
You must fulfil a series of requirements in order to be able to enroll in the program:

You must be proficient in English at B1 level (this can be demonstrated as follows):

  • If you obtain your school diploma in Germany after 12 years (G8) you need at least 6 years of foreign language lessons (at least until the11th grade)
  • If you obtained your school diploma in Germany after 13 years (G9) you need at least 7 years of foreign language lessons (at least until the 12th grade)
  • If these minimum requirements are not fulfilled you need to demonstrate your proficiency through a language test or a language certificate (please see the website of the center for foreign languages of the University)


Where should I apply?

Both beginners and advanced students can apply online for a place in the program. The application website is open to new applications starting in mid-May.

The request indicating hardship has to be sent together with the application. The corresponding form is available in the online application as a separate form. This separate form must be sent together with the online application. It is not necessary to send it per ordinary mail.   

You will receive information about admission and enrolment and the relevant documentsto be enclosed after the end of the selection process, approximately at the end of July, per email.

The assignment of places for stuying in our program follows the procedure DOSV (Dialogorientierte Serviceverfahren). More information about this system is available here.

[Translate to English:] Studentin am Laptop


Applicants should have obtained their high school diploma (Abitur) and provide proof of English profeciency at B1 level. You can find more information on admission on the top of this page. International students must show proof of German proficiency (C1 level). More information for international students can be found here.

If you don't like reading and you are not interested in European issues, you will not enjoy the BA European Studies very much. For most classes you will have to read academic texts that are at times easy, at times more difficult to understand. During your studies you will of course learn how to read and work with academic texts. However, if you already know that you are more bored than stimulated by studying intensively, you might want to reconsider your choice of embarking on university studies.

You are a native speaker of one of the languages we offer? Great! Now you have the opportunity either to start a new language from scratch (Russian, Polish, French, Spanish) or to build on your existing knowledge of French or Spanish.


Those who go abroad within the Erasmus program do not have to pay any student fees to the host university and receives also a scholarship to cover their living costs. Moreover, they can apply for international-BAF?G even if they do not receive BAF?G for their studies in Germany. Applying for BAF?G is indeed a bit laborious, but it does not have to be paid back. For students who spend their semester abroad outside of the EU, there is the possibility to apply for PROMOS-scholarships (and for those who go to Eastern Europe, there is a certain amount of Go-East scholarships of the DAAD).