Student Affairs


Who we are
StugA MATS is the German name of the student representation for postgraduates studying Transcultural Studies. ?StugA“ is an abbreviation for ?Studiengangsausschuss“ as well as ?Studiengangsaktive“. At other German universities this is often referred to as the ?Fachschaft“.

Terminologies aside, we, StugA MATS, represent the student body's interests in the Department and beyond. We are a small but motivated group of students and are always happy to welcome new faces. The more we are, the greater capacities we have to get involved and put our interests on the agenda. Whatever your strengths, there‘s always something to do.

What we do
We help new students settle in by organizing social events (pub meetings, Christmas party etc.) and we engage with the politics of the university. At Bremen University there has to be a student representative on most boards, such as the board of admission (Auswahlkomission), the department board (Institutsrat), the board concerned with the quality of teaching (Komission Q) and the board of all departments' student representatives (StuKo).

A major point of interest for us is the quality of teaching. We encourage feedback between students and staff, and support student initiatives to evaluate teaching on the course. In cases of conflict between students and staff we offer support and try to facilitate dialogue.

Anyone interested in joining us please get in touch or just come along to one of our meetings!

Contact StugA MATS:
Meeting: Wednesdays 1pm-2pm at SFG 4120 (StugA-Room)
Instagram: mats_stuga