Bremen.

2002 -2004

Research associate at the Institute of Geography, University of Bremen in the BMBF-Project SALSA.

1998 - 2001

Research associate in the Sedimentology group at Eawag (Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology Switzerland).

1993 - 1998

PhD and Research assistant at the Geological Institute of ETH Zürich. Dissertation: High alpine lake sediments as chronicles for regional glacier and climate history in the Upper Engadine, southeastern Switzerland. (ISBN 3-8265-4905-8).

1987 - 1993

Study of Geology-Paleontology at the Georg-August Universit?t G?ttingen. Diploma: Untersuchungen zur Eutrophierungs- und Belastungsgeschichte und Kartierung der Sedimente des Grossen Montiggler Sees (Nord-Italien).


Limnogeology: Sedimentology und geochemistry of lacustrine sediments as tools for the reconstruction of paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic changes

XRF scanning of environmental samples (method development and data analysis)

Clastic and proglacial sedimentary systems as archives of glacial history




Limnogeologie: Sedimentologie und Geochemie lakustriner Sedimente für Pal?oumwelt- und Klimarekonstruktionen

XRF Scanning von Umweltproben (Methodenentwicklung und Datenanalyse)

Klastische und proglaziale Sedimentsysteme als Archive der Glazialgeschichte



Current (PI)

seit 2020

MELSED: Lake Melville sediments: A window to the pre-Holocene glacial history of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Funding: DFG, SPP 1006: ICDP, https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/447558642.



Completed (PI, Co-PI, Collaborator)

2011 – 2015

PASADO Eolian: Identification of eolian input at the Laguna Potrok Aike drill site, Patagonia. DFG gef?rdertes Projekt im SPP 1006: ICDP, https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/194304593

2012 – 2016

Hochgebirgs-Polstermoore als Indikatoren für holoz?ne Umweltver?nderungen in den Zentralanden (NW Argentinien). DFG gef?rdertes Projekt, https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/193052098

2011 – 2012

Reconstruction of glacier fluctuations as response to climate change in high-alpine proglacial lakes of the French Alps. DAAD gef?rdertes Projekt im Rahmen von PROCOPE.

2008 – 2012

PASADO-Core: High-resolution qualitative environmental and climatic reconstruction for the last glacial interglacial cycles - the sediment record of the ICDP site Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina. DFG gef?rdertes Projekt im SPP 1006: ICDP, https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/65840137

2003 – 2010

BICPAK: Sedimentations-Dynamik im Sacrower See und Kalibration sediment?rer Klimaproxies DFG Sachbeihilfe. https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/5409628

2007 – 2010

ASADO: Analysis of Sediment Areal Distribution in Laguna Potrok Aike (ASADO). DFG gef?rdertes Projekt im SPP 1006: ICDP, https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/37334882

2004 – 2007

Pre-site survey for potential new ICDP sites in southern Patagonia (Argentina). DFG gef?rdertes Projekt im SPP 1006: ICDP. https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/5422634




ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3794-7313

last update: 21.03.2022


Peer reviewed publications

  • Irurzun M.A., Palermo P., Gogorza C.S., Sinito A.M., Aldana M., Costanzo-?lvarez V., Ohlendorf C. and Zolitschka B. (2020). Testing lake-level reconstructions based on rock magnetic proxies for the sediment record of Laguna Cháltel (Patagonia, Argentina). Quaternary Research 95: 113-128. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/qua.2020.15.
  • Mossig I., Bertram C., Bornemann J. and Ohlendorf C. (2020). Forschendes Lernen und die Gestaltung der Studieneingangsphase - Das Einführungsprojekt im Studiengang Geographie. In: T. Hoffmeister, H. Koch and P. Tremp (eds.), Forschendes Lernen als Studiengangsprofil. Springer VS, Wiesbaden, pp. 159-180.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-28825-9
  • Kock S.T., Schittek K., Wissel H., Vos H., Ohlendorf C., Sch?bitz F., Lupo L.C., Kulemeyer J.J. and Lücke A. (2019). Stable oxygen isotope records (δ18O) of a high-Andean cushion peatland in NW Argentina (24° S) imply South American Summer Monsoon related moisture changes during the Late Holocene. Frontiers in Earth Science 7. http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/feart.2019.00045
  • L?wemark L., Bloemsma M., Croudace I., Daly J.S., Edwards R.J., Francus P., Galloway J.M., Gregory B.R., Huang J.-J.S., Jones A.F., Kylander M., Luo Y., Maclachlan S., Ohlendorf C., Patterson R.T., Pearce C., Profe J., Reinhardt E.G., Stranne C., Tjallingii R. and Turner J.N. (2019). Practical guidelines and recent advances in the Itrax XRF core-scanning procedure. Quaternary International 514: 16-29. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2018.10.044.
  • Mayr C., Stojakowits P., Lempe B., Blaauw M., Diersche V., Grohganz M., Correa M.L., Ohlendorf C., Reimer P. and Zolitschka B. (2019). High-resolution geochemical record of environmental changes during MIS 3 from the northern Alps (Nesseltalgraben, Germany). Quaternary Science Reviews 218: 122-136. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.06.013.
  • Palermo P., Irurzun M.A., Gogorza C.S.G., Sinito A.M., Ohlendorf C. and Zolitschka B. (2019). Rock-magnetic and paleomagnetic studies on late-Holocene sediments from Laguna Cháltel (Patagonia, Argentina). Journal of South American Earth Sciences 90: 204-215. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2018.11.028.
  • Profe J. and Ohlendorf C. (2019). X-ray fluorescence scanning of discrete samples – An economical perspective. Quaternary International 514: 68-75. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2018.09.022.
  • Smith R.E., Smith V.C., Fontijn K., Gebhardt A.C., Wasteg?rd S., Zolitschka B., Ohlendorf C., Stern C. and Mayr C. (2019). Refining the Late Quaternary tephrochronology for southern South America using the Laguna Potrok Aike sedimentary record. Quaternary Science Reviews 218: 137-156.
  • Ohlendorf C. (2018). A sample carrier for measuring discrete powdered samples with an ITRAX XRF core scanner. X-Ray Spectrometry 47: 58-62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/xrs.2811
  • Profe J., Neumann L., Novothny ?., Barta G., Rolf C., Frechen M., Ohlendorf C. and Zolitschka B. (2018a). Paleoenvironmental conditions and sedimentation dynamics in Central Europe inferred from geochemical data of the loess-paleosol sequence at Sütt? (Hungary). Quaternary Science Reviews 196: 21-37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.07.034.
  • Profe J., Wacha L., Frechen M., Ohlendorf C. and Zolitschka B. (2018b). XRF scanning of discrete samples – A chemostratigraphic approach exemplified for loess-paleosol sequences from the Island of Susak, Croatia. Quaternary International 494: 34-51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2018.05.006.
  • Vuillemin A., Ariztegui D., Horn F., Kallmeyer J., Orsi W.D., Anselmetti F., Corbella H., Francus P., Lücke A., Maidana N.I., Ohlendorf C., Zolitschka B., Schabitz F. and Wasteg?rd S. (2018). Microbial community composition along a 50 000-year lacustrine sediment sequence. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/femsec/fiy029.
  • Zolitschka B., Fey M., Janssen S., Maidana N.I., Mayr C., Wulf S., Haberzettl T., Corbella H., Lücke A., Ohlendorf C. and Sch?bitz F. (2018). Southern Hemispheric Westerlies control sedimentary processes of Laguna Azul (south-eastern Patagonia, Argentina). The Holocene 29: 403-420.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0959683618816446
  • Kliem P., Baumgarten H., Gebhardt C., Hahn A., Ohlendorf C. and Zolitschka B. (2017). Periodic 1.5 ka climate variations during MIS 2 in the belt of Southern Hemispheric Westerlies. Quaternary Research 88: 110-120.
  • Hockun K., Sachse D., Mollenhauer G., Hefter J., Hahn A., Ohlendorf C., Zolitschka B., Mayr C. and Schefu? E. (2016 (in prep)). Major aquatic ecosystem changes in Laguna Potrok Aike with increasing influence of the Southern Hemispheric Westerlies in Southern Patagonia.
  • Hockun K., Mollenhauer G., Ho S.L., Hefter J., Ohlendorf C., Zolitschka B., Mayr C., Lücke A. and Schefu? E. (2016). Using distributions and stable isotopes of n-alkanes to disentangle organic matter contributions to sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina. Organic Geochemistry 102: 110-119. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2016.10.001.
  • Kuhn K., Meima J.A., Rammlmair D. and Ohlendorf C. (2016). Chemical mapping of mine waste drill cores with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) for mineral resource exploration. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 161: 72-84. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2015.11.005.
  • Profe J., Zolitschka B., Schirmer W., Frechen M. and Ohlendorf C. (2016). Geochemistry unravels MIS 3/2 paleoenvironmental dynamics at the loess-paleosol sequence Schwalbenberg II, Germany. Palaeogeogr Palaeocl 459: 537-551. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.07.022.
  • Schittek K., Kock S.T., Lücke A., Hense J., Ohlendorf C., Kulemeyer J.J., Lupo L.C. and Sch?bitz F. (2016). A high-altitude peatland record of environmental changes in the NW Argentine Andes (24 °?S) over the last 2100 years. Climate of the Past 12: 1165-1180. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/cp-12-1165-2016.
  • Vuillemin A., Ariztegui D., Leavitt P.R., Bunting L. and the P.S.T. (2016). Recording of climate and diagenesis through sedimentary DNA and fossil pigments at Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina. Biogeosciences 13: 2475-2492. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-13-2475-2016.
  • Lisé-Pronovost A., St-Onge G., Gogorza C., Haberzettl T., Jouve G., Francus P., Ohlendorf C., Gebhardt C., Zolitschka B. and PASADO science team (2015). Rock-magnetic proxies of wind intensity and dust since 51,200 cal BP from lacustrine sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, southeastern Patagonia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 411: 72-86. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X14006980?via%3Dihub
  • Oehlerich M., Mayr C., Gussone N., Hahn A., H?lzl S., Lücke A., Ohlendorf C., Rummel S., Teichert B.M.A. and Zolitschka B. (2015). Lateglacial and Holocene climatic changes in south-eastern Patagonia inferred from carbonate isotope records of Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina). Quaternary Science Reviews 114: 189-202. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379115000621?via%3Dihub
  • Ohlendorf C., Wennrich V. and Enters D. (2015). Experiences with XRF-scanning of long sediment records. In: G. Rothwell and I. W. Croudace (eds.), Micro-XRF Studies of Sediment Cores. Springer, Netherlands, pp. 351-372. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-017-9849-5_13
  • Hahn A., Kliem P., Oehlerich M., Ohlendorf C., Zolitschka B. and the PASADO science team (2014). Elemental composition of the Laguna Potrok Aike sediment sequence reveals paleoclimatic changes over the past 51 ka in southern Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of Paleolimnology 52: 349-366. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10933-014-9798-y
  • Ohlendorf C., Fey M., Massaferro J., Haberzettl T., Laprida C., Lücke A., Maidana N., Mayr C., Oehlerich M., Ramón Mercau J., Wille M., Corbella H., St-Onge G., Sch?bitz F. and Zolitschka B. (2014). Late Holocene hydrology inferred from lacustrine sediments of Laguna Cháltel (southeastern Argentina). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 411: 229-248. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031018214003423?via%3Dihub
  • Zhu J., Lücke A., Wissel H., Mayr C., Enters D., Ja Kim K., Ohlendorf C., Sch?bitz F. and Zolitschka B. (2014a). Climate history of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies belt during the last glacial–interglacial transition revealed from lake water oxygen isotope reconstruction of Laguna Potrok Aike (52° S, Argentina). Climate of the Past 10: 2153-2169. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/cp-10-2153-2014.
  • Zhu J., Lücke A., Wissel H., Mayr C., Ohlendorf C. and Zolitschka B. (2014b). Characterizing oxygen isotope variability and host water relation of modern and subfossil aquatic mosses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 130: 212-228. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2014.01.013.
  • Zolitschka B., Rolf C., Bittmann F., Binot F., Frechen M., Wonik T., Froitzheim N. and Ohlendorf C. (2014). Pleistocene climatic and environmental variations inferred from a terrestrial sediment record – the Rodderberg Volcanic Complex near Bonn, Germany. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften 165: 407-424. http://dx.doi.org/10.1127/1860-1804/2014/0071.
  • Buylaert J.P., Murray A.S., Gebhardt A.C., Sohbati R., Ohlendorf C., Thiel C., Wasteg?rd S. and Zolitschka B. (2013). Luminescence dating of the PASADO core 5022-1D from Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina) using IRSL signals from feldspar. Quaternary Science Reviews 71: 70-80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.03.018.
  • Hahn A., Kliem P., Ohlendorf C., Zolitschka B. and Rosén P. (2013). Climate induced changes as registered in inorganic and organic sediment components from Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina) during the past 51 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews 71: 154-166. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.09.015.
  • Kliem P., Buylaert J.P., Hahn A., Mayr C., Murray A.S., Ohlendorf C., Veres D., Wasteg?rd S. and Zolitschka B. (2013a). Magnitude, geomorphologic response and climate links of lake level oscillations at Laguna Potrok Aike, Patagonian steppe (Argentina). Quaternary Science Reviews 71: 131-146. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.08.023.
  • Kliem P., Enters D., Hahn A., Ohlendorf C., Lisé-Pronovost A., St-Onge G., Wasteg?rd S., Zolitschka B. and PASADO science team t. (2013b). Lithology, radiocarbon chronology and sedimentological interpretation of the lacustrine record from Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia. Quaternary Science Reviews 71: 54-69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.07.019.
  • Mayr C., Lücke A., Wagner S., Wissel H., Ohlendorf C., Haberzettl T., Oehlerich M., Sch?bitz F., Wille M., Zhu J. and Zolitschka B. (2013). Intensified Southern Hemisphere Westerlies regulated atmospheric CO2 during the last deglaciation. Geology 41: 831-834. http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/g34335.1.
  • Oehlerich M., Mayr C., Griesshaber E., Lücke A., Oeckler O.M., Ohlendorf C., Schmahl W.W. and Zolitschka B. (2013). Ikaite precipitation in a lacustrine environment – implications for palaeoclimatic studies using carbonates from Laguna Potrok Aike (Patagonia, Argentina). Quaternary Science Reviews 71: 46-53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.05.024.
  • Ohlendorf C., Fey M., Gebhardt C., Haberzettl T., Lücke A., Mayr C., Sch?bitz F., Wille M. and Zolitschka B. (2013). Mechanisms of lake-level change at Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina) – insights from hydrological balance calculations. Quaternary Science Reviews 71: 27-45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.10.040.
  • Sch?bitz F., Wille M., Francois J.-P., Haberzettl T., Quintana F., Mayr C., Lücke A., Ohlendorf C., Mancini V., Paez M.M., Prieto A.R. and Zolitschka B. (2013). Reconstruction of palaeoprecipitation based on pollen transfer functions – the record of the last 16 ka from Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia. Quaternary Science Reviews 71: 175-190. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.12.006.
  • Tylmann W., Enters D., Kinder M., Moska P., Ohlendorf C., Por?ba G. and Zolitschka B. (2013a). Multiple dating of varved sediments from Lake ?azduny, northern Poland: Toward an improved chronology for the last 150 years. Quaternary Geochronology 15: 98-107. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2012.10.001.
  • Tylmann W., Zolitschka B., Enters D. and Ohlendorf C. (2013b). Laminated lake sediments in northeast Poland: distribution, preconditions for formation and potential for paleoenvironmental investigation. Journal of Paleolimnology 50: 487-503. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10933-013-9741-7.
  • Wasteg?rd S., Veres D., Kliem P., Hahn A., Ohlendorf C. and Zolitschka B. (2013). Towards a late Quaternary tephrochronological framework for the southernmost part of South America – the Laguna Potrok Aike tephra record. Quaternary Science Reviews 71: 81-90. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.10.019.
  • Zhu J., Lücke A., Wissel H., Müller D., Mayr C., Ohlendorf C., Zolitschka B. and the PASADO science team (2013). The last Glacial–Interglacial transition in Patagonia, Argentina: the stable isotope record of bulk sedimentary organic matter from Laguna Potrok Aike. Quaternary Science Reviews 71: 205-218. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.05.025.
  • Zolitschka B., Anselmetti F., Ariztegui D., Corbella H., Francus P., Lücke A., Maidana N.I., Ohlendorf C., Sch?bitz F. and Wasteg?rd S. (2013). Environment and climate of the last 51,000 years – new insights from the Potrok Aike maar lake Sediment Archive Drilling prOject (PASADO). Quaternary Science Reviews 71: 1-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.11.024.
  • Gebhardt A.C., Ohlendorf C., Niessen F., De Batist M., Anselmetti F.S., Ariztegui D., Kliem P., Wasteg?rd S. and Zolitschka B. (2012). Seismic evidence of up to 200 m lake-level change in Southern Patagonia since Marine Isotope Stage 4. Sedimentology 59: 1087-1100. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3091.2011.01296.x.
  • Gogorza C.S.G., Irurzun M.A., Sinito A.M., Lisé-Pronovost A., St-Onge G., Haberzettl T., Ohlendorf C., Kastner S. and Zolitschka B. (2012). High-resolution paleomagnetic records from Laguna Potrok Aike (Patagonia, Argentina) for the last 16,000 years. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13: 1-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2011GC003900.
  • Kim K.J., Zolitschka B., Jull A.J.T., Ohlendorf C., Haberzettl T. and Matsuzaki H. (2012). Tracing environmental change in southern Patagonia using beryllium isotopes, Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina. Quaternary Geochronology 9: 27-33. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2012.02.006.
  • Tylmann W., Szpakowska K., Ohlendorf C., Woszczyk M. and Zolitschka B. (2012). Conditions for deposition of annually laminated sediments in small meromictic lakes: a case study of Lake Suminko (northern Poland). Journal of Paleolimnology 47: 55-70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10933-011-9548-3.
  • Gebhardt A.C., De Batist M., Niessen F., Anselmetti F.S., Ariztegui D., Haberzettl T., Kopsch C., Ohlendorf C. and Zolitschka B. (2011). Deciphering lake and maar geometries from seismic refraction and reflection surveys in Laguna Potrok Aike (southern Patagonia, Argentina). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 201: 357-363. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.12.019.
  • Gogorza C.S.G., Sinito A.M., Ohlendorf C., Kastner S. and Zolitschka B. (2011). Paleosecular variation and paleointensity records for the last millennium from southern South America (Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina). Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 184: 41-50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pepi.2010.10.011.
  • Hahn A., Rosén P., Kliem P., Ohlendorf C. and Zolitschka B. (2011). Comparative study of infrared techniques for fast biogeochemical sediment analyses. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 12: Q10003. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2011GC003686
  • Ohlendorf C., Gebhardt A.C., Hahn A., Kliem P., Zolitschka B. and the PASADO science team (2011a). The PASADO core processing strategy – A proposed new protocol for sediment core treatment in multidisciplinary lake drilling projects projects. Sedimentary Geology 239: 104-115. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2011.06.007.
  • Recasens C., Ariztegui D., Gebhardt C., Gogorza C., Haberzettl T., Hahn A., Kliem P., Lisé-Pronovost A., Lcke A., Maidana N., Mayr C., Ohlendorf C., Sch?bitz F., St-Onge G., Wille M., Zolitschka B. and the Pasado science team (2011). New insights into paleoenvironmental changes in Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia, since the Late Pleistocene: The PASADO multiproxy record. The Holocene 22: 1323-1335.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0959683611429833.
  • Kastner S., Enters D., Ohlendorf C., Haberzettl T., Kuhn G., Lücke A., Mayr C., Reyss J.-L., Wasteg?rd S. and Zolitschka B. (2010a). Reconstructing 2000 years of hydrological variation derived from laminated proglacial sediments of Lago del Desierto at the eastern margin of the South Patagonian Ice Field, Argentina. Global and Planetary Change 72: 201-214.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2010.04.007.
  • Kastner S., Ohlendorf C., Haberzettl T., Lücke A., Mayr C., Maidana N., Sch?bitz F. and Zolitschka B. (2010b). Southern hemispheric westerlies control the spatial distribution of modern sediments in Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina. Journal of Paleolimnology 44: 887-902. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10933-010-9462-0.
  • Anselmetti F.S., Ariztegui D., Batist M.D., Gebhardt A.C., Haberzettl T., Niessen F., Ohlendorf C. and Zolitschka B. (2009). Environmental history of southern Patagonia unravelled by the seismic stratigraphy of Laguna Potrok Aike. Sedimentology 56: 873-892.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-3091.2008.01002.x.
  • Bluszcz P., Lücke A., Ohlendorf C. and Zolitschka B. (2009). Seasonal dynamics of stable isotopes and element ratios in authigenic calcites during their precipitation and dissolution, Sacrower See (northeastern Germany). Journal of Limnology 68: 257-273. http://dx.doi.org/10.4081/jlimnol.2009.257.
  • Fey M., Korr C., Maidana N.I., Carrevedo M.L., Corbella H., Dietrich S., Haberzettl T., Kuhn G., Lücke A., Mayr C., Ohlendorf C., Paez M.M., Quintana F.A., Sch?bitz F. and Zolitschka B. (2009). Palaeoenvironmental changes during the last 1600 years inferred from the sediment record of a cirque lake in southern Patagonia (Laguna Las Vizcachas, Argentina). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 281: 363-375.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2009.01.012.
  • Haberzettl T., Anselmetti F.S., Bowen S.W., Fey M., Mayr C., Zolitschka B., Ariztegui D., Mauz B., Ohlendorf C., Kastner S., Lücke A., Sch?bitz F. and Wille M. (2009). Late Pleistocene dust deposition in the Patagonian steppe - extending and refining the paleoenvironmental and tephrochronological record from Laguna Potrok Aike back to 55 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews 28: 2927-2939.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.07.021.
  • Mayr C., Lücke A., Maidana N.I., Wille M., Haberzettl T., Corbella H., Ohlendorf C., Sch?bitz F., Fey M., Janssen S. and Zolitschka B. (2009). Isotopic fingerprints on lacustrine organic matter from Laguna Potrok Aike (southern Patagonia, Argentina) reflect environmental changes during the last 16,000 years. Journal of Paleolimnology 42: 81-102. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10933-008-9249-8.
  • Bluszcz P., Kirilova E., Lotter A., Ohlendorf C. and Zolitschka B. (2008). Global Radiation and Onset of Stratification as Forcing Factors of Seasonal Carbonate and Organic Matter Flux Dynamics in a Hypertrophic Hardwater Lake (Sacrower See, Northeastern Germany). Aquat Geochem 14: 73-98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10498-008-9026-3.
  • Haberzettl T., Kück B., Wulf S., Anselmetti F., Ariztegui D., Corbella H., Fey M., Janssen S., Lücke A., Mayr C., Ohlendorf C., Sch?bitz F., Schleser G.H., Wille M. and Zolitschka B. (2008). Hydrological variability in southeastern Patagonia and explosive volcanic activity in the southern Andean Cordillera during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 and the Holocene inferred from lake sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 259: 213-229. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2007.10.008.
  • Kirilova E.P., Bluszcz P., Heiri O., Cremer H., Ohlendorf C., Lotter A.F. and Zolitschka B. (2008). Seasonal and interannual dynamics of diatom assemblages in Sacrower See (NE Germany): a sediment trap study. Hydrobiologia 614: 159-170. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10750-008-9504-z.
  • Ohlendorf C. and Sturm M. (2008). A modified method for biogenic silica determination. Journal of Paleolimnology 39: 137-142. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10933-007-9100-7.
  • Bigler C., von Gunten L., Lotter A.F., Hausmann S., Blass A., Ohlendorf C. and Sturm M. (2007). Quantifying human-induced eutrophication in Swiss mountain lakes since AD 1800 using diatoms. The Holocene 17: 1141-1154.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0959683607082555.
  • Haberzettl T., Corbella H., Fey M., Janssen S., Lücke A., Mayr C., Ohlendorf C., Sch?bitz F., Schleser G.H., Wille M., Wulf S. and Zolitschka B. (2007). Lateglacial and Holocene wet-dry cycles in southern Patagonia: chronology, sedimentology and geochemistry of a lacustrine record from Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina. The Holocene 17: 297-310.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0959683607076437.
  • Mayr C., Lücke A., Stichler W., Trimborn P., Ercolano B., Oliva G., Ohlendorf C., Soto J., Fey M., Haberzettl T., Janssen S., Sch?bitz F., Schleser G.H., Wille M. and Zolitschka B. (2007a). Precipitation origin and evaporation of lakes in semi-arid Patagonia (Argentina) inferred from stable isotopes (d18O, d2H). Journal of Hydrology 334: 53-63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.09.025.
  • Mayr C., Wille M., Haberzettl T., Fey M., Janssen S., Lücke A., Ohlendorf C., Oliva G., Sch?bitz F., Schleser G.H. and Zolitschka B. (2007b). Holocene variability of the Southern Hemisphere westerlies in Argentinean Patagonia (52°S). Quaternary Science Reviews 26: 579-584. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.11.013.
  • Wagner S., Widmann M., Jones J., Haberzettl T., Lücke A., Mayr C., Ohlendorf C., Sch?bitz F. and Zolitschka B. (2007). Transient simulations, empirical reconstructions and forcing mechanisms for the Mid-Holocene hydrological climate in Southern Patagonia. Clim Dyn 29: 333-355. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00382-007-0229-x.
  • Wille M., Maidana N.I., Sch?bitz F., Fey M., Haberzettl T., Janssen S., Lücke A., Mayr C., Ohlendorf C., Schleser G.H. and Zolitschka B. (2007). Vegetation and climate dynamics in southern South America: The microfossil record of Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 146: 234-246. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.revpalbo.2007.05.001.
  • Haberzettl T., Wille M., Fey M., Janssen S., Lücke A., Mayr C., Ohlendorf C., Sch?bitz F., Schleser G. and Zolitschka B. (2006). Environmental change and fire history of southern Patagonia (Argentina) during the last five centuries. Quaternary International 158: 72-82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2006.05.029.
  • Kulbe T., Ohlendorf C. and Sturm M. (2006). Lacustrine particle dynamics in high altitude Estany Redó (Spain) - a high resolution sediment trap study. Journal of Limnology 65: 89-99. http://dx.doi.org/10.4081/jlimnol.2006.89.
  • Zolitschka B., Sch?bitz F., Lücke A., Corbella H., Ercolano B., Fey M., Haberzettl T., Janssen S., Maidana N., Mayr C., Ohlendorf C., Oliva G., Paez M.M., Schleser G., Soto J., Tiberi P. and Wille M. (2006a). Crater lakes of the Pali Aike Volcanic Field as key sites for paleoclimatic and paleoecological reconstructions in southern Patagonia, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 21: 294-309. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2006.04.001.
  • Haberzettl T., Fey M., Lücke A., Maidana N., Mayr C., Ohlendorf C., Sch?bitz F., Schleser G.H., Wille M. and Zolitschka B. (2005). Climatically induced lake level changes during the last two millennia as reflected in sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia (Santa Cruz, Argentina). Journal of Paleolimnology 33: 283-302.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10933-004-5331-z.
  • Mayr C., Fey M., Haberzettl T., Janssen S., Lücke A., Maidana N.I., Ohlendorf C., Sch?bitz F., Schleser G.H., Struck U., Wille M. and Zolitschka B. (2005). Palaeoenvironmental changes in southern Patagonia during the last millennium recorded in lake sediments from Laguna Azul (Argentina). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 228: 203-227. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2005.06.001.
  • Koinig K.A., Shotyk W., Lotter A.F., Ohlendorf C. and Sturm M. (2003). 9000 years of geochemical evolution of lithogenic major and trace elements in the sediment of an alpine lake - the role of climate, vegetation, and land-use history. Journal of Paleolimnology 30: 307-320. http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1026080712312.
  • Ohlendorf C., Sturm M. and Hausmann S. (2003). Natural environmental changes and human impact reflected in sediments of a high alpine lake in Switzerland. Journal of Paleolimnology 30: 297-306.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1026032829150.
  • Sch?bitz F., Paez M.M., Mancini M.V., Quintana F., Wille M., Corbella H., Haberzettl T., Lücke A., Prieto A., Maidana N., Mayr C., Ohlendorf C., Schleser G.H. and Zolitschka B. (2003). Estudios paleoambientales en lagos volcánicos en la Región Volcánia de Pali Aike, sur de Patagonia (Argentina): palinología. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Nueva Serie 5: 301-316.  http://revista.macn.gob.ar/ojs/index.php/RevMus/article/viewFile/61/54
  • Hausmann S., Lotter A.F., van Leeuwen J.F.N., Ohlendorf C., Lemcke G., Gr?nlund E. and Sturm M. (2002). Interactions of climate and land use documented in the varved sediments of Seebergsee in the Swiss Alps. Holocene 12: 279-289. http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/0959683602hl544rp
  • Lotter A.F., Appleby P.G., Bindler R., Dearing J.A., Grytnes J.A., Hofmann W., Kamenik C., Lami A., Livingston D.M., Ohlendorf C. and Sturm M. (2002). The sediment record of the past 200 years in a Swiss high-alpine lake: Hagelseewli (2339 m a. s. l.). Journal of Paleolimnology 28: 111-127. http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1020328119961.
  • Ohlendorf C. and Sturm M. (2001). Precipitation and Dissolution of Calcite in a Swiss High Alpine Lake. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 33: 410-417. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1552550.
  • Lotter A.F., Hofmann W., Kamenik C., Lami A., Ohlendorf C., Sturm M., Van der Knaap W.O. and Van Leeuwen J. (2000). Sedimentological and biostratigraphical analyses of short sediment cores from Hagelseewli (2339 m a.s.l.) in the Swiss Alps. Journal of Limnology 59: 53-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.4081/jlimnol.2000.s1.53.
  • Ohlendorf C., Bigler C., Goudsmit G.-H., Lemcke G., Livingston D.M., Lotter A.F., Müller B. and Sturm M. (2000). Causes and effects of long periods of ice cover on a remote high Alpine lake. Journal of Limnology, Supplement 1 59: 65-80.  http://dx.doi.org/10.4081/jlimnol.2000.s1.65.
  • Lister G.S., Livingstone D.M., Ammann B., Ariztegui D., Haeberli W., Lotter A.F., Ohlendorf C., Pfister C., Schwander J., Schweingruber F., Stauffer B. and Sturm M. (1998). Alpine Paleoclimatology. In: P. Cebon, U. Dahinden, H. C. Davies, D. Imboden and C. C. Jaeger (eds.), Views from the Alps: regional perspectives on climate change. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 73-170. http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/views-alps
  • Ohlendorf C., Niessen F. and Weissert H. (1997). Glacial varve Thickness and 127 Years of Instrumental Climate Data: A comparison. Climatic Change 36: 391-411. http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1005376913455.
  • Chondrogianni C., Ariztegui D., Niessen F., Ohlendorf C. and Lister G. (1996). Late Pleistocene and Holocene sedimentation in Lake Albano and Lake Nemi (central Italy). Memoire del'Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia 55: 23-38.
  • Ohlendorf C., Gebhardt A.C., Hahn A., Kliem P., Zolitschka B. and the PASADO science team (2011b). The PASADO core processing strategy: A flexible protocol for sediment subsampling in multidisciplinary drilling projects. Scientific Drilling 12: 59.  https://epic.awi.de/id/eprint/24784/
  • Zolitschka B., Anselmetti F., Ariztegui D., Corbella H., Francus P., Ohlendorf C., Sch?bitz F. and the Pasado Scientific Drilling Team (2009). The Laguna Potrok Aike Scientific Drilling Project PASADO (ICDP Expedition 5022). Scientific Drilling 8: 29-34. http://dx.doi.org/10.2204/iodp.sd.8.04.2009.


Non-peer reviewed publications

  • Kinder M., Tylmann W., Ohlendorf C. and Zolitschka B. (2008). Laminowane osady denne jeziora Szurpi?y jako podstawa rekonstrukcji zmian ?rodowiska przyrodniczego w pó?nocno-wschodniej Polsce (Laminated lake sediments from Lake Szurpily as a basis for reconstruction of environmental change in north-eastern Poland). In: W. Florek and J. Kaczmarzyk (eds.), Wspó?czesne problemy geomorfologii, Landform Analysis, p.^pp. Page.,
  • Tylmann W., Ohlendorf C. and Zolitschka B. (2008). NORPOLAR – projekt badań osadów laminowanych jezior pó?nocnej Polski (NORPOLAR – research project on laminated sediments from lakes in northern Poland). Studia Limnologica et Telmatologica 2: 33-36.
  • Zolitschka B., Corbella H. and Ohlendorf C. (2008). Deep lake drilling at Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Argentina. DOSECC News 6: 1-4. http://www.dosecc.org/images/stories/DOSECC_pdfs/05-08_FINAL.pdf
  • Zolitschka B., Corbella H., Maidana N. and Ohlendorf C. (2006b). Deep drilling at Laguna Potrok Aike, a maar in southern Argetnina. PAGES News 14: 39-40. http://www.pages-igbp.org/download/docs/newsletter/2006-2/workshop_reports/Icdp_2006-2%2839-40%29.pdf
  • Zolitschka B., Corbella H., Maidana N. and Ohlendorf C. (2006c). Investigating maar formation and the climate history of southern Argentina – the Potrok Aike Maar Lake Sediment Archive Drilling Project (PASADO). Scientific Drilling 3: 54-55. http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.2204/iodp.sd.3.13.2006.
  • Ohlendorf C. (2005). Das geologische Bild unserer Region. In: H. T?dter (ed.), Kampen, Welle und Todtshorn; Das Heimatbuch des südlichen Todt. Pd-Verlag, Heidenau, p. 624. http://shop.pd-verlag.de/Kampen-Welle-und-Todtshorn
  • Sturm M., Blass A., Kulbe T., Sinnet B., Zwyssig A., Bigler C., Grosjean M., Jakob A., Leuenberger U. and Ohlendorf C. (2004). Hitzesommer 2003: Erh?hte Gletscherschmelze beeinflusst Schwebstoffdynamik im pro-glazialen Lej da Silvaplauna, 1800 m ü. M. JB 2003 EAWAG. http://www.eawag.ch/medien/publ/jb/archiv/eawag_jb_2003.pdf
  • Zolitschka B., Sch?bitz F., Lücke A., Wille M., Mayr C., Ohlendorf C., Anselmetti F., Ariztegui D., Corbella H., Ercolano B., Fey M., Haberzettl T., Maidana N., Oliva G., Paez M. and Schleser G. (2004). Climate Changes in Southern Patagonia (Santa Cruz, Argentina) Inferred From Lake Sediments: The Multi-Proxy Approach of SALSA. Pages News 12: 9-11. http://www.pages-igbp.org/download/docs/newsletter/2004-2/science_highlights/Zolitschka_etal_2004-2%289-11%29.pdf
  • Sturm M., Kulbe T. and Ohlendorf C. (2003). Archives in the depth of high mountain lakes. EAWAG News 55e: 15-17. http://www.eawag.ch/publications/eawagnews/www_en55/en55e_screen/en55e_sturm_s.pdf
  • Hausmann S., Van Leeuwen J., Lotter A.F., Ohlendorf C. and Sturm M. (1999). ?tude à haute résolution des derniers siècles dans les sédiments laminés du lac subalpin de Seeberg (Suisse). Cryptogamie Algologie 20: 111-112.
  • Ohlendorf C. (1998a). High Alpine lake sediments as chronicles for regional glacier and climate history in the upper Engadine, southeastern Switzerland. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 203 pp., http://www.shaker.de/de/content/catalogue/index.asp?lang=de&ID=8&ISBN=978-3-8265-4905-2&search=yes
  • Ohlendorf C. (1998b). Hochalpine Seesedimente als Zeugnisse der sp?t- bis früh postglazialen Gletschergeschichte im Oberengadin. VAW-Mitteilungen 158: 87-97. http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~vawweb/vaw_mitteilungen/158/158_g.pdf
  • Ohlendorf C. (1993). Untersuchungen zur Eutrophierungs- und Belastungsgeschichte und Kartierung der Sedimente des Grossen Montiggler Sees (Nord-Italien). Diplomarbeit, Geologisches Institut Georg-August-Universit?t, G?ttingen, 127 pp.,





Introduction to Paleoclimatology (Lecture, in German)


Laboratory Course Paleoclimatology (Practical, in German)


Introductory Project Physical Geography (Project seminar, in German)


Bachelor seminar (Seminar, in German)


Fluvial Geomorphology at rivers Rhine and Moselle (Field course, in German)




Lakes and lacustrine sediments (Lecture)


Methods in Limnogeology (Practical /Seminar)


Field course in Limnogeology (Field course)


Laboratory course in Limnogeology (Lab practical)


Research Processes II (Project seminar)



BSc (Advisor, Referee)

in progress

Was erz?hlen Korngr??en über die letzte Abschmelzphase des laurentidischen Eisschildes? Eine Fallstudie aus dem Lake Melville.


Welche Ursachen führen zur Abschw?chung der AMOC?


Charakterisierung des Holoz?ns durch eine Korngr??enanalyse lakustriner Sedimente des Lake Melville (Kanada).


Charakterisierung des Holoz?ns durch eine Untersuchung eines marinen Sedimentkerns vom Carthwright Trough (Labradorschelf, Kanada).


Rekonstruktion der lokalen holoz?nen Pal?oklimabedingungen anhand lakustriner Sedmente des Lake Melville (Kanada).


Klimatische und anthropogene Einflüsse auf das Sedimentationsgeschehen am Lago di Vedana, Dolomiten.


Paludikultur als alternative Moornutzungsform wiedervern?sster Moore am Beispiel der Torfmosskultivierung im Hankhauser Hochmoor.


Subrezente pal?oklimatologische Entwicklung Labradors: Eine Fallstudie aus dem Melville See (Kanada).


Temperatur, Fisch und Fischerei – r?umliche Zusammenh?nge in der Nordsee.


Absch?tzung der Kompaktionsrate von Torfen aus dem Wattenmeer anhand von Trockendichte und Glühverlust.


Salzwasserintrusion auf den Ostfriesischen Inseln.


Biogenes Silikat in den Sedimenten des Zwischenahner Meeres als Proxy für Umweltver?nderungen im Sp?tglazial und Holoz?n.


Die Stabilit?t der Umw?lzzirkulation im Atlantik in der globalen Erw?rmung.


Die Kleine Eiszeit - Betrachtungen der m?glichen Ursachen.


Phosphorkonzentrationen in den Sedimenten der Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentinien) gemessen an dem 93 cm langen Schwerelotkern 5022-1H-1G-1


Korngr??enverteilung in den Sedimenten der Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentinien) gemessen an dem 93 cm langen Schwerelotkern 5022-1H-1G-1.


Austrocknung des Urmiasees (Nordwest-Iran) - ein Beispiel für das Aralsee-Syndrom? Ursachen, Auswirkungen und Ma?nahmen.


Auswirkungen der Grundwasserentnahme und damit verbundenen Landsenkungen auf das Flutrisiko in den asiatischen Metropolen Jakarta, Bangkok und Shanghai.


Der Einfluss El Ninos auf die globale mittlere Temperatur - Das Rekordjahr 2016.


Bodenerosionsvorbeugung durch alternative Landwirtschaft - Aspekte aus Sicht der Permakultur zur Erosionsvorbeugung, die Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung sowie eine resultierende Verfahrensempfehlung, auf Basis von 3 Experteninterviews.


Charakterisierung von Rutschungsmassen in der Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentinien).


Bathymetrie des Stadtwaldsees, Bremen.


Auswirkungen der wirtschaftlichen Nutzung der Küstenzone auf Korallenriffe - am Fallbeispiel von Martinique.


Auswirkungen der ?kologischen Landwirtschaft auf die Oberfl?chengew?sser - Ein Fallbeispiel des Einzugsgebietes der Gro?en Aue.


Auswirkungen von Küstenschutzma?nahmen auf die Extremwasserst?nde an der Nordsee.


Wiedervern?ssung als Strategie der Moorrenaturierung in Mitteleuropa.


Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf das schleswig-holsteinische Wattenmeer.


Pingo-Ruinen: Nachweis und fl?chenhafte Verbreitung periglazialer Spuren südlich von Friedeburg (Ostfriesland).


Wasserkraft in den Alpen – Potenziale und Problemstellungen für Energieversorgung, Landschaftsschutz und Tourismus.


Einflüsse der Umwelt auf Stra?enb?ume. Dendrochemische Untersuchungen mit Hilfe der XRF-Scanning Technik.


Vergleich gravitativer Massenbewegungen in den Alpen hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf den menschlichen Lebensraum.


Desertifikation in Zeiten des Klimawandels. Eine Analyse mit Schwerpunkt auf der Sahelzone.


Sedimentologische und geochemische Untersuchungen einer Sedimentsequenz des Sees "Laguna Chica" Los Pelambres (Chile) zur Rekonstruktion der sp?tholoz?nen Umweltgeschichte.


Sedimentologische und geochemische Untersuchungen einer Sedimentsequenz des Sees ?Laguna Grande“ Los Pelambres (Argentinien) zur Rekonstruktion der holoz?nen Umweltgeschichte.


The applicability of XRF-measurements on single samples of Loess profiles.


Risikoanalyse des Geestkliffs in Cuxhaven anhand von Sturmflutereignissen.


Monitoring of proglacial Lac Blanc (French Alps): Implications for the interpretation of its sediment record.


Quantifizierung der Zusammenh?nge zwischen natürlichen Faktoren und menschlichen Eingriffen in Einzugsgebieten von zwei Quellregionen in den südlichen Appalachen, CoweetaHydrologic Laboratory (westliches North Carolina, USA).


Standortvergleich potenzieller Power-to-Gas Anlagen in Nordwestdeutschland.


Vulkanismus auf Island und ?konomische Auswirkungen von Naturgewalten


Rekonstruktion der Pal?oumweltbedingungen anhand von Ooiden in den Sedimenten des Kratersees Laguna Cháltel, Argentinien.


The significance of XRF-element ratios as grain size proxy tested with clastic-laminated sediment sequences from four lakes.


Farbanalyse von Seesedimenten mit digitaler Bildanalyse und Spektralfotometrie – Ein Methodenvergleich.


Die erdbebengef?hrdeten Megast?dte Mexico City und Tokio im Vergleich.



MSc (Advisor, Referee)

in progress

Recent Sedimentation History of Medicine Lake, Montana, United States.


XRF-Scanning of Sediments from the Lake Locknesj?n, Central Sweden.


Detecting climate influence on tree growth - Evaluating alternatives to correlations with monthly meteorological variables.


Multi-Proxy Analysis of a Late Glacial-to-Holocene Sediment Sequence from Lake Melville, Canada.


Interdisciplinary investigations on pingo remnants as environmental archives: a Late Pleistocene-Holocene paleoenvironmental study of northwestern Germany.


Tephrochronology and paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Fucino Basin (Central Appennines, Italy) between the MIS 5e and the MIS 6.


Climate variability in Labrador, Canada, during the past 1500 years: Evidence from a high-resolution palynological record from Lake Melville.


Human and climatic impact on lacustrine sediments from Lake Funda (Flores Island, Portugal) - A geochemical and mineralogical analysis of the last 1200 years.


Environmental importance of lacustrine sediment from Bi?n H? maar lake, Pleiku, central Vietnam.



Diploma (Advisor, Referee)


Umwelt- und Klimarekonstruktionen an laminierten Sedimenten des Kramsko Ma?e in Kaschubien (Nordpolen) – eine geochemische Pilotstudie.


Jahreszeitlich geschichtete Sedimente des ?azduny Sees (Masuren, Polen) – ein Archiv für hochaufl?sende Umwelt- und Klimarekonstruktionen seit 500 n. Chr.


Pal?oumweltrekonstruktion der letzten 1600 Jahre an Hand von Sedimenten aus dem Karsee Laguna las Viszcachas (Patagonien, Argentinien).


Prozessstudien zur Kalibration sediment?rer Tracer. Partikeldynamik im Silvaplaner See (Südost-Schweiz).


Particle composition and dynamics in Lake Baikal South Basin. An investigation of sediment trap samples.


Brienzer See Turbiditereignis vom Frühjahr 1996.



PhD (Advisor, Board of examiners, Referee)


The crustal evolution of the Chatham Rise: Mid-Cretaceous Hikurangi Plateau collision and breakup between Zealandia and Antarctica.


Climatic and environmental changes during Marine Isotope Stages 3, 2 and 1 in southern Patagonia - Evidences from Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina).


Southern Patagonian climate during the last 51,000 years: Insights from lipid biomarkers and their isotopes.


X-ray fluorescence scanning of discrete samples – a new tool for the geochemical characterization of loess-paleosol sequences.


Climate implications and lithological characteristics of Lake Van (Turkey) and Lake Ohrid (Macedonia / Albania) sediments from logging data.


Diatoms as indicators of hydrologic and climatic changes in Laguna Potrok Aike, Patagonia (PASADO).


Climate change in southern South America during the last 51 ka based on geochemical analyses of Laguna Potrok Aike sediments.


Patagonian lacustrine sediment records as palaeoclimate archives: multiproxy investigations at Lago del Desierto and Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina.


Process studies and annually laminated sediments as instruments for high resolution palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction at Sacrower See (northeastern Germany).


Die Eignung nicht-alpiner Seen für quantitative, von Chironomiden abgeleitete Temperaturrekonstruktionen: Eine vergleichende pal?olimnologische Untersuchung aus Südnorwegen.


Multiple-dated reconstructions of land-use change and soil erosion during the last 2000 years based on laminated sediments of Frickenhauser See (northern Bavaria).


Late Quaternary hydrological variability in southeastern Patagonia – 45,000 years of terrestrial evidence from Laguna Potrok Aike.


Sediments oft wo high-altitude Swiss lakes as high-resolution late Holocene paleoclimatic archives.


Holocene delta in western Lake Geneva and its palaeoenvirnomental implications: seismic and sedimentological approach.