Prof. Dr. Felix Bittmann

Position: Professor

Research Area: Geomorphology and Polar Research

Phone: 04421 - 915 146

E-Mail: bittmannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

  • Since 2006 Scientific Director and head of the Lower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal Research (since 2016 bi-annually changing)
  • 2000-2006 Head of the Department Natural Sciences at the Lower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal Research
  • 1999-2000 Head of the Division Archaeo-Biology at the Brandenburg Department of Cultural Heritage and Archaeological State Museum
  • 1994-1998 Scientific collaborator at the University of G?ttingen
  • 1993-1994 Scientific collaborator at the University of Munich
  • 1991 Dissertation (Dr. rer. nat) at the University of G?ttingen (Investigations on the vegetation history of Middle and Late Pleistocene deposits of the Neuwied Basin (Middle Rhine region))
  • 1988-1992 Scientific collaborator at the University of G?ttingen and PhD degree programme with the subjects Botany, Geography and Meteorology/Climatology
  • 1981-1988 Studies of Biology (Diploma) at the universities of Freiburg im Breisgau and G?ttingen with the additional subjects Soil Sciences and Organic Chemistry
  • Quaternary and Holocene vegetation history of Central Europe
  • Quaternary stratigraphy
  • History of cultural plants (Archaeobotany)
  • WASA - The Wadden Sea as an archive of landscape evolution, climate change and settlement history: Exploration – analysis – predictive modelling. Funding by the State Ministry for Science and Culture with financial means of the Nieders?chsisches Vorab (
  • Archaeobotanical and pollenanalytical investigations on the subsistence and environmental impact oft he Bronze Age settlement Fidvár, Slowakia. Funding by the DFG
  • Vegetation History of Central Europe (lecture)
  • Pollenanalytical practical
  • Introduction to the History of Cultural Plants (lecture)
  • Laboratory course in Archaeobotany




Tolksdorf, J.F., Turner, F., Veil, S., Bittmann, F., Breest, K., 2017. Beaver (Castor fiber) activity in the archaeological context: A Mid-Holocene beaver burrow feature and a Late-Holocene ecofact within the Late Palaeolithic Grabow site, northern Germany. Journal of Wetland Archaeology 17(1): 36-50

Kegler, J.F., Siegmüller, A., Thiemann, B., Bittmann, F., 2017. Beim Hausbau entdeckt - Mittelalterliche Siedlungsschichten der Dorfwurt Klein-Borssum. Nachrichten des Marschenrates zur F?rderung der Forschung im Küstengebiet der Nordsee 54: 29-32.

Shumilovskikh, L.S., Hopper, K., Djamali, M., Ponel, Ph., Demory, F., Rostek, F., Tachikawa, K., Bittmann, F., Guibal, F., Talon, B., Wang, L.-C., Nezamabadi, M., Bard, E., Lahijani, H., de Beaulieu, J.-L., Sauer, E., Andrieu-Ponel, V., 2016. Landscape evolution and agro-sylvo-pastoral activities on the Gorgan Plain (NE Iran) in the late Holocene. The Holocene 26(10): 1676–1691

Schlütz, F, Bittmann, F., 2016. Dating archaeological cultures by their moats? A case study from the Early Bronze Age settlement Fidvár near Vráble, SW Slovakia. Radiocarbon 58(2): 331-343.

Schlütz, F, Bittmann, F., 2015. Arch?obotanische und pollenanalytische Untersuchungen zur Subsistenz und Umwelteinfluss der bronzezeitlichen Siedlung Fidvár bei Vráble (Slowakei). Siedlungs- und Küstenforschung im südlichen Nordseegebiet 38:271-285

Müller-Schee?el, N., Bittmann, F., Schlütz, F., Gau?, R., Gelo, J., 2015. Prospektionen in der Hochebene von Kupres, Bosnien-Herzegowina. Germania 92(2014): 61-83

Kramer, A, Bittmann, F., 2015. Fl?geln reloaded – Zur Chronologie der Vegetations- und Siedlungsgeschichte in Nordwestdeutschland w?hrend des Neolithikums. Siedlungs- und Küstenforschung im südlichen Nordseegebiet 38:89-106

Kramer, A., Bittmann, F., 2015. Revised human impact in northwestern Germany during the Neolithic - methodological limits and challenges. Journal of Quaternary Science 30(5):434-451,

Bittmann, F., 2015. Geologie und Landschaftsgenese. In: Akkermann, R.; Brunken, H., Michaelsen, W., Moritz, V., von Essen, L.-M. (Hrsg.) Die Jade – Flusslandschaft am Jadebusen. Isensee, Oldenburg, S. 26-39

Zolitschka, B., Rolf, C., Bittmann, F., Binot, F., Frechen, M., Wonik, T., Froitzheim, N., Ohlendorf, C., 2014. Pleistocene climatic and environmental variations inferred from a terrestrial sediment record – the Rodderberg Volcanic Complex near Bonn, Germany. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (German J. Geosci.) 165: 407-424

Tolksdorf, J.F., Turner, F., Kaiser, K., Eckmeier, E., Bittmann, F., Veil, S., 2014. Potential of palaeosols, sediments and archaeological features to reconstruct Late Glacial fire regimes in northern Central Europe – case study Grabow site and overview. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 58: 211-232

Kramer, A., Bittmann, F., N?sler, D., 2014. New insights in vegetation dynamics and settlement activities from the Hümmling (north-western Germany) during the Neolithic. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 23: 461-478

Turner, F., Tolksdorf, J.F., Viehberg, F., Schwalb, A., Kaiser, K., Bittmann, F., von Bramann, U., Pott, R., Staesche, U., Breest, K., Veil, S., 2013. Late Glacial / early Holocene fluvial reactions of the Jeetzel river (Elbe valley, northern Germany) to abrupt climatic and environmental changes. Quaternary Science Reviews 60: 91-109,

Bittmann, F., Grimm, J., Sander, A., 2013 Tischlein deck dich! Küchenabf?lle des 17./18. Jahrhunderts als Dokument h?fischen Lebens im Schloss zu Jever, Landkreis Friesland. In: von Carnap-Bornheim, C., D?rfler, W., Kirleis, W., Müller, J., Müller, U. (Hrsg.) Von Sylt bis Kastanas – Festschrift für Helmut Johannes Kroll. Offa 69/70, 2012/13: 95-111

Bittmann, F., 2013. Klima- und Landschaftsver?nderungen in der Vergangenheit (und Gegenwart) auf der Basis pal?o?kologischer Daten. Ber RTG 25: 108-122

Bittmann, F., 2013. Geographie und Umwelt in Südost-Niedersachsen im 3. Jh. n. Chr. In: P?ppelmann, H., Deppmeyer, K., Steinmetz, W.-D. (Hrsg.) Roms vergessener Feldzug - Die Schlacht am Harzhorn. Ver?ffentlichungen des Braunschweigischen Landesmuseums 115: 149-154. Theiss, Stuttgart

Berger, F., Bittmann, F., Geschwinde, M., L?nne, P., Meyer, M., Moosbauer, G., 2013. Die r?misch-germanische Auseinandersetzung am Harzhorn (Lkr. Northeim, Niedersachsen). Germania 88/2010, 1.-2. Halbband: 313-402