QA in Teaching & Studies

University-wide Quality Management

Participation is a fundamental prerequisite for an actively practiced and implemented Quality Assurance (QA) system. Quality goals must be developed where teaching actually takes place, namely in the subject areas and Faculties. The statutes for quality management and evaluation in teaching and learning at the University of Bremen provide the framework for the design of the quality management system.

An integral part of the University-wide quality cycle are the biennial perspective talks held between the Rectorate and the Faculties. In these talks, i.a. based on the quality-related reports on teaching and learning, development goals are discussed and suitable measures agreed on to achieve the goals. In the intervening period, QA discussions take place between the deans, the study centers, students and the Vice President Academics in order to critically reflect on the implementation of the agreements made in the perspective talks regarding studies and teaching and to update the quality reports. While the perspective talks are of a more strategic nature, QA discussions focus on specific quality assurance measures.

For the adoption of general University-wide rules as well as for fundamental decisions (e.g. the establishment of new courses of studies), at the institutional level the Academic Senate is responsible and the Faculty Councils at Faculty level.


Quality objectives for teaching and learning

Quality management is a central cross-cutting task that encompasses numerous dimensions. In the area of teaching and learning, it serves to secure and improve the quality of studies. This is done through the continuous development of quality goals at the Faculty and whole University level. The monitoring takes place in particular in the context of the perspectives talks and QA talks held between the Faculties and the Rectorate.

The University overall quality goals for teaching and studies are:

  • A high professional quality of study programs;
  • The acquisition of skills and competencies of students;
  • Research-based learning;
  • A student-centered approach.



We shape the way together!

The QM working group in quality assurance of teaching and learning ("AG QM") actively contributes to the design of quality management. It is chaired by the Vice President Academics.Half of the members of the working group are advisors from the study centers, and the other half are deans of studies. All departments are represented. Other members are the head of the Department of Student Affairs, the managing director of the Center for Teacher Education, and the persons responsible from the Department of Teaching and Learning.

Quality Management in the Faculties

The quality cycles in the Faculties combine the subordinate cycles of the degree programs, modules and courses into a common quality management at the level of the Faculty. The respective Faculty Council decides on the design. Each Faculty has a QM committee that organizes quality management. Responsible for all questions of quality management in the Faculties are the Deans of Studies.

In the quality cycle of teaching and learning, the Faculties regularly compare the qualification objectives of study programs with the current situation, evaluate them and initiate appropriate measures. In this assessment, results from the monitoring of the study program as well as from the different surveys and teaching evaluations are included. The results are recorded in an annual quality report. This quality report forms the basis for the QM talks held between the University Leadership and the Deans.

  • Three people in protective clothing at work in the laboratory.

    Faculty of Physics / Electrical Engineering (Faculty 01)

    Faculty 01 offers bachelor and master degree programs in electrical engineering and physics and in several international degree programs.

    Teaching quality: The focus of improvement is on the introductory phase (E-module).

    Research and Application: And, from the 3rd semester, career- and research-based learning (scientific projects, theses).

    Internationalization: International degree programs receive special support measures (heterogeneous student group).

  • A plant sample under the light of a microscope.

    Faculty of Biology / Chemistry (Faculty 02)

    In the Faculty 02 study programs, research-based learning is implemented in close connection to the working groups. Willingness to communicate with the students and their involvement in decision-making processes are essential quality features. Through its international master programs, internationalization and diversity in Faculty 02 are part of everyday life. In addition to the QM committee, all Faculty 02 members are considered to be stakeholders in QM.

  • A person works on a humanoid robot.

    Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science (Faculty 03)

    The main objective of the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science is to offer attractive, diversified study programs of modular design that equip our graduates with a sound and far-reaching qualification with good employment opportunities in academia as well as non-academic fields. Our central quality standards are: Basic teaching quality; Feasibility of studies; Research and practice orientation; Attention to heterogeneity; Internationalization.

  • A model of an assembly hall with the inscription “Technikstation”.

    Faculty of Production Engineering, Mechanical Engineering & Process Engineering (Faculty 04)

    The Faculty of Production Engineering has specifically defined quality objectives. Quality management serves to achieve and safeguard the aspects defined in these goals, whereby the objectives are reviewed in a continuous quality cycle and constantly adapted to changing conditions. The central responsibility for quality assurance lies with the Faculty Council, which also has student members.

  • Eine junge Person neben einer Reihe von geparkten Fahrr?dern.

    Faculty of Geosciences (Faculty 05)

    The quality management for teaching and learning in Faculty 05 serves to ensure sustainably efficient teaching. Quality objectives in respect of the study programs offered in Faculty 05 include an up-to-date teaching program, the feasibility of studying the courses offered, and a high quality of teaching.

  • Students sit in the lecture hall.

    Faculty of Law (Faculty 06)

    Quality Management in Faculty 06 aims to ensure a high quality of teaching and learning. The aim is therefore to arrive at a systematic evaluation and optimization in the context of a quality circle. The principles of quality management in Faculty 06 are based on the University’s “Mission Statement on Teaching" and the "Statutes for Quality Management and Evaluation in Teaching and Learning" of 16.12.2015.

  • A teacher speaks in front of an audience in a seminar room.

    Faculty of Economics (Faculty 07)

    The aim of quality management in the Faculty of Economics is to secure and develop the quality of teaching and learning. In this context, teaching and learning are systematically evaluated on an ongoing basis, whereby in addition to the study programs Business Administration (Bachelor & Master) and Economics (Bachelor) also the cooperation programs are subject to appraisal. The Dean's Office, Study Center, joint committees, students and administration work closely together.

  • Group of students learning together.

    Faculty of Social Sciences (Faculty 08)

    Faculty 08 has implemented a quality assurance system with four quality objectives: good feasibility of the study programs, high teaching quality, practice orientation, and the strengthening of internationalization in teaching and learning. Our QM ensures that all stakeholders in teaching and learning are in continuous contact and that obstacles to achieving their goals can be recognized, articulated and corrected at an early stage.

  • Attentive audience in a packed lecture hall.

    Faculty of Cultural Studies (Faculty 09)

    Quality Assurance in Faculty 09 follows a cycle model that focuses on the regular monitoring and further development of teaching and learning. "Commission Q" forms the interface for networking the QM measures of all six institutes in the Faculty. In addition to the evaluation of central survey results and monitoring data, a large number of subject-specific evaluation instruments are included in reviews of the study programs.

  • A person is working on a computer in the laboratory.

    Faculty of Human and Health Sciences (Faculty 11)

    Faculty 11 seeks to create a broadly anchored quality awareness and a cross-disciplinary culture of teaching and learning. The process of quality assurance should therefore be designed in a transparent and participatory manner and with the inclusion of all status groups. Special evaluation tools of the department are round table discussions, dialogical teaching evaluation and decentralized student surveys.

  • Studierende in der Cafeteria des GW 2.

    Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences (Faculty 12)

    The aim of quality management in Faculty 12 is the systematization of measures to ensure the quality of teaching and learning conditions in their degree programs and subjects. The Faculty is guided by a comprehensive concept of quality and represents a quality management that adapts to existing structures and thus also includes all status groups.

Quality Cycle Teacher Education

The quality cycle teacher education combines the quality assurance of the teacher training courses across the disciplines. The basis is formed by the QA measures in the Faculties. The student and alumni surveys carried out by the University contain specific catalogs of questions on teacher education. Central aspects are processed within the quality cycle of teacher education include:
Creating coherence and professional orientation in teacher education, Ensuring the feasibility of multidisciplinary teacher education, Compliance with the external regulations governing teacher education issued by the Conference of Ministers of Education of the L?nder (KMK) and the state government of Bremen.
Questions concerning subject-related and didactic content are dealt with in the quality cycles of the respective Faculties.
The Center for Teacher Education (ZFL) coordinates the quality cycle teacher education in consultation with the Faculties.

Quality Assurance of Continuing Education Offers

The quality management of continuing education offers is characterized in particular by the joint quality assurance in respect of continuing education courses conducted by the Faculties and the Academy for Continuing Education. It is part of the university-wide quality management. Further education certificate courses are evaluated in accordance with the quality management guidelines of the Academy for Continuing Education.

The establishment of new study programs in the area of continuing education and also the requirements for the program evaluation are based on the general procedural guidelines for the establishment and modification of study programs. As a further actor, the Academy for Continuing Education takes over a large part of the consultation on curriculum development and later also the administration of the programs. The results of the consultation are regularly coordinated with the teaching and learning unit; Approval of the regulations by the University Rector is also prepared here. The Rectorate decisions on further education courses always take place with the participation of the Academy.


Katharina Pechtold

Referat Lehre und Studium

Geb?ude/Raum:VWG 0280
Telefon: +49-421-218-60354
E-Mail:katharina.pechtoldprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de