Was 'n echten Bremer is? - all four voices
© Universit?t Bremen
This is one song of the project "Bremen so frei - Ein Fest in 11 Liedern" performed by the choir of the University of Bremen in the version for SATB under the direction of Susanne Gl??. Composition: David Jehn, Text: Imke Burma, Piano: Benny Grenz.
Arturo Márquez: ?Sue?os“, 2. ?Sin lamento“
Arturo Márquez: "Sin lamento", 2nd movement from "Sue?os", text: Chief Seattle (1786 - 1866), adaptation: Eduardo Langagne, performers: Luis Olivares Sandoval: Voice, Orchestra & Choir of the University of Bremen, Susanne Gl??: Conductor; Live recording of the European premiere in Bremen, Glocke, January 29, 2018.
Uni Bremen sommer concert 2016
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