Information Surrounding Examinations
The PABO login for students works from 01. December 2020 the same way as the MOIN, StudIP and ZfN login.
The PIN/TAN procedure to confirm the desired exam registration or deregistration has been abolished.
You can find further informations here.
The PABO login for students works from 01. December 2020 the same way as the MOIN, StudIP and ZfN login.
- + password
(only the part before "@" is relevant for the login)
All students have received their activation data for their university e-mail account at the e-mail address they provided during the application process.
In order to be able to use all the services offered by the University of Bremen, the account needs to be activated using these data via the following website:
If you are not able to log in, please consult the homepage of the Zentrum für Netze (ZfN): /zfn/ihr-uni-account/uni-account-beantragen
The regular period for registering to take exams in the winter semester usually begins on December 10 and ends on January 10 of the following year. When registering to take exams in the summer semester, the usual registration period is from June 10 until June 30.
Please also note that different deadlines may be listed in the examination schedules!
The examination schedules are published on the pages of the respective program.
First State Law Examination
Unless otherwise stated in the examination schedule, the period for registering and deregistering runs from December 10 to January 10 of the following year.
Possible changes to deadlines for registration and deregistration of examinations for the respective semester will be announced on the respective program page.
Please take note that you can only register for an exam within the periods stated above. Thereafter, deregistration from an examination is only possible within the withdrawal period. If you do not cancel your registration within the stated period, the examination procedure will be deemed to have been opened and in the case of no-shows will be recorded with 0 points “Default”.
Depending on the degree program, different regulations apply.
Bachelor's and master's degree programs
If you do not pass an exam or fail to appear after registering, you have four semesters in which you can retake the exam in question. The number of examination attempts is not relevant; only the period of four consecutive semesters applies.
You are free to decide by yourself how often you want to retake the exam within the four-semester period. As a rule, an exam is offered once per semester.
PABO contains information on retaking exams. If you still have not passed the exam in question after the retake period has expired, the exam will be deemed to be definitively failed, in which case you cannot continue with your studies.
Please note, furthermore, that a registration on PABO is necessary for every examination attempt; there is no automatic registration (exceptions: Master of Education MPO 2008 / AT 2005).
First State Law Examination - intermediate exam
Pursuant to Section 21 (2) of the Examination Regulations for law studies leading to the First State Law Examination in the Faculty of Law at the University of Bremen, students who do not pass an exam or failed to appear for the exam or were unable to take it owing to a recognized period of illness will be automatically registered by the Faculty administration to sit for the examination on the next possible date. Two retake attempts are possible.
First State Law Examination - Main Studies / Specialization Studies
With the exception of the final thesis, there are no limits on the number of times you can retake an examination in main and specialization subjects. Please note that you have to register to retake an exam yourself.
In order to unsubscribe from a registered exam owing to illness, you must submit a certificate of incapacity for work together with the “notice of sickness” form to the ZPA within three days of the examination taking place. You can either send the two documents to us by surface mail or drop them into our letterbox.
The “Notice of sickness” form can be found here.
You will receive a confirmation e-mail from us confirming your completed registration for an exam. This e-mail will be sent to the email address recoded by the University of Bremen when enrolling.
We remind you to check the inbox of this email address at regular intervals and recommend that, if applicable, you redirect mails sent to this address to your primary email address.
If you change your e-mail address, you must inform the Office for Student Affairs without delay.
If you change to another degree program, you can continue to use your existing PIN and TAN. This also applies if you take up a master's program at the University of Bremen after completing a bachelor's degree.
It is not necessary for you to re-obtain these documents, even though you might receive such a message as part of the general information sent to students.
To register for an exam, select the exam in the respective list. Then select the date on which you want to take the exam. By clicking on “register”, the application is filed in the examinations basket and, if applicable, you can proceed to register for further examinations.
By clicking on the “register” button in the examinations basket, you have made your selection. However, you then have the option either to remove a selected exam from the examination basket or to confirm the selection and thus to make your registration for the selected examination binding.
If you later want to unsubscribe from a registered examination, you do so via the button “unsubscribe”. You will subsequently be sent an e-mail in confirmation of the registered or deregistered exam(s).
Changes of address are to be reported to the to the immatriculation office (inside the administration building)
At the University of Bremen, enrollment in accordance with § 13 of the Bachelor's and Master's Examination Regulations General Part is a mandatory requirement for admission to an examination. Further admission requirements (e.g. for Bachelor's and Master's theses) can be found in the subject-specific examination regulations for your field of study.
Explanation of the examination result classification "Assessment pending":
- It is set by the AG PABO and also decentralized examination offices if an assessment for an examination registration was not recorded in time by the person responsible for the module and a subsequent registration is prevented as a result.
- The examination result classification is set on 16.11. for open registrations from the previous summer semester and on 16.05. for open registrations from the previous winter semester.
- It does not replace the entry of the correct examination result, as it is only a provisional entry.
- The module supervisors are responsible for entering the correct examination result. This is then done via a written grade correction sent to the responsible examination office.
Further information can be found in our information A – Z