
List of publications with the participation of Humans on Mars members

The link  above will take you to the Zotero online library of publications from the Humans on Mars initiative. There you can search the database, change the view, sort or export selected citations.

The list is updated regularly.


Resarch Highlights

[Translate to English:] Pick and EAt

Pick-and-eat space crop production flight testing on the International Space Station

Jess M. Bunchek, Mary E. Hummerick, LaShelle E. Spencer, Matthew W. Romeyn, Millennia Young, Robert C. Morrow, Cary A. Mitchell, Grace L. Douglas, Raymond M. Wheeler, Gioia D. Massa

Journal of Plant Interactions 19 (2024): 2292220

doi: 10.1080/17429145.2023.2292220

Fresh, nutritious, palatable…

[Translate to English:] Empowering_IOT

Experimental study to characterize water contaminated by lunar dust

Rieke Freer, Victoria Pesch,  Paul Zabel

Frontiers in Space Technologies  5 (2024) : 1366591

doi: 10.3389/frspt.2024.1366591

The establishment of a permanent lunar base is the goal of several space missions, such as NASA's Artemis program. The feasibility of a lunar base is highly dependent on…

[Translate to English:] comparative_study

Comparative study of bioanodes for microbial electrolysis cells operation in anaerobic digester conditions

Simone Colantoni?scar Santiago, Janek R. Weiler, Melanie T. Knoll, Christian J. Lapp, Johannes Gescher, Sven Kerzenmacher

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 12 (2024): 113071  

doi: 10.1016/j.jece.2024.113071

Integrating microbial electrolysis cells (MEC) with anaerobic digestion…

[Translate to English:] Adaptable_automation

Adaptable automation for a more human-centered work design? Effects on human perception and behavior

Michèle Rieth, Linda Onnasch, Vera Hagemann

International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 186 (2024): 103246  

doi: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2024.103246

This experiment systematically examines whether, in safety-critical environments such as Air Traffic Control, the negative effects of increasing…

[Translate to English:] Effect_of_atmospheric

Effects of atmospheric pressure, and of the partial pressures of CO2 and N2, on the growth rates of Anabaena sp. PCC 7938: Assessment and implications for cyanobacterium cultivation on Mars

Cyprien VerseuxTiago Ramalho, Emma Bohuon, Nils Kunst, Viktoria Lang, Christiane Heinicke

npj Microgravity  (2024) 

doi: 10.21203/

In situ resource utilization systems based on cyanobacteria could support the sustainability of crewed missions to Mars. However, their…

[Translate to English:] Empowering_IOT

Empowering IoT Applications with Flexible, Energy-Efficient Remote Management of Low-Power Edge Devices

Shadi Attarha, Anna F?rster

International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (2024) 

doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.2405.01578

In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), reliable and energy-efficient provision of IoT applications has become critical. Equipping IoT systems with tools…

JEDI: A versatile code for strain analysis of molecular and periodic systems under deformation

Henry Wang, Sanna Benter, Wilke DononelliTim Neudecker

The Journal of Chemical Physics 160 (2023)152501

doi: 10.1063/5.0199247

Stretching or compression can induce significant energetic, geometric, and spectroscopic changes in materials. To fully exploit these effects in the design of…

[Translate to English:] Cryogenic_propellant

Cryogenic propellant management in space: open challenges and perspectives

Alessia Simonini, Michael Dreyer, Annafederica Urbano, Francesco Sanfedino, Takehiro Himeno, Philipp Behruzi, Marc Avila, Jorge Pinho, Laura Peveroni, Jean Baptiste Gouriet

npj Microgravity 10 (2024): 34

doi: 10.1038/s41526-024-00377-5

This paper presents open challenges and perspectives of…

[Translate to English:] Automated_all-functionals_2024

Automated all-functionals infrared and Raman spectra

Lorenzo BastoneroNicola Marzari

npj computational materials 10 (2024): 55

doi: 10.1038/s41524-024-01236-3

Infrared and Raman spectroscopies are ubiquitous techniques employed in many experimental laboratories, thanks to their fast and non-destructive nature able to capture materials' features…

[Translate to English:] Location_dependent

Location-dependent flight cost difference from the lunar surface to an orbital fuel depot and its influence on in situ resource utilisation location selection

Sven Julius Steinert, Paul Zabel, Dominik Quantius

Frontiers in Space Technologies (2024) 

doi: 10.3389/frspt.2024.1352213

With increasing relevance for lunar activities, the location selection for in situ resource utilization (ISRU) facilities is a necessary step to identify the most suitable…

Sensing the Unknowns: A Study on Data-Driven Sensor Fault Modeling and Assessing its Impact on Fault Detection for Enhanced IoT Reliability

Shadi Attarha;  Anna F?rster

2024 19th Wireless On-Demand Network Systems and Services Conference (WONS) IEEE  (2024)  :   33-40

doi: 10.23919/WONS60642.2024.10449602

In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), the effective operation of IoT applications relies heavily on the functionality of…

[Translate to English:] A_beginner

A beginner's guide to infrastructure‐less networking concepts

Anna Forster, Jens Dede, Andreas K?nsgen, Koojana Kuladinithi, Vishnupriya Kuppusamy, Andreas Timm‐Giel, Asanga Udugama, Andreas Willig,

IET Networks 13 (2024): 66-110

doi: 10.1049/ntw2.12094

Infrastructure-less networks connect communication devices end-to-end by managing links and routes…

[Translate to English:] Observational-learning

Observational Learning of Exploration-Exploitation Strategies in Bandit Tasks

Ludwig Danwitz, Bettina Von Helversen

The Journal of Chemical Physics 160 (2023)152501

doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4732127

Stretching or compression can induce significant energetic, geometric, and spectroscopic changes in materials. To fully exploit these effects in the design of mechano- or…

[Translate to English:] Optimizing lunar

Optimizing lunar regolith beneficiation for ilmenite enrichment

Kunal Kulkarni, Michel Fabien Franke, Muchammad Izzuddin Jundullah Hanafi, Thorsten M. Gesing, Paul Zabel

Frontiers in Space Technologies 4 (2023): 1328341  

doi: 10.3389/frspt.2023.1328341

Over the past few years, the international space industry has focused extensively on advancing technologies…

[Translate to English:] Understanding-the-role

Understanding the role of Hubbard corrections in the rhombohedral phase of BaTiO 3

G. Gebreyesus, Lorenzo Bastonero, Michele Kotiuga, Nicola Marzari, Iurii Timrov

Physical Review B 108 (2023): 235171

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.235171

We present a first-principles study of the low-temperature rhombohedral phase of BaTiO3 using Hubbard corrected density-functional theory. By…

Person, thing, Robot: a moral and legal ontology for the 21st century and beyond: by David Gunkel: The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2023, pp. 246, ISBN 978-0262546157

Abootaleb Safdari

Ethics and Information Technology 25 (2023) 53, s10676-023-09731-9

doi: 10.1007/s10676-023-09731-9

David Gunkel’s most recent book Person, Thing, Robot: A Moral and Legal Ontology for the 21st Century and Beyond is an impressive intellectual project, which intends to get back…

[Translate to English:] Computational_high

Computational High-Pressure Chemistry: Ab Initio Simulations of Atoms, Molecules and Extended Materials in the Gigapascal Regime

Felix Zeller, Chieh-Min HsiehTim Neudecker, Wilke Dononelli

Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (2023) 

doi: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-nr314

The field of liquid-phase and solid-state high-pressure chemistry has exploded since the advent of the diamond anvil cell, an experimental technique that…

[Translate to English:] An Airlock

An airlock concept to reduce contamination risks during the human exploration of Mars

Daniel VrankarCyprien VerseuxChristiane Heinicke

npj Microgravity 9 (2024): 81

doi: 10.1038/s41526-023-00329-5

Protecting the Martian environment from contamination with terrestrial microbes is generally seen as essential to the scientific exploration of Mars, especially when it comes to the…

[Translate to English:] Human-AI

Human-AI teams—Challenges for a team-centered AI at work

Vera Hagemann, Michèle Rieth, Amrita Suresh, Frank Kirchner

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence (2023)1252897

doi: 10.3389/frai.2023.1252897

As part of the Special Issue topic “Human-Centered AI at Work: Common Ground in Theories and Methods,” we present a perspective article that looks at…

[Translate to English:] Wubble-energy

WUBBLE: Energy Efficient BLE Neighborhood Discovery Leveraging Wake-up Radio

Nour El Hoda Djidi, Damien Wohwe Sambo, Matthieu Gautier, Olivier Berder, Nathalie Mitton, F?rster Anna

Algorithmics of Wireless Networks, 19th International Symposium on Algorithmics of Wireless Networks (ALGOWIN 2023), Amsterdam, Netherlands (2023)

In wireless sensor networks, much energy is…

Lara Watermann steht vor einer Pr?sentation und redet.

Human-AI Teams in a Mars Habitat: The Influence of the Perception of an AI as a Team Member or Tool on Trust and Affect

Lara Watermann, Ksenia Appelganc, Paul Gro?e Maestrup, Saurabh Band, Anna F?rster, Christiane Heinicke, Vera Hagemann

AOWI-conference of the German Psychological Society (2023)

The AOWI-conference of the German Psychological Society took place in Kassel from 12th to 15th September, 2023. The…

[Translate to English:] A-low-cost

A low-cost TinyML model for Mosquito Detection in Resource-Constrained Environments

Gibson Kimutai, Anna F?rster

GoodIT '23: ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, Lisbon Portugal (2023)

doi: 10.1145/3582515.3609514

Yearly, more than 200 million malaria cases are recorded worldwide. Most of these cases are witnessed in less developed countries as…

[Translate to English:] Plant_and_microbial

Plant and microbial science and technology as cornerstones to Bioregenerative Life Support Systems in space

Veronica De Micco, Chiara Amitrano, Felice Mastroleo, Giovanna Aronne, Alberto Battistelli, Eugenie Carnero Diaz, Stefania De Pascale, Gisela Detrell, Claude Gilles Dussap, Ramon Ganigue, ?yvind Mejdell Jakobsen, Lucie Poulet, Rob Van Houdt, Cyprien Verseux, Siegfried E. Vlaeminck, Ronnie Willaert,…

[Translate to English:] First-principle

First-principles characterization of thermal conductivity in LaPO4-based alloys

Anees Pazhedath, Lorenzo BastoneroNicola Marzari, Michele Simoncelli

Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials (2023)

doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.2309.10789

Alloys based on lanthanum phosphate (LaPO$_{4}$) are often employed as thermal barrier coatings, due to their low thermal…

From Basic Empathy to Basic Trust in Human-Robot Relation: A Phenomenological Proposal

Aboutaleb Safdari

The 2023 Conference on Artificial Life, Online (2023)

doi: 10.1162/isal_a_00622

There are two types of trust: basic trust (BT) and secondary trust (ST). While ST refers to a rational mental state that is the result of individual-evidential decision making and calculation, BT is…


Integration of a Photobioreactor into the MaMBA Facility as Part of a Human-centered Life Support System

Paul Gro?e Maestrup, Ksenia Appelganc, Saurabh Band, Florian Stechmann, Vera Hagemann, Anna F?rster, Cyprien Verseux, Christiane Heinicke

52nd International Conference on Environmental Systems (2023)



Assessment of the technological viability of photoelectrochemical devices for oxygen and fuel production on Moon and Mars

Byron Ross, Sophia Haussener, Katharina Brinkert 

Nature communications 14 (2023): 3141


Human deep space exploration is presented with multiple challenges, such as the reliable, efficient and sustainable operation of life support systems. The…

Two female scientists work in front of a computer

Communication quality affects performance of astronauts and support teams through increased workload: Insights from the AMADEE-20 analog Mars mission

Vera HagemannLara Watermann, Florian Klonek, Christiane Heinicke 

Acta Astronautica  210 (2023): 162-175

doi:, preprint available open access

Astronaut crews and ground control support teams are highly…

Dry adhesive

Dry-Adhesive Microstructures for Material Handling of Additively Manufactured and Deep-Rolled Metal Surfaces with Reference to Mars

Nicole Mensching, Mirja Louisa Krüger, Askar Kvaratskheliya, Daniel Meyer, Kirsten Tracht, Ilya Okulov, Lutz M?dler

Materials 16 (2023): 4170

doi:, preprint available open access: doi:

Once on Mars, maintenance…

[Translate to English:] Ai-in-the-wild

AI in the Wild: Challenges of Remote Deployments

Jens Dede, David Wewetzer, Anna F?rster

INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, Berlin (2023)

doi: 10.18420/INF2023_161

The effect of humanity on the earth becomes more and more apparent. Besides the publicly discussed climate change and overpopulation, also the number of…

[Translate to English:] Automated-fault

Automated Fault Detection Framework for Reliable Provision of IoT Applications in Agriculture

Shadi Attarha, Saurabh Band, Anna Forster

2023 19th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN) (2023)

doi: 10.1109/DRCN57075.2023.10108238

With the growth of Internet-of-Things (IoT), smart agriculture has become one of the most compelling IoT applications…

[Translate to English:] The-MaMBA

The MaMBA facility as a testbed for bioregenerative life support systems

Christiane HeinickeCyprien Verseux

Life Sciences in Space Research 36 (2023) 86-89

doi: 10.1016/j.lssr.2022.08.009

The Moon and Mars Base Analog (MaMBA) is a concept for an extraterrestrial habitat developed at the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) in Bremen, Germany.…

[Translate to English:] Stainless-steel

Stainless steel wool as novel bioanode for microbial electrolysis cells: A systematic study of materials

Isaac Vázquez, Sven Candlemaker?scar Santiago

Frontiers in Energy Research 11 (2023): 1119090

doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2023.1119090

In the last years, microbial electrochemical technologies have received increasing attention due to their promising environmental potential. However, the identification…

[Translate to English:] Qlearning-based

Q learning based adaptive protocol parameters for WSNs

Piumika N. Karunanayake, Andreas K?nsgen, Thushara Weerawardane, Anna F?rster

Journal of Communications and Networks 25 (2023) 76-87

doi: 10.23919/JCN.2022.000035

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are widely used for multi-disciplinary applications. According to the requirements and the goal of…

System analysis of an ISRU production plant: Extraction of metals and oxygen from lunar regolith

Francisco J. Guerrero-Gonzalez, Paul Zabel 

Acta Astronautica 203 (2023), 187-201

doi: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2022.11.050???????

A study was conducted to compare the performance of three different ISRU production plants that extract metals and oxygen from regolith at the lunar South Pole. The…

[Translate to English:] Reliability-analysis

Reliability Analysis of Monitoring System for Extraterrestrial Habitat using CTMC and Empirical Evaluation

Saurabh Band, Florian Stechmann, Malavika Unnikrishnan, Shadi Attarha, Christiane Heinicke, Andreas Willig, Anna F?rster


doi: 10.48550/ARXIV.2305.08143

Among the various required resources for this civilization, the habitat is one of the crucial resources to live on Mars. Such an…

Aware information

Forward-Aware Information Bottleneck-Based Vector Quantization: Multiterminal Extensions for Parallel and Successive Retrieval

Shayan Hassanpour, Dirk Wübben, Armin Dekorsy

IEEE Transactions on Communications  99 (2021)

doi: 10.1109/TCOMM.2021.3097142

Consider the following setup: Through a joint design, multiple observations of a remote data source shall be locally compressed before getting transmitted via several…

Human habitat

Human habitats: prospects for infrastructure supporting astronomy from the Moon

Christian Heinicke and Bernard Foing

Philosophical Transactions A 379 (2021), 2188

doi: 10.1098/rsta.2019.0568

There is strong interest in lunar exploration from governmental space agencies, private companies and the public. NASA is about to send humans to the lunar surface again within the next…


Designing mixed-metal electrocatalyst systems for photoelectrochemical dinitrogen activation

Manpreet Kaur, Marc Walker, Steven Hindmarsh, Charlotte Bolt, Stephen York, Yisong Han, Martin R. Lees and Katharina Brinkert

Faraday Discussions Advance Article (2023)

doi: 10.1039/D2FD00157H, preprint available open access: doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2305.06877

Efficient artificial photosynthesis…

[Translate to English:] Can-a-finite

Can a Finite Chain of Hydrogen Cyanide Molecules Model a Crystal?

Chieh‐Min Hsieh, Bj?rn Grabbet, Felix Zeller, Sanna Benter, Tarek Scheele, Norman SierokaTim Neudecker

ChemPhysChem 23 (2022) e202200414

doi: 10.1002/cphc.202200414

When calculating structural or spectroscopic properties of molecular crystals, the question arises whether it is sufficient to…

[Translate to English:] Screening for Hyperthemophili

Screening for Hyperthermophilic Electrotrophs for the Microbial Electrosynthesis of Organic Compounds

Rabja Maria Popall, Alenica Heussner,  Sven Kerzenmacher, Pierre-Pol Liebgott???????,  Guillaume Pillot

Microorganisms 10 (2022) 2249

doi: 10.3390/microorganisms10112249

Microbial electrosynthesis has recently emerged as a promising technology for the sustainable production of organic acids,…

[Translate to English:] On-the-Growth

On the growth dynamics of the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7938 in Martian regolith

Tiago P. Ramalho, Guillaume Chopin, Lina Salman, Vincent Baumgartner, Christiane Heinicke, Cyprien Verseux

npj Microgravity 8 (2022) 43

doi: 10.1038/s41526-022-00240-5

The sustainability of crewed infrastructures on Mars will depend on their abilities to produce consumables on site. These…

[Translate to English:] A-new-fuzzy

A new fuzzy logic approach for reliable communications in wireless underground sensor networks

Damien Wohwe Sambo, Blaise Omer Yenke,  Anna F?rster , Jospeh Ndong, Paul Dayang, Idrissa Sarr

Wireless Networks   2 8  (2022) 3275-3292

doi: 10.1007/s11276-022-03008-7

Nowadays, the exploitation of Wireless Underground Sensor Networks (WUSNs) remains challenging because of the attenuation of…

[Translate to English:] Selection

Selection of <i>Anabaena</i> sp. PCC 7938 as a Cyanobacterium Model for Biological ISRU on Mars

Tiago P. Ramalho, Guillaume Chopin, Olga M. Pérez-Carrascal, Nicolas Tromas,  Cyprien Verseux, Jennifer B. Glass

Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88 (2022) e00594-22

doi: 10.1128/aem.00594-22

Crewed missions to Mars are expected to take place in the coming decades. After short-term stays,…


Survey and Comparative Study of LoRa-Enabled Simulators for Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Networks

Sadiq Idris, Thenuka Karunathilake, Anna F?rster

Sensors 22 (2022) 5546

doi: 10.3390/s22155546

The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most important emerging technologies, spanning a myriad of possible applications, especially with the increasing number and variety of connected devices.…


The GraviTower Bremen Pro - Experiences with a Next-Generation Drop Tower System

Thorben K?nemann, Andreas Gierse, Peter von Kampen, Marc Avila

44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July, 2022. Online at Abstract G0.2-0001-22.

Bibcode: 2022cosp...44.2951K

The GraviTower Bremen Pro (GTB Pro) represents ZARM's new next-generation drop…

Martian Landscape

Setting the ground for sustainable bioproduction in a Martian settlement

Cyprien Verseux, Tiago P. Ramalho, Jess Bunchek, Daniel Schubert, Guillaume Pillot, Sven Kerzenmacher

44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July, 2022. Online at Abstract F4.1-0012-22.

Bibcode: 2022cosp...44.2840V

To be sustainable, a settlement on Mars…

Martian Landscape

A vision for Human Mars Exploration made in Bremen

M. Avila, C. Heinicke, L. Colombi Ciacchi, A. Dekorsy, S. Fehrler, K. Rezwan, N. Sieroka, K. Tracht, C. Verseux

44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July, 2022. Online at Abstract PEX.2-0002-22.

Bibcode: 2022cosp...44.3186A

Leading space agencies have the…


In vivo characterization of electroactive biofilms inside porous electrodes with MR Imaging

Luca Hauser, Johannes Erben, Guillaume Pillot, Sven Kerzenmacher, Wolfgang Dreher, Ekkehard Kustermann

RSC Advances  12 (2021), 17784-17793

doi: 10.1039/d2ra01162j

Identifying the limiting processes of electroactive biofilms is key to improve the performance of bioelectrochemical systems (BES).…

[Translate to English:] Effect-of-cathode

Effect of cathode properties on the thermophilic electrosynthesis of PolyHydroxyAlkanoates by Kyrpidia spormannii

Guillaume Pillot, Soniya Sunny, Victoria Comes, Alenica HeussnerSven Kerzenmacher

Bioresource Technology Reports 18 (2022): 101040

doi: 10.1016/j.biteb.2022.101040

The recent discovery of the oxyhydrogen bacterium Kyrpidia spormannii EA-1, able to produce PolyHydroxyAlkanoates (PHAs) on a…

Computational modeling of a ventilation concept for a lunar habitat laboratory

Maria von Einem, Rodion Groll, Christiane Heinicke

Journal of Space Safety Engineering  (2022), 145-153


Human space flight demands systems like habitats that provide a livable environment for humans on long duration missions on other planets. This…

Geometric formulation

A discrete differential geometric formulation of multiphase surface interfaces for scalable multiphysics equilibrium simulations

Stefan Christian Endres, Marc Avila, Lutz M?dler

Chemical Engineeering Science 257 (2022), 117681


Many systems in fluid dynamics and materials science are modelled using multiphase energy balances which can be reduced to an interface,…

goal conflicts

Risky Decision Making Due to Goal Conflicts in Firefighting—Debriefing as a Countermeasure to Enhance Safety Behavior

Vera Hagemann, Lena Heinemann, Corinna Peifer, Fabienne Aust, Maik Holtz

Safety Article (2022): 21


Firefighters act within extreme environments, work under threatening conditions and are often exposed to goal conflicts (e.g., self-protection vs.…


Modeling of electrochemical oxide film growth-a PDM refinement

Ingmar B?sing, Fabio La Mantia, Jorg Th?ming

Electrochimica Acta 406 (2022), 139847


The Point Defect Model (PDM) is known for over 40 years and has brought deeper insight to the understanding of passivity. During the last decades it has seen…


Automation as an equal team player for humans? – A view into the field and implications for research and practice

Michèle Rieth, Vera Hagemann

Applied Ergonomics 98 (2022)


The practical reality and feasibility of Human-Autonomy Teaming (HAT) are analyzed from an experts' point of view, considering current possibilities of various fields. We aim to find out…


Optimization of growth and electrosynthesis of PolyHydroxyAlcanoates by the thermophilic bacterium Kyrpidia spormannii

Guillaume Pillot, Soniya Sunny, Victoria Comes, Sven Kerzenmacher

Faraday Discussions Advance Article (2023)

doi: preprint available open access: doi:

The electrosynthesis of valuable compounds by…

[Translate to English:] Offloading-an-energy

Offloading an Energy-Efficient IoT Solution to the Edge: A Practical Solution for Developing Countries

Gibson Kimutai, Alexander Ngenzi, Said Rutabayiro Ngoga, Anna F?rster

2021 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), Seattle, WA, USA  (2023)265-272

doi: 10.1109/GHTC53159.2021.9612420

Agriculture contributes to the economies of many developing countries. Tea is the most popular…

Current state and future challenges in deep space communication: A survey

Andreas K?nsgen, Anna F?rster

it - Information Technology 63 (2021) 219-234

doi: 10.1515/itit-2021-0002

Communication has been crucial since the beginning of space exploration. Control information and telemetry data of the space vessels as well as voice and video communication of the crew with…


Equipping an extraterrestrial laboratory: Overview of open research questions and recommended instrumentation for the Moon

Christiane Heinicke, Solmaz Adeli, Mickael Baqué, Giuseppe Correale, Miranda Fateri, Steven Jaret, Nina Kopacz,  Jens Orm?, Lucie Poulet, Cyprien Verseux 

Advances in Space Research 68 (2021)


Humans are once again preparing to leave Earth and land on…

[Translate to English:] Dissemination-data

Disseminating Data using LoRa and Epidemic Forwarding in Disaster Rescue Operations

Yamani Dalpathadu, Thumma Showry, Vishnupriya Kuppusamy, Asanga Udugama, Anna Forster

GoodIT '21: Conference on Information Technology for Social Good. (2021)

doi: 10.1145/3462203.3475917

In the wake of a disaster, when all communication infrastructure has been damaged, it is critical to find a…

[Translate to English:] Counting-mosquitoes

Counting Mosquitoes in the Wild: An Internet of Things Approach

Dinarte Vasconcelos, Myat Su Yin, Fabian Wetjen, Alexander Herbst, Tim Ziemer,  Anna F?rster, Thomas Barkowsky, Nuno Nunes, Peter Haddawy

GoodIT '21: Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, Roma, Italy (2021)

doi: 10.1145/3462203.3475914

Counting mosquitoes in the wild is a crucial…

[Translate to English:] On-the-resilience

On the Resilience of Opportunistic Networks against DoS Attacks

Sanaz Afzali, Asanga Udugama, Anna F?rster, Mathias Fischer

Electronic Communications of the EASST 80 (2021)  

doi: 10.14279/TUJ.ECEASST.80.1183

Opportunistic Networks (OppNets) enable contact-based networking and service provisioning when no infrastructure exists, e.g., in disaster areas. In…

Disability in space: Aim high

Christiane Heinicke, Marcin Kaczmarzyk, Benjamin Tannert, Aleksander Wasniowski, Malgorzata Perycz, Johannes Sch?ning 

Science  372 (2021), 1271-1272


In February, the European Space Agency (ESA) announced the Parastronaut Feasibility Project (1), a…

A review of existing analog habitats and lessons for future lunar and Martian habitats

Christiane Heinicke, Marlies Arnhof 

REACH 21–22 (2021) 100038


Many space agencies have recently agreed on the Moon as the next step in human space exploration, and impressive progress is being made with regard to transportation, particularly…


A Low-Pressure, N2/CO2 Atmosphere Is Suitable for Cyanobacterium-Based Life-Support Systems on Mars

Cyprien Verseux, Christiane Heinicke, Tiago P. Ramalho, Jonathan Determann, Malte Duckhorn, Michael Smagin, Marc Avila

Frontiers in microbiology12 (2021)


The leading space agencies aim for crewed missions to Mars in the coming decades. Among the associated…

crew self organisation

Crew self-organization and group-living habits during three autonomous, long-duration Mars analog missions

Christiane Heinicke, Lucie Poulet, Jocelyn Dunn, Anne Meier 

Acta Astronautica  182 (2021)


Analog environments for simulating aspects of spaceflight are being utilized for studying the psychological effects of the projected journey to Mars. In…

Review of contact force models

A review of contact force models between nanoparticles in agglomerates, aggregates, and films

Stefan Christian Endres, Lucio Colombi Ciacchi, Lutz M?dler

Journal of Aerosol Science  153 (2021) 105719


A desire to optimise the production and performance of nanoparticle structured materials has driven the development of increasingly…

The MaMBA-concept for an extraterrestrial base and its first module mock-up

Christiane Heinicke, Leszek Orzechowski, Marc Avila

Acta Astronautica 173 (2020): 404-413


Habitats must enable astronauts to survive in an extraterrestrial environment, but the challenge is not only a technological one: architecture and…

EDEN ISS Greenhouse in Antarctica

Biomass Production of the EDEN ISS Space Greenhouse in Antarctica During the 2018 Experiment Phase

Paul Zabel, Conrad Zeidler, Vincent Vrakking, Markus Dorn, Daniel Schubert

Frontiers in Plant Science  11 (2020)

doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00656.

The EDEN ISS greenhouse is a space-analog test facility near the German Neumayer III station in Antarctica. The facility is part of the project of the…

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