The pilot project entitled ‘Learning by Doing Research as a Curriculum Profile in the BA in Cultural Research / Anthropology” (abbreviated as ‘FLASP’, Forschendes Lernen als Studiengangsprofil,in German) is based on an earlier project: ‘Streamlining the Introductory Study Phase and Promoting Diversity in the Degree Program of Cultural Studies/Anthropology.’ These projects are geared to promoting research-based learning at the University of Bremen.
FLASP aims to rethink the current modular structure and principles behind / practice of research-based learning in the entire curriculum. Its goal is to establish research-based learning as an exemplaryteaching-learning model and to improve teaching and studying conditions in terms of diversity and the way the course is organized.
Students and teaching staff were asked to take part in the project via a survey on research-based learning (RBL). Lecturers’ perception of RBL brought the modular interface and curriculum profileinto sharper focus, while students views helped to spotlight the direct experience, scope and problems of RBL. The respective views were then explored in greater depth and contrasted. The complementary research project was underscored by a series of measures aimed at accelerating changes in research-based learning.
Such measures include term paper discussions, retreats and further qualifications for teaching staff; an extension of the ‘ResearchInsights’ symposium for student research presentations; workshops for tutors and coaches on the linkages between research-based learning and dealing with classroom diversity [in conjunction with the project ?e n t e r s c i e n c e“ and the partner project at Faculty 11]; as well as new subject-specific types of research-based learning.
Outcomes include developing and integrating already-existing forms of research-based learning. Findings of the project were also disseminated during the international symposium entitled ‘Exploring Practices of Academic Teaching and Learning – Learning by Doing Research in Anthropology and Cultural Science “, which was held on 8 – 9 June 2017 in the House of Science Bremen [with the participation of teaching staff and students].