PD Dr. Holger Auel

© Uni Bremen
PD Dr. Holger Auel
BreMarE – Bremen Marine Ecology Centre for Research & Education Marine Zoology (FB 2)
University of Bremen
P.O. Box 330 440
D-28334 Bremen
phone +49 421 218-63040
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- Biodiversity and adaptation strategies of pelagic organisms
- Trophic interactions and energy fluxes in pelagic ecosystems
- Cryo-pelagic and pelagic-benthic coupling processes
- Effects of global warming and "atlantification" on polar zooplankton communities
- Effects of hypoxia on pelagic organisms
- Arctic zooplankton under Global Change
- GENUS and GENUS II from 2009 to 2015: Geochemistry and Ecology of the Namibian Upwelling System, sub-project "Quantification and Modelling of Trophic Interactions of Dominant Meso- and Macrozooplankton – the contribution of calanoid copepods and decapods to the Carbon Flux in the Benguela Coastal Upwelling System" (BMBF)
- Overwintering strategies in polar copepods: Physiological mechanisms and buoyancy regulation by ammonium (DFG SPP Antarktisforschung)
- 2 MARES Ph.D. projects to be added
- Effects of hypoxia on zooplankton in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean
- Marine productivity and trophic interactions in the southern Weddell Sea, Antarctica
- Senior lecturer and research scientist
- Co-ordinator of the international graduate programme MARES – Joint Doctoral Programme in Marine Ecosystem Health and Conservation (http://www.mares-eu.org) at the University of Bremen
- Member of the editorial board of Polar Biology
Venia legendi for Marine Biology at the University of Bremen
Doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) in Biological Oceanography from the University of Kiel on The ecology of Arctic deep-sea copepods (Euchaetidae and Aetideidae). Aspects of their distribution, trophodynamics and effect on the carbon flux.
list of all publications Marine Zoology>>