Iris Stahlke

Short Bio
I habilitated in 2018 at the University of Bremen in Faculty 11 with the Venia Legendi "Psychology". I also completed my dissertation in psychology at the University of Bremen (2000). I have been working as a lecturer for the subjects of social psychology, work and organizational psychology and business psychology since September 2010. I have been a member of the Department of Health and Society in Public Health in Faculty 11 since 2022, where I conduct research in an interdisciplinary context on the experiences of women affected by violence.
PD Dr. Iris Stahlke
Grazer Stra?e 2, R.0060
28359 Bremen
Office hours: by arrangement
istahlke (at)
phone: +49 421 218 68775
Fachbereich 11 Website:
ORCID: 0000-0001-9110-876X
Work Focus
Social, occupational and organizational psychology teaching with a psychodynamic focus describes the teaching and research approach I prefer, combined with qualitative, in-depth hermeneutic research methods. The theoretical examination of socio-psychological, work and organizational psychology as well as business psychology teaching and research topics such as crisis situations and violence in social (interaction) spaces forms the basis of my teaching and research profile.
Key Publications
- Schmidt-Semisch, H.; Stahlke, I.; Rubscheit, S.; Schnepf, F.; Jochem, G., (2024): Das Bremer Hilfesystem für gewaltbetroffene Frauen. Eine qualitative Erhebung der Betroffenenperspektive, in: Pr?vention und Gesundheitsf?rderung 19, S.198-205, Download PDF
- Stahlke, I. (2023). Psychosoziale Prozessbegleitung In: Betrifft M?dchen, Ausgabe 2, Jahr 2023, Seite 52 - 61; Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, BEM - Grunds?tze und Ziele von Psychosozialer Prozessbegleitung
- Stahlke, I. (2022). H?usliche Gewalt - Forschungsstand. In: A. Behrmann, K. Riekenbrauk, I. Stahlke & G. Temme (Hrsg.), Handbuch Psychosoziale Prozessbegleitung (S. 695-718). Opladen: Budrich, doi:10.26092/elib/2438
- Stahlke, I. (2022). Emotionaler Missbrauch in der Jugend: Erscheinungsformen, Auswirkungen, Interventionen In: Nieders?chsisches Ministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit und Gleichstellung / Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Jugendsozialarbeit in Niedersachsen, 2022/03 Artikel aus dem Themenheft Emotionaler_Missbrauch