bremer shakespeare company
WHY do the actors of the bremer shakespeare company read old files?
HERE’S WHY: All the world’s a stage – everyone plays a part. All the dramas and destinies of people can be portrayed on stage. We, the actors, give these roles voice, imagination, and emotion. We lead the audience into unfamiliar worlds of human stories. Countless records slumber in archives that are rarely made accessible to the public. These historical files and documents are brought to life through our voices in staged readings in the “From the Files to the Stage” project.
WHY is a piece of the University of Bremen in the bremer shakespeare company?
HERE’S WHY: Students of the University of Bremen seek out and research these old files to find the traces that history has left behind. In this way, university historical research becomes visible outside the university and history is transformed into comprehensible, empathetic stories of people.