Bachelor Courses
Learning goals
In this course, students are enabled to recognize the particularities and requirements of data management, data analysis, and interpretation in the context of a company's business model. The focus is on theoretically supported learning of the design, reflection, and application of business process modeling, as well as the strategic and organizational integration of IT and its management. Special emphasis is placed on understanding the role, properties, and tasks of data, which serve as a foundation for digital innovations.
Students acquire the competence for critical reflection and exemplary application of data management concepts and tools. By examining the historical development, current trends, and examples from corporate practice, they learn to recognize and understand the diverse requirements of modern data management.
- Introduction
- Data and Information as the Basis of Business Models
- IT Usage in Companies
- Alignment between Strategy, Organizational Structure, Business Processes, and IT Management
- Data-Driven Innovation
Leimeister (2021): Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik. Springer
Krcmar (2015): Informationsmanagement: Springer
Leimeister (2019): Dienstleistungsengineering und -management: Data-driven Service Innovation. Springer
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Learning goals
With increasing projectification of companies, the holistic management of project landscapes (programs and project portfolios) is becoming a key competence. Strategic project management creates the prerequisites for successful individual project management by establishing structures and processes for selecting, aligning, planning, controlling and adjusting projects in a portfolio. Important topics within the event are the project-oriented company and the project portfolio process (structuring, resource management, control, sustainability). In addition, important roles in multi-project management and the importance of the project management office will be discussed.
- Strategy
- Portfolio Management
- Organizational Framework
- Portfolio Structuring
- Portfolio Steering
- Agile & Lean Portfolio Management
- Program Management
Tidd, J. and Bessant, J.R. (2018) Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
Hauschildt, Jürgen; Salomo, S?ren; Schultz, Carsten; Kock, Alexander (2022): Innovationsmanagement. 7., vollst?ndig aktualisierte und überarbeitete Auflage. Buch, 380 S., gebunden. Vahlen-Verlag.
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Learning goals
The students get to know the "classics" of organizational theory and their significance for modern business administration. They understand the importance of the historical lines of development and derive implications for today's management problems.
The students experience the possibilities and limits of structuring tasks and processes in companies. This helps them to make decisions about the structure of companies and divisions.
The students understand the interplay between organizations and the environment as well as between organizations and individuals, and they know possible conflicts and solutions. This helps them to successfully operate teamwork or cooperations.
The students learn and evaluate possibilities for dealing with emergent processes in organizations and experience the importance of organizational change and learning. This helps them to understand political processes in companies, to build a successful corporate culture, and to make a company competitive in times of change.
- Conceptual basics for the theory of the firm
- Lines of development of organizational theory
- Structuring of tasks
- Integration of the individual and the organization
- The organization and the environment
- Dealing with emergent processes in organizations
- Organizational change and learning
- Schrey?gg, G. & Geiger, D. (2016). Organisation - Grundlagen moderner Organisationsgestaltung. Mit Fallstudien (6. Auflage). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
Course Number
Learning goals
The lecture offers students an introduction to the topic of innovation management in companies. In times of disruptive and radical innovations, well-founded knowledge in innovation management is an elementary core competence of companies in order to stay competitive. After learning the conceptual basics, students learn about managing the different stages of the innovation process, from initiative to the adoption of an innovation. In addition, strategic aspects and the human side of innovation management will be introduced. The learning content is anchored in traditional innovation management and is deepened in a digression into the digital age. The lecture thus forms an excellent thematic orientation and introduction for undergraduate students for the advanced courses of the master studies.
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Innovation Strategy
- Innovation Culture
- Organizing Innovation
- Front end of Innovation
- Development
- Market Introduction
- Open Innovation
- Tidd, J. and Bessant, J.R. (2018) Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
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Learning goals
The students will learn and apply the key concepts in technology management to analyze the following:
- Technology's Role: e.g., examine technology's significance and its economic impacts
- Develop Strategies: e.g. formulate fitting strategies, such as technology leadership
- Assess Innovations: e.g., evaluate new technologies and their economic, social, and political implications
- Improve Problem-Solving competencies: e.g., Engage in discussions and group projects
- Use practical examples like the “Open Innovation Field Bremen” to advance their skills
By the end, students will integrate theory with practice in technology management.
”You do not have to look far to find evidence that technology plays a growing role in our lives” (Colbert, Yee, & George, 2016, p. 731)
Everyone is talking about digital technologies and their transformative and potentially disruptive effects on the economy and society. In this course, you will learn the following foundations of technology management:
- Technology discovery
- Strategy, planning, and development
- Technology evaluation
- Technology protection
The learned content will be transferred and applied in practical examples, such as the “Open Innovation Field Bremen” – an initiative from start-ups, incumbent firms, the Technology Park Bremen, University of Bremen, and the society/ politics in Bremen.
- Burgelman, R.A., Christensen, C.M. & Wheelwright, S.C. (2009): Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York 2009.
- Schuh, G. & Klappert, S. (2010): Technologiemanagement, 2. Auflage, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg 2010.
- Spath, D., Linder, C. & Seidenstricker, S. (2011): Technologiemanagement, Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart 2011.
- Strebel, H. (2007): Innovations- und Technologiemanagement, 2. Aufl., UTB, Wien 2007.
Course Number
Master Courses
Learning goals
For companies, it is increasingly challenging to differentiate themselves through product, service, and process innovations compared to their competitors. Business model innovations offer an effective means of differentiation, as they integratively consider value creation and value capturing from a holistic perspective.
In this module, students will learn the theoretical and conceptual foundations of business model innovations. They will gain comprehensive insights into the methods and techniques for analyzing and innovating business models. The course is embedded in current academic studies and is deepened through practical examples.
Students will be empowered to critically analyze business models and develop innovative approaches that meet the demands of modern business practice.
Upon completion of the module, students will possess a profound understanding of business model innovation and will be capable of applying the learned methods and techniques in practice.
- Introduction
- The business model concept
- Theoretical perspectives on business models
- Hybrid and platform business models
- Management of multiple business models
- Opportunities for business model innovations
- Implementation of business model innovations
- Digital business model innovations
Amit & Zott (2020): Business Model Innovation Strategy: Transformational Concepts and Tools for Entrepreneurial Leaders. Wiley
Course Number
Learning goals
The adoption and diffusion of innovations take place in an environment characterized by uncertainty. Furthermore, companies operate in an environment where innovations quickly become obsolete and market conditions are uncertain. Therefore, companies must be enabled not only to pursue market opportunities, but also to identify adoption barriers and overcome them with suitable countermeasures (e.g., marketing instruments).
The seminar therefore provides detailed knowledge in the field of innovation marketing. This is necessary in order to overcome adoption barriers and promote the diffusion of innovations. As an introduction, the central concepts, relevance, and tasks of innovation marketing are learned. On this basis, the barriers to successful adoption and diffusion are scientifically examined. Building on this, students learn the basics and the use of marketing instruments so that barriers to innovation can be overcome.
Students learn this content in an interactive format in which they deepen their basic knowledge on the basis of current scientific articles.
- Organizational & thematic introduction
- Theoretical foundation
- Success factors for innovations
- Foundations of innovation marketing
- Strategic innovation marketing
- Tactical innovation marketing
- Operational innovation marketing
- Collection of scientific publications
- Homburg, C. (2020). Grundlagen des Marketingmanagements : Einführung in Strategie, Instrumente, Umsetzung und Unternehmens?führung. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Homburg, C. (2020). Marketingmanagement : Strategie – Instrumente – Umsetzung – Unternehmens?führung. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.
- Trommsdorff, V., & Steinhoff, F. (2013). Innovationsmarketing. Vahlen.
- Vahs, D., & Brem, A. (2013). Innovationsmanagement–Von der Idee zur erfolgreichen Vermarktung. Sch?ffer-Poeschel-Verlag, Stuttgart 4. Auflage.
Course number
Learning goals
This seminar empowers Master's students in Business Administration to analyze the challenges and potentials inherent in modern project portfolio management. Students will explore recent academic insights inspired by cutting-edge management practices, particularly focusing on applications in innovation and technology. Key topics include various concepts of adaptability such as agility, agile methodologies, lean principles, and strategic flexibility, alongside the development of a digital mindset crucial in contemporary business environments.
Learning Objectives:
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical foundations and practical applications of project portfolio management.
- Critically analyze current academic research and management practices in the field to identify challenges and opportunities.
- Explore innovative approaches to managing project portfolios in dynamic and digital-driven contexts.
- Develop advanced research skills through active participation in ongoing research projects conducted by the professorship.
- Enhance collaboration and presentation skills through engaging in group discussions, project work, and seminar presentations.
- Kick-off and topic assignment
- Accompanying seminar
- Presentation and discussion
Research articles
Course Number