WG: Economic and Social Geography
Why do some regions grow economically, while others stagnate or even shrink? How do companies organize their economic activities and how this is reflected in space? How do successful companies affect an entire region? What options are available to guide the economic development of these processes and at what guidelines they should they follow?
We deal with these and related questions, analyzing the interaction between the spatial organization of economic activities and regional development processes. We also consider dynamic frameworks such as globalization, structural change, and the increasing importance of the knowledge economy.
Our publication "Contributions to Economic Geography and Regional Development" can be downloaded for free at: www.regionalentwicklung.uni-bremen.de.
Your way to us: The rooms of our Working Group are located in the building ?Geisteswissenschaften 2 (GW2) which is in the centre of the campus. The administration of our faculty 08 is located in the same building. GW2 also hosts many other institutes and facilities, e.g. a cafeteria. You find our working group on the ground floor of area B.
AG Wirtschafts-und Sozialgeographie
Universit?t Bremen
Bibliothekstr. 1
28359 Bremen
Secretary: Britta Schülzke
Phone: +49-(0)421-218.67062
Email: britta.schuelzkeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de