By hosting the first MindDay, researchers Dr. Udo Ernst, Prof. Dr. Olivia Masseck and Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz of the University of Bremen wanted to raise awareness for the neuroscientific research and its relevance for society. Covered topics were depression, anxiety disorders, dementia, Alzheimer¡¯s disease, Parkinson¡¯s disease, visual impairments, speech communication and robotics in daily life. Without the conducted basic research, the development of new medicine or assistance systems for day-to-day life would not be possible.
Next to short comprehensible lectures on the beforementioned topics, guided hands-on activities were also offered. Additionally, four self-groups added to the event, by setting up informative stands. The opportunity to have a dialog between interested and affected people is a very important part of the MindDay, as helping and understanding the affected better are the reasons and motivations for neuroscientific research.
The MindDay is planned to be a yearly constant fixture for informing the public on neuroscientific topic as well as to increase public awareness of all the different neurological disorders.