Study Plan Statistics
Data-based monitoring of study progress

The University of Bremen’s system of data-based monitoring provides an overview of central milestones in the study progress of new students, including study progress and early withdrawal, examination results as well as the acquisition of credit points. The monitoring has been developed in order to identify appropriate action and need for intervention on the part of study programs. The monitoring entails that the students’ and examination data are processed and evaluated by means of longitudinal analysis.
The monitoring takes place once every semester and is passed on to the Faculties via the study deans. In addition to the survey results, it provides a further empirical basis for the implementation of the Faculties’ quality loops. The Center for Teacher Training receives the evaluation results for the purpose of quality assurance and quality management in the area of teacher education.
Presentations and Lectures
HRKmexus Tagung: ?Monitoring: Ein Beitrag zur Erh?hung des Studienerfolgs. Bestandsaufnahme, Bedingungen und Erfahrungen.“ 25. November 2016, FU Berlin.
HRKmexus Tagung: ?Gelingensbedingungen des Studiengang-Monitoring als Instrument der curricularen Qualit?tssicherung.“ 17. Mai 2018, Universit?t Magdeburg.
Summer School Studienmanagement, Universit?t Hamburg 2017. Reporting in Studium und Lehre.
Thomas Hoffmeister & Christian We?els: Datengestützte Qualit?ts- und Studiengangentwicklung an der Universit?t Bremen. Qualit?t in der Wissenschaft (QiW), Ausgabe 2+3/2018, pp 63-68.
Christian We?els: Prognose des Studienerfolgs von Bachelorstudierenden. Qualit?t in der Wissenschaft (QiW), Ausgabe 4/2018, pp 86-92.