
Lena Ehlers Laboratory

Lena Ehlers, who has a background in chemistry, has successfully completed her Master's degree at ProMat. For her study programme, she specialised in chemical process engineering with a focus on separation technology and analytics. The ProMat degree programme enabled her to combine her specific interests and specialised knowledge in an interdisciplinary way, bringing her chemical background into the area of engineering.

In her Master's thesis, which was awarded a grade of 1.0, she investigated the selective dissolution of metal oxides (e.g. from Martian regolith) and the electrodeposition of dissolved metal ions. The experiments she carried out were conducted in various electrolytes at different temperatures in seach for a more sustainable method for iron production.

We would like to congratulate Lena on her Master's degree, which she has completed with honours, and are delighted with her success.

Lena Ehlers is currently working as a research assistant in the working group of her ProMat mentor Prof Dr.-Ing. Jorg Th?ming in the Department of Chemical Process Engineering and is pursuing a doctorate.

Tim in the laboratory

Tim Klotz successfully completed his Master's thesis "Optimization of Zinc Electrodeposition for Aqueous Battery Applications Through Electroplated Indium Substrates"  with an outstanding final grade of 1.17.

His thesis dealt with the electrodeposition of zinc, specifically examining the influence of various deposition parameters such as current density, mass loading, and the use of indium-based substrates. He shows how to create optimal conditions to enhance the efficiency of the negative electrode in an aqueous zinc-ion battery while minimizing side reactions by systematically varying above conditions.

We would like to congratulate Tim on this great success and wish him all the best for his professional and academic future.

Tim Klotz is currently working as a research assistant at the innovate! Center MATENA and is aiming for a doctorate in the special field "Energy Storage and Energy Conversion Systems" at the University of Bremen.

Mayin Homfeldt - Bremer Thesis Award 2024
From left to right: Professor Michal Kucera (Vice President for Research and Transfer, University of Bremen); Award winner Maylin Homfeldt (ProMat/Leibniz-IWT); Dr. Georg Mecke (Chair of the unifreunde Association)

With her master's thesis ‘Image-based analysis of component geometry throughout the binder jetting printing process’, our ProMat graduate Maylin Homfeldt has won the prestigious Bremen Thesis Award 2024 in the field of natural sciences and engineering. We congratulate Maylin on this great success! 

With the aim to detect quality defects at an early stage, taking countermeasures and avoiding them in the future, Maylin's work demonstrated the successful use of a Contact Image Sensor (CIS) unit of a standard document scanner to generate images of the binders inserted during the AM process and evaluate them using an alogrithm. This enabled her to compare the actual binder insertion with the target binder insertion and determine geometric deviations.

This innovative approach convinced the jury of the Association of the Friends of the University of Bremen and Constructor University (unifreunde) and we are extremely happy about the honour as the best Master's thesis in the field of natural sciences and engineering. This makes Maylin Homfeldt the second graduate of our still relatively young masters degree programme to receive this award.

Maylin Homfeldt is currently a research scientist at the Lightweight Materials and Materials Science departments at the Leibniz - IWT.

The report on this year's award ceremony for a total of 8 prizewinners for outstanding master's and doctoral theses can be found here.

Pascal Dinglinger conference
Exploring the potential of Explainable AI for the Qualification of Aircraft Quality Assurance Processes

19.07.2024: ProMat student Pascal Dinglinger  presented a collaborative work on the potential role of explainable artificial intelligence (xAI) in the development and qualification of perspective Aircraft Quality Assurance Processes. The respective case study utilised a computer vision-based model trained to predict material defects from process monitoring data in additive manufacturing. His and his colleagues' perspectives on an application context stimulated interesting interdisciplinary discussions with the conference audience. Our congratulations to Pascal on this successful conference contribution. 

To find out more details about this research work, please download the respective conference paper here

Maylim Homfeldt
Maylin Homfeldt at her Master's defence
Great joy for ProMat graduate Maylin Homfeldt and the team of the ProMat study programme!

With a final grade of 1.04, Maylin Homfeldt completed her Master's degree programme with the predicate "with distinction" and achieving the best final grade of all previous Master's graduates from our programme. Her Master's thesis "Image-based analysis of component geometry throughout the binder jetting process" was awarded a straight 1.0!

We congratulate Maylin on her great success and wish her all the best for her professional and academic future.

Maylin Homfeldt is currently working as a research scientist in the Lightweight Materials and Materials Science departments at the Leibniz - IWT.


Our former Master's student Jan Yorrik Dietrich was awarded 3rd place in the Hamburg Aviation Young Talent Award for his Master's thesis "Ultrasonic welding of thermoplastic composites: Explicit dynamic analysis of heating mechanisms". We take this opportunity to talk to him about it. Click here for the interview.

Jan Yorrick Dietrich is currently working as a research assistant at the Fibre Institute Bremen in the area of modelling and simulation.

Bremer Studienpreis 2021: Foto des Preistr?gers Eric Macke

Eric Macke has won this year's Bremen Study Award for his thesis "Copper hexacyanoferrate as cathode material - an in-depth theoretical investigation with electronic structure methods"!

We had the chance to talk to him about this award and his plans for the future: here

Eric Macke is currently working as a PhD researcher in the Hybrid Materials Interfaces Group at the University Bremen.

ProMat - Flyer

The open curriculum offers the greatest possible freedom in designing one's own course of study around the individual study or research focus. Read more here.


Parallel to lectures, courses and the obligatory research stay abroad, students in the ProMat programme will be directly involved in the research activities of the University of Bremen: The ProMat course of study.


Research focus - supported by the individual curriculum and student work at the Faserinstitut (FIBRE). A report by ProMat student Jan Yorrick Dietrich: more.



The student Eric Macke spent four weeks of the mandatory research stay abroad at the Imperial College in London. Read more here.


Magdalena Laurien

In February 2018, an article was published in Bremen Uni-Schlüssel under the title "Jetzt studiere ich komplett quer" about the Process-Oriented Materials Research, ProMat degree programme: more.



The Research processes module prepares students for working in an academic context. On the one hand, it teaches research-related methodological skills and, on the other, reinforces social skills.


As part of this module, students already successfully published articles in the Science Blog of the University of Bremen:

Jan Yorrick Dietrich - An integrated approach to improve optical measurement systems

Manuel Vollbrecht - Wie wir selbst zu Spiderman werden k?nnen

Maylin Homfeldt - Was eine Torte mit Metall-3D-Druck gemeinsam hat

Julius Bihler - Houston, der Treibstoff schwappt…

Artem Schurig - Roboter als Teammitglieder?

Wiebke Hoes - Feueralarm auf der ISS