BSI - Bedside-Immunomonitoring


The project Bedside-Immunomonitoring aims at developing a near-patient diagnostics system for contagious diseases.

Thus, analysis of the most important infectious markers in the patient's blood can be performed much faster than with common tests.

Doctors can react quicker to emerging infections, as well health costs will be reduced.

Due to the small amount of blood needed, the test opens up new possibilities diagnosing infectious disesases of babies.

Bedside-Immunomonitoring is a cooperation with the Austrian-Institute-of-Technology (AIT), the Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für Traumatologie of TU Wien (ISAS) and the company Biegler, a manufacturer of medical devices.

In this project IMSAS takes on research on acoustic incubation in microfluidic channels and on fast seperation of plasma.

Die Forschungsthemen am IMSAS sind akustische Inkubation in Mikrofluidischen Kan?len und schnelle Plasmatrennung.



Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Vellekoop 
IMSAS, NW1, Room O2140
Phone.: +49 421 218 62604



Research project BSI is partly funded by the Austrian Forschungsf?derungsgesellschaft (FFG).  

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