The Media Pathway

? Ya?ar Wentz

The media represent a central feature of today’s world and everyday life. The BA in Cultural Research gives students exposure to the media in both theoretical and hands-on fashion.
By focusing on the media as an object ofcultural research, students familiarize themselves with the foundations of Media Anthropology and Cultural Research and engage with contemporary topics using a media & discourse analysis-based approach.

? Media use in the framework of students’ own projects: the wide range of methods used in Audiovisual Anthropology provides students with a tool-kit for experimenting in sound, video, film and digital media for both research and professional projects.
? Media use for the purposes of presenting research to a broad audience: students learn to present complex content in a creative andpublic-friendly fashion.

Ethnographic Film is a particular focus in the BA in Cultural Research. Students get to produce their own films and to present / discuss these during the annual Ethnographic Film Festival. They’re also able to test out new forms of interactive and participative media work using digital media and the Internet. We provide full support for all your individual training needs in hands-on media use by placing professional equipment and personal cutting spaces at students’ disposal. As such, course graduates will be qualified for a wide range of careers in the media world.

Here we have gathered a selection of student film projects.