International Programs
Contacts around the globe
Concert trips and cooperation projects
The unique concept behind University Music at the University of Bremen is that when on concert trips abroad or receiving foreign guests in Bremen participants not only to listen to each other’s music, but rather actively join in to make music together.
This is a brilliant way to immerse in and learn about each other’s culture. Up to now this concept has proven itself over and over again in cooperation projects with partners in and from China (partner universities in Qingdao and Shanghai), Ukraine (the universities of Lviv and Kyiv), Namibia (partner university Windhoek), Istanbul (Bo?azi?i University), Danzig (partner university), Bedford/England (Bedford Community Arts Choir) and Strasburg (University). See the accompanying article (only in German) for a more detailed description of the concept behind these cooperation projects (Impulse 1/2012)?[PDF] (6.2 MB).
Impressive repertoire of international songs
Resulting from many past and present international cooperation projects, the University Choir has put together an authentic two-hour-plus repertoire of international songs from Namibia, Ukraine, Turkey, Germany and China. Since 2006, the growing repertoire has featured in more than 60 concerts. The current list is available as a download. The choir has also recorded a CD of Namibian, Turkish, and German songs with the title Sing along with friends.
Examples for international programs
- Music from Mexico
- Cooperation with Bedford / GB
- Music from Latin America
- Visit from Qingdao
- Concert tour to China
- Visit from Shanghai
- Visit from Kyiv
- Concert tour to Ukraine
- Visit from Istanbul
- Concert tour to Istanbul
- Visit from Windhoek
- Concert tour to Namibia
- Visit from Strasbourg / concert tour to Strasbourg
- Visit from Gdansk / concert tour to Gdansk