
Beekeeping in the End Times

November 22: Film Screening and Book Reading with Dr. Larisa Ja?arevi?

Bremen is cordially invited to join us!

Two sisters, struggling beekeepers, travel cross-country to film the story of honeybees weathering climate change. Bees in Bosnia and Herzegovina forage in the wilds, far from modern industry and agriculture, on the overgrown frontlines of the 90s war. And yet, their Muslim beekeepers describe a profound ecological disaster, quietly unfolding. Honey is vanishing. What keeps the beekeepers going are Islamic wisdom tales that treat plants and animals as the signs of the times and teach how to care for the world, even on the eve of apocalypse. The sisters’ journey starts from the hives in their mountaintop village and takes them across wilderness and wastelands that stand for the present state of the world at large: beautiful and battered, at once. Ever more unhoneyed.

Beekeeping in the End Times
Dr. Larisa Ja?arevi?
Film Screening and Book Reading
November 22, 2023. 18:00
Universit?t Bremen, Raum HS 1010, Kleiner H?rsaal

If you like to read two chapters of the book in advance, please send an email to: yichunprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
We recommend to read those chapters if you are coming to visit.

We are looking forward to welcome you at our event #Film Screening and Book Reading Beekeeping in the Ende Times#